Libturds Can't Silence Her
And they be SO triggered!!!!
shareBeing a billionaire has it's advantages.
Banks can't confiscate her money?
shareWhat has Rowling done that would give anyone in authority reason to confiscate her money?
shareHer Transgender Views.
shareHow does she risk losing anything over her views on transgender persons?
shareBanks can confiscate her money.
shareThere has to be a legal reason for a bank to confiscate money. I don't think "offended by her speech" is one of them.
What else you got?
You underestimate the government.
shareWhich government and which government officials are going to accomplish that? Can you spare me a clue? I think you cannot.
shareGovernment as in the organization with lawmakers/law enforcement/courts/armed forces/taxation/prisons etc.
shareJust as I thought, you are clueless.
So is one of them going to go rogue and take her money? Or will they use any certain law to do so? Which law would they use to justify confiscating anything she has?
I think this is all in your imagination.
I imagine government lawmaking/law enforcement/courts/armed forces/taxation/prisons etc?
shareI know what you're imagining. But what can actually happen when she says something that law enforcement does not agree with?
People like Trump are a huge fan of taking property without due process, but it does not actually happen except in some cases of civil forfeiture. In the USA for example, when the police or TSA see money of yours that they want, they might just take it. Then you have to go to court to get it back, maybe.
Does it work that way in the UK? Can the police just show up at Rowling's house, be offended by something she said, then take her stuff? It seems that this is what you are imagining.
Instead of your imagination, can you provide an example of a law that allows this?
Johnny must be from the UK.
share"Being a billionaire has it's advantages."
you're really upset JKR has money arnt you!
you started that whole nonsense about poor people get put in jail for having an opinion on trannies cos they cant afford legal bills
What are you talking about Willis?
I'm in favour of people being able to call out people with a mental illness.
Please do try to keep up.
What did she say or do that triggered libturds this time?
She believes actual women have rights that shouldn't be violated by men pretending to be women. It makes woke heads explode.
shareOh no!
Not that!
Don't ya know that men thinking they are women matter more than the fweewings and rights of actual 100% women?
Yeah, it's insane they want to cancel the sane who are the real and actual woke ones while those who care more about tranny fweewings over women's rights are asleep.
… and she can’t silence trans activists, and trans activists can’t silence right wing protesters, and right wing protesters can’t silence BLM protesters, and…
and aren’t you sick to fucking death of all this nonsense squabbling?
have you noticed that some of those groups are a lot more vocal than others , and usually the noise they are making is complaining about some imagined noise the others are makng .
Take this thread for example
A load of right wingers yelling about "libturds" because they have imagined that libturds are making a lot of noise / effort to silence JKR
How many posts in this thread (or anywhere else) are from said libturds attacking JKR?
The imagined boogeyman of a lidturd who is fighting for tranny rights to sleep in your kids bed and compete in womens sports just doesent exist.
J.K. Rowling was always a big lefty, acting like she's some MAGA dame is hilarious. From what I gather the only thing that remotely aligns her with the right is her anti-trans stance.
She was against Brexit, she was in favor of refugees, she is pro-abortion, she has endorsed Labor in the UK (the more left leaning of the two major political parties), she championed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and she has likened Donald Trump to Voldemort.
Her anti-trans stance is bore from the fact she doesn't accept MTF transexuals as 'real women' (which is fair enough) and due to her strong feminist leanings. She fears for women's safety and is in favor of their protection from men.
she stated that her views on women's rights were informed by her experience as a survivor of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
While affirming that "the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others, but are vulnerable ... Trans people need and deserve protection", she believed that it would be unsafe to allow "any man who believes or feels he's a woman" into bathrooms or changing rooms.
Writing of her own experiences with sexism and misogyny, she wondered if the "allure of escaping womanhood" would have led her to transition if she had been born later, and said that trans activism was "seeking to erode 'woman' as a political and biological class"
I guess I should be glad that I can agree with her on at least one issue.
No has ever thought JK Rowling was a "maga" because she isn't even American, sheesh.
We just laugh at her because it's the left eating itself.
That's exactly why I don't feel sorry for her, even though her critics regarding that particular issue are dead wrong.
shareThey call her a TERF. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
sharethere is a difference between being a liberal, and believing that there are 15 genders..