exactly the same as when someone says cunt or your moms a whore, or whatever words I personally deem offensive. Even the dictionary defines them as offensive. It's not just me, more of a global known and defined thing. I find the n word offensive as a white guy since it WAS used (no longer is) as a degroatory remark at black people. when I hear black people call each other that, it offends me. I KNOW they do not mean "my loving dark skinned bretheren" in a positive light when it is used. it is used, sometimes even comically, as a negative - repressing themselves. and you are welcome to spin that however you like but it is true.
This is similar to how women call each other a bitch. Everyone knows calling a woman a bitch means deragatory, in that she is cranky and hard to please or get along with. EVERONE knows this. It used to be, well, still actually is, BAD to be called a bitch, yet women have adopted (empowered??) it and call each other their bitch "for fun" or "in light" yet it still retains its negative definition. This is neither good, nor healthy.
Lets observe actual definitions of words: [copied strait from the sources]
2a informal + often OFFENSIVE : a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman
b informal + OFFENSIVE — used as a generalized term of abuse and disparagement for a woman
a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.
These are offensive words, and should never be used by anyone. Or ANY race. I'm simply following the text book definitions, as defined by society, per their proper position in language.