MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are incels and also are they necess...

What are incels and also are they necessarily bad people?




I didn't know what I was getting into when talking to a few of them, including one here on MC. They keep saying the same things, like "women are queens, you can't do anything to please them, women are evil and lead you on, yada yada yada."

The truth is, incels are alone a lot of the time because they aren't really all that nice to be around. But they won't admit to it, and blame the girls they attempted to date instead. Honestly, they are some of the saddest creatures I have ever run into.


Did you seriously try to date some dude on MC?
That’s wild, how did I not read this?!?


No, Shogun, there's a huge difference between talking to someone online and trying to be nice, and dating them. I never met this loser in person, I never knew their real name or their address, have no idea what they looked like, and we never went out on a date. Please read more carefully.

The phrase "pearls before swine" came to mind when I tried being nice. All the pigs could do was keep on whining and totally ignore what I was saying. To be honest, all they want to do is hear the sound of their own voices.


Wow, that made no sense,
this is not a dating Site you silly goose…You seem pretty nuts, go on, share all of it, nobody is listening


Yes, my poor, darling Shogun of dickwads, I rarely make sense to people with such low IQ's as yourself. I'm starting to remember why I put you on ignore a few years ago. You're a waste of time and space. Go ahead with your own delusions. My mistake for giving you a second chance. Nobody with brains is listening to you either, ass-wipe.


I think she likes you.


All the Ladies love me, some of them just do that silly girl ‘hard to get ‘ thing … This one is clearly smitten , I hope it’s not another dude again😎


There have been rumours.


Only half of those rumors are true, I started most of them🤓


I meant the poster being a dude.


Oh hell, I can’t nor will I bother to keep track of all the socks and trolls here anymore!

We seem to have about a dozen actual humans on GD these days…strike up the band, the ship is taking on water, let’s give them all a fine tune to drown to😉


I find that there’s an ever increasing number of posters that I have no wish to engage. It all seems like too much hard work.


Same here Pal, but we will always outlast the constant troll onslaughts, that’s sort of become our thing

A bit early but cheers🥃🥃
Happy Easter Amigo


Don’t forget, I’m in Cyprus for three weeks (all inclusive); day 1 beer, day two wine, day three cocktails and repeat. Today is a beer day - I’ve lost count, Sliánte! 🍻

[EDIT] It’s just gone 4pm here.


Oh, right, the ‘time-zone’ thing, I forgot about that…but any time we aren’t driving or working is a fine time for drinks!


I have this sign in The Kingshed: -


I like that sign, I’m a fan of old retro signage👍
I’d say that we’ve hijacked this thread totally by accident Bro, I don’t think anyone ever did this before

This deserves a drink🍺🍺


Absolutely 🍻

Another sign in the Kingshed: -
HONGXIN Guinness Brewed In Dublin...



are you single?


This seems guaranteed 👍


From what I know I wouldn't necessarily say they are bad people. But the Internet has a way of making people say things that they would never say to another person in real life. They may not even believe what they are saying, but because they get a positive reaction from it it just encourages everyone to be more and more extreme.

Personally, I don't care what people look like - I care about the person you are. You could be drop dead gorgeous, but if you're an arsehole you can keep on walking! Us ladies care more about being on the same level as a man (or lady) than how someone looks.

I just wish this would filter down to these "incels" so that they realise we are all just looking for someone to connect with 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also, whilst it may be illegal in alot of places, there are always professionals who are willing to help out. There's no need to actually be celibate. I feel it's more of a "being ignored/overlooked" issue rather than a sex thing tbh.


So basically, not completely bad but rather quite flawed, no worries, thanks. :)


SOCIETY is flawed.
We've gone from "working to impress" to "fast food swipe dating".... what other end result did we expect? things are now fucked up. The good part is, not ALL people are like that and you WILL FIND a mate if you really want to.


So does anybody in here want to answer this one simple question - Are they BAD?


That's like asking are people bad?

Incel just stands for involuntary celibate. They can be male or female. In my opinion most of them are not bad people at all. The ones who blame the other sex, and unfortunately the ones who seem to be the loudest are some of the men, and there are those who have hurt/killed other people and used being an Incel as the reason. So, even then, are they bad people? Maybe. Maybe they are just deeply disturbed. Maybe they still would have snapped and killed people for another reason.

The internet makes it really easy to find people who feel the same as you, so if you a man who is angry at women for not dating, or having sex with you, you have a community right at your finger tips. It's been proven that no matter what the ideology, or cause, when you put like minded people in the same room and leave them alone, they become more extreme. So, take that as you will. As for whether they are "bad", that's very black and white. It's not a black and white situation.


Of course they are not all bad, a lonely person is just that, they might seek a mate but they are just continuously striking out, we all know guys and girls like this…maybe they are a bit socially awkward or have some learning disabilities, or whatever…I really don’t care for the constant ostracizing of lonely people, they are not all heavily armed lunatics, some really decent people are just very shy and they can’t score a girlfriend or boyfriend
No need to laugh at them, it’s a real misery to not have a nice Lady (or Guy) by your side

Not every ‘incel’ (I hate that term, it’s too simplistic) loads up a shotgun or M-16 and goes to their job with ill intent, that’s just movie script stuff and newspaper headlines

I’d bet good money that there are dating apps available for really lonely people that want to find a comparable partner…We are sociable animals, we naturally want to build a pack, there are ways to find a lover and a sexy mate
