MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Will There Ever Come A Point Where The M...

Will There Ever Come A Point Where The Movie Theatre Simply Disappears

In favor of movies going straight to Streaming like Apple or NETFLIX so they can continue to make movies that are 4 hours long and meant to be viewed at home as opposed to the movie theatre?? I mean, you saw what happened with the movie theatre after the Pandemic?? It was all but impossible to get people to go back after the media did a number on scaring people over Covid?? Now I understand Barbie saved the box office this past summer, but will it always be like that to warrant them staying in business and with the strike, this also doesn't help??


I predict that in the longer term, theatrical exhibition will become a niche interest. There'll still be cinemas. But smaller ones of the art house / revival type for specialist audiences who still cherish that experience.

The era of the multiplex -- only being kept alive currently by mega-budget mega-hits such as the aforementioned Barbie -- is probably drawing to a close.


agreed. kind of like how overpriced "Malls" are being demolished: had a great run, but online and other brick and morter make more sense.

I'm hoping SOME large theaters still remain and price tickets high enough that lazy, noisy, slobby, riffraff won't bother taking their screaming kids and cell phones into them.


Yes. The pandemic appears to have changed behaviour patterns, but it's only catalysed a process that was inevitable anyway due to the state of technology. Everything has its time.

There's no putting that genie back in the bottle. Audiences will nowadays only turn out for mega-budget blockbusters and watch just about everything else in their own homes. And it doesn't take that many of those mega-budget blockbusters to fail for the whole thing to be in jeopardy, as we're currently witnessing with Disney. So, ultimately, that business model is doomed.

But there'll still be cinemas.


Alamo Drafthouse is good for this rule about cellphones and talking because they have no problem ejecting you if you don't follow this


This. I'm pretty sure that in the near future, theaters will mostly be limited to revival and art house cinemas. I don't see multiplexes being around much longer.


They'll reduce and become like movie stores. They'll be around but not as prevalent as they are today.

BTW, going to a movie store still rocks.




Here in St.Louis, they have V-STOCK that sells thousands of Blu Ray/DVD movies along with every PlayStation Console you can think of and XBOX too


I got a place called Cheapo disc that has music, movies, etc... it's awesome. If I'm down in St. Louis, zill check V-stock out.


V-STOCK is the Perfect job for a College Student if they love videogames and movies, plus, the Hours are only 11-8 every day


Except for noisy patrons I much prefer seeing a film at the theater than on a TV.


Yes. With one or 2 exceptions, a lot of the big name directors are going to streaming nowadays.

Sure they'll get their limited theatrical releases but they're basically making movies for streaming services now.

Cause Studios are NOT willing to give a director like 100 to 200 million to just go & make a movie, not anymore.

Studios nowadays are mostly interested in making big movies. Not passion projects or anything like that.

I just made a post about how studios are like oversaturating the market with blockbuster & killing the appeal of said blockbusters


No. People will always want to have the experience of going to a theater, even if Hollyweird dies off. Chances are, someday we'll have movie theaters exclusively for watching old films so we can share the experience with friends, family, and a new generation.


I doubt that. Quite a few people are still willing to go the theater. Movies like Maverick and Oppenheimer have showed that.

When they make movies people want to see, they'll show up.


I can give you a home theater experience that embarrasses any movie theater, and not be sitting among assholes. My clients are shocked by how much better home theater sound can be than what they get in their half-assed movie theater. The movie theater will have to transform into a boutique experience, with THX-certified sound re-certified weekly and in-seat food and alcohol service.


I hope not, but we'll see. I think you might see theaters cut back on their hours during the week and then open on the weekends.


Probably. I think they have to make it more of a social thing like a club. There has to be some reason why people would leave their homes to pay a silly amount of money to watch a film around strangers.

There was a cinema in Melbourne, Australia that would show The Blues Brothers every week, people would dress up like the characters, dance in the aisles, stand up on the stage in front of the screen and play out the scenes etc.
