I must have selective blocking memory - I do practice that to free up mental space for creativity (hey, it works for me) as trying to recall movies I have watched that were not good, is failing. I've forgotten them so hard aleady.
I did see TWISTERS but it is a summer blockbuster so it mostly gets a pass... even though I felt the cardboard characters were very forgettable compared to the original - the original, I was interested in their personal drama, why they did what they did, and where THEY were headed in the tornado environment PERSONALLY. This new movie, which mostly seemed to clone the premise of the original... hell, I don't even remember the motivations of the leads. the girl losts some friends in the ACTION PACKED intro... some people we didn't know at all or care about, as I was too busy trying to keep up check marking diversity boxes on my paper check list... the Glen guy acted like a snake, but was decent in the end? I don't even recall the point to his existence, just plodding a character through some hero paces....
I watched DREAM SCENARIO with interest from the concept in the trailer, only to feel like it should have been a 30 minute episode, or just another Black Mirror.
just watched CADDO LAKE - see? just watched it and totally forgot I watched it. Yet another weak character twilight zone type movie that was too long, just not that good. had they learned character develpment, it would have been interesting, but I don't even recall much about the lead guy. forgettable. forgotten already. could have been a 30 minute twilight zone also.
looking at list of movies... saw 65... yeah no, nothing to even say there. dull forgettable
a bunch of other lil movies I watched, skimmed and forgot.
Effects are GREAT now days. Perfection mostly. Those are fine, and they should start focusing on characters or WHY we want to watch, and STORY where those characters will go. Because great effects are not a movie.