The King of MovieChat seems to be MIA, I noticed he hasn’t posted in a week. Seems out of character for him, considering he’s usually a constant here, even when he’s on one of his regular international adventures.
I hope he returns soon, the forum isn’t the same without him.
Sometimes. But most of the regulars on this website are.
And I appreciated that his threads often had substance even though I don't usually disagree with them. He seemed to like talking about movies anyways.
What's also sad is the constant bitching about the Mods protecting so and so.
We do not favour anybody here.
We uphold free speech as much as possible within the guidelines given to us by the site's owner. That means not siding with any opinion or person and even allowing opinions that even we do not agree with and believe me, there have been many posts that I would have loved to have deleted but that's not what an impartial Moderator's job is.
We are never going to please everybody and we rarely do.
The internet is full of other sites that will censor you and your views, so if you do not like free speech, please feel free to make use of them. Nobody is forced to be here.
"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It" - Evelyn Beatrice Hall
As I said, to uphold free speech as much as possible with a mostly hands-off approach. That's what we were tasked with and despite what many think, it isn't a job that anybody can do because too many people will attach their own opinions or prejudices to something instead of being impartial.
What we don't tolerate is anything illegal, spamming, targeted harassment, pornography etc.
As they say, 'opinions are like assholes - everyone has one' and we do not take sides, though sometimes we have to distinguish between an opinion with reasoned thought behind it (whether you agree with or or not) and something that was outright or blatantly hurtful to another.
Let me ask you 3 questions.
1. How would you feel if you were constantly censored just because someone didn't agree with you or didn't want others to consider or debate your point of view?
2. What if you are in the wrong when censoring people (perfect example is the truth now coming out about the damage and deaths being caused by the MRNA vaccines where the people who were warning to be wary were censored)?
3. Are you sure the people enforcing censorship are the good guys?
Most people can already self censor or tell people when they think they are wrong.
While that all seems perfectly reasonable, it doesn’t ring true to me in the specific case of Ticketsplease. I have never personally advocated for his opinions to be censored even though I strongly disagree with the majority of them. I have, however, challenged him on these opinions one-on-one and these replies have been regularly deleted by moderators, as have other users. If “free speech is free speech” does this not also extend to the right of reply?
I think you guys do a good job that can’t be easy, and I thank you for your time in keeping this forum that I mostly enjoy using ticking along, but SURELY you can appreciate how many people see there is an unfair bias towards that particular user.
I know I have been guilty of letting that situation get under my skin and have made inappropriate insinuations when my frustration got the better of me, and I’m sorry for that. I’ve also turned over a new leaf and decided it’s just not worth responding to a user who I think is a dark and malignant scourge here. I just hope he doesn’t start insinuating that all forum moderators are pedophiles, I wouldn’t want you guys to experience that situation because believe me it isn’t pleasant, and it’s less pleasant when you call the bullshit out and then your reply is wiped, making you feel like your own “free speech” is being denied.
We only deal with posts that get reported to us and if I see Mod 5 has already dealt with it (i.e. it is greyed out in the inbox) then I see no need to look at it again as I assume it has been dealt with appropriately and I presume the same goes for Mod 5 when they see I have read any reports in the inbox.
We get many arguments where both are insulting each other yet one complains against the other.
An ignore feature was added to the site which people can make use of if they don't like a particular poster.
My advice to all would be that if anyone gets into a spat with another member, to think twice in their reply before posting in case someone reports your post. There are ways of saying the same thing using a more reasoned approach.
"An ignore feature was added to the site which people can make use of if they don't like a particular poster."
I wish someone would fix that. Ignoring a user should only ignore that user's posts, but instead it wipes out the entire branch of the thread in which the ignored user has posted, which includes posts from people who you don't have on ignore. The ignore function worked correctly on the old IMDb forums. It simply replaced posts from ignored users with a blanked out "post ignored" placeholder post, and didn't affect any other posts.
Furthermore, if you ignore a spammer who mostly fills up the front page with new threads, the front page will go mostly blank for you, rather than refilling with threads from non-ignored users.
It honestly doesn't ring true to me as a newer user on this site. I've seen some one-sided moderating myself, and I mean, there's still a record of someone writing "drop dead" every single day for four months in a particular thread, on a particular page. Despite reporting.
Yeah, sure I could ignore it. But it's disappointing to know that that sort of spam is acceptable. Especially because it doesn't influence the trending bar, even after blocking the user.
Please point me to that "drop dead" thread, if you recall it. We retain reports going back 12 months and I only see four from you - three of which resulted in the reported post being removed.
"Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can't vent any anger against them; I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence." Charles Bukowski
“Prohibited content: Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization“ - MovieChat
"What's also sad is the constant bitching about the Mods protecting so and so."
People standing up to trolls and calling them out is often treated as "targeted harassment" which definitely isn't free speech. Those shitheads are dragging this site down and making it an embarrassment.
They also hate being called out and embarrassed for their pathetic behavior, otherwise they wouldn't report posts in the hopes they get deleted...
All I'm saying is that if trolls are allowed to operate here with impunity under the guise of free speech, then you shouldn't be surprised when people have something to say about it and labeling that as targeted harassment is a total cop out.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, most the valued contributors to this forum who have recently left did so because their postings were deleted. I’m guessing their posts were deemed “harassment” by the mods.
But of course, these trolls who post inflammatory subjects that are only aimed at dividing this community are not harassing anyone.
To add to this as well as echo previous points, the moderators have advised here in this topic and previous posts that users simply block whomever they find offensive enough to warrant so and move on.
Why, then, is this same advice not issued to the trolls who suddenly feel shame and remorse for being called out on their repeatedly awful board conduct that they insist on maintaining? Why not tell the person courting attention through contentious, divisive and disingenuous posts to block the responses of any user who tips over his poorly constructed house of cards with a flick of a finger? The door does not seem to swing both ways on this issue.
I have hunch why. It extends beyond what has been previously discussed, so I will let that thought marinate for a while so people can come up with their own explanations.
Why, then, is this same advice not issued to the trolls who suddenly feel shame and remorse for being called out on their repeatedly awful board conduct that they insist on maintaining? Why not tell the person courting attention through contentious, divisive and disingenuous posts to block the responses of any user who tips over his poorly constructed house of cards with a flick of a finger? The door does not seem to swing both ways on this issue.
Yep. That's actually precisely why I considered leaving this site a few months ago. Because I saw that in action.
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