MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What was the underlying crime?

What was the underlying crime?

All of the charges were misdemeanors on which the statute of limitations had run out. But they could bring the charges if there was an "underlying crime" which would turn those misdemeanors into felonies.

What was the underlying crime?


Legal Eagle published this explainer today:

I found it helpful, hope it helps you make sense of it.


Trump was not convicted of a hush money pymt. The hush money was, in effect & intent, a campaign expense to avoid highly unflattering news about his tryst w/ Daniels in the month before election. That motive was established at trial. The crime was not reporting the campaign expense, along w/ a conspiracy in support to cover it up w/ fraudulent documents & instruments of pymt.

The pretense that a crime had not been committed is belied by the elaborate scheme to evade detection. Trump wasn't moaniog about Cohen being sentenced to 3 years for basically the same crime - was he ?


Bullshit! This was looked at by the FEC and the DOJ 8 years ago and both federal agencies said, "there's nothing here." It's no coincidence that within 2 weeks of Trump announcing his plan to run for POTUS again that these dead charges were suddenly resurrected. And Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who campaigned for his office on the promise to get Trump, has no jurisdiction over this alleged crime. And then there's this:


its not bullshit. those were the laws broken, that was the case, those were the convictions. you're pretending the real world isn't real. now THAT is some bullshit.


When Trump was campaigning in 2016 he promised that he would put Hillary in jail. So if why is that okay with you if Trump does that but It's wrong for Bragg to campaign on locking up Trump? Keep posting your stupidity because it's entertaining to read. You are a stupid hypocrite.


He didn't promise that, he echoed what others chanted.

Technically, he didn't make such promise. If he did, she would have at least been served with an indictment.


I offer you three links that show Trump saying he would lockup Hillary. See how that works? Why can't you show proof of your claims? I think I lost an IQ point or two dealing with your stupidity.

From the last link there is this where Trump said...

So, crooked Hillary, wait, crooked -- you should lock her up, I'll tell you. Crooked Hillary spent three or four times more. So, I want to be a little bit. You know, I have to say that was a great campaign and I don't want to change it. I don't want to have this incredible 2016, then go with something, and if something ever happened, oh, this country will go to hell.

You supporting a 34 times convicted ex-president doesn't make any sense.


You provided links of him echoing what "they" started chanting in 2016.


Stop it. It's been proven that Trump said he would lockup Hillary. I sent you links where Trump said this outside of his rallies. So are stupid and blind? I think so.


Proven by anti-Trump propaganda? ... lmao


Yeah... Videos of Trump saying he would lockup Hillary is anti-Trump propaganda. Keep doubling down on stupid.


Of Trump echoing the crowds.

If that was one his "own" plans, she would have been served with an indictment.

Your anti-Trump propaganda doesn't make that distinction. It's conflating them.


I know you're slow so let's try again.

You claim that videos of Trump saying he would lockup Hillary is anti-Trump propaganda. Why do you refuse to see that Trump actually said those things? Keep tripling down on stupid, Goober.


I remember when he said it in a debate. My husband was watching it, and I almost got whiplash when Trump said that he'd put Hillary behind bars if he were elected. "He just got my vote!" I said. And, it turned out, he only said it *to* get people's votes. "That was only something that sounded good on the campaign trail," he once said when people were chanting, "Lock her up!"

He said enough between that promise and Election Day that I went back to my original plan of writing in Ted Cruz -- who wasn't who he pretended to be, either. Politicians -- if you're paying attention, they will always break your heart.


"Technically, he didn't make such a promise."

I agree. I think that was just some of the hot air he's known for, to fire up his crowds and to intimidate Clinton. What he actually did when in office, was to pardon this Democrat former governor of Illinois who had spent 8 years in prison on various corruption charges. And now this guy is actually exhorting his "fellow Democrats" to vote for Trump. The twists and turns just keep coming in this election cycle.


Who cares. He's guilty. I could care less what the crime is, even if he stole from a vending machine.

But the underlying crime , which I'm sure you are aware of , is bribery.

Is this your chief rhetorical tactic to win arguments? Playing stupid?

Pretending you don't know things?


2 weeks later and no one still knows.



Apparently the first crime was to hide a second crime and that makes it felony.
Still no one can tell me what either of them are in simple english.
