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How many 'anti-vaxxers' are just people who are afraid of needles?

It's a rational fear, for sure. No one likes being stabbed with a tiny metal spike.

But how many people who claim to not believe in vaccines are just saying so because they have a phobia of needles?


All of them. Cheese eating needle flinchers !


What gets me is a lot of Anti Vaxxers are covered in tattoos and put various other substances in their bodies for recreation. So why the fear over a medication?


because it is more exciting to support some fake cause or big conspiracy, than doing the right thing


Seems to be the case.


Perhaps they are people who believe that the response to Covid-19 has been an incredibly disruptive and ruinously expensive over-reaction.


I think there has been some over reactions and blunders for sure. I think you are Australian. We have had less deaths here than in other countries. I think they should have kept our borders secure as letting people in just allowed Delta in. We were looking ok before that.


Yes well either you have total quarantine or you don't have a quarantine. There is no in between. Personally I think they should have just let it rip world wide. It's not as if the human race couldn't do with culling and even just 1% is better than nothing.


Don't you realise why they didn't let it rip? Because they can also get it; prime ministers can get covid, presidents can get covid, billionaires, hollywood actors, nba/nfl athletes, etc. And old people get it worse too!

If only there was a way to shield them, to make them not infected, and only peasants can get covid... they'll surely let it rrrrrrrrrrrrip!


I think overwhelming the health care system is what really causes society to try and curb the pandemic.


I think this is definitely a lesson for the perils of overcrowding and senseless mass breeding. The rules and guidelines have also been changed so many times it has become meaningless now.


Even if I had to pay the full regular (non pandemic) price myself for the three Pfizer shots of about $150 to $175 per shot I would still be better off than losing one full day of work because of Covid. Given that I donโ€™t have to pay anything at all makes the deal even better.


you get $450 a day?


^^^ This.


Those are not people I would suggest are anti vaxx because they are afraid of needles.


I can see the pointy end of your argument.


Getting injected is not even remotely the same as getting a tattoo. That is ludicrous to think that. A tattoo is like a scratch over the skin. I have got loads, nothing like an injection.

Also how much of a complete generalization do you want to get. How do you know ( the answer is you don't and so lump everyone in together) that people who don't want to get the covid vax have not had other vaxes. Again the answer is you don't. You just want to label them an anti vaxxer because you think it is good or want to virtue signal. It isn't. Doesn't help anyone.

The very fact that someone doesn't want to get it should be the end of the conversation. It is nobodies business other than that person and there doctor.

So why the fear over a medication?

Another generalization based on no evidence. How do you know it is fear. Again you don't. Everyone is different. They may have genuine concerns. They may have been told by there doctor that it isn't wise to get it just yet.

Lets play a hyperthetical. What happens in 10 years or 20 years that they find out that it had side effects that were not detected at the time which have led to certain ailments. There fears as you say would have been true. We just don't know. We don't know what tomorrow brings.

If i walk passed someone. There vaccination status isn't even in the top 100 things i'll be thinking about that day.

Finally not wanting the vax doesn't make you anti-vax no matter how much you want it to.


I wish the 13 dead people I know from my circles had the opportunity to discover 10 to 20 years later there is a side effect. Now they'll never know.

This whole issues affects NO ONE ELSE, unless they have lost loved ones.


Very true. I always laugh a bit when I hear these Anti Vaxxers saying they will just risk it etc I bet if they got it they would be screaming out for help and wanting Doctor's and Nurses to put themselves at risk to care for them.


Do you know anything about tattoo inks?


Yeh I have about 50 and so has my wife and again it isn't the same as an injection. The tattoo needle breaks the top layer or 2 of skin feels like a needle scratching over it.

Nice way to be condescneding to someone you don't know. Good job


You didn't answer the question. Do you know anything about tattoo ink?


Yes i do actually. Tattoo ink is made from iron oxides, metal salts, or plastics.

The needle goes about 1 to 2mm into a layer of skin called the dermis (like i said feels like a needle scratching your skin) so again not like an injection needle which goes into your blood stream. Tattoos don't go into your blood stream , they don't eneter your body in anay way like an injection.

Again just because you get a tattoo doesn't mean you still can;t be afraid of needles or don't want to get an injection. The 2 are not the same thing. They are not even the same sort of needles for starters. Tattoo needles vary in shape and diameter for thinner and thicker lines, some so thin they can cut on contact and are rarely used to be honest.

What was your point or didn't you have one as I think you just disproved your point.


So you know there's some nasty shit in tattoo ink?


There isn't anything nasty in tattoo ink. Nice try though in trying to bend this to fit your pointless argument.

But keep going making yourself look foolish


LOL you are a foolish one indeed.


Ok then cite me papers and sources that proves your point that tattoo ink is dangerous. I will wait.

You have been proven wrong. Accpet it and move on. You won't because based on your replies you don't like being proved wrong.

I will wait for you proof that tattoo ink is so dangerous that they allow tattoo shops on every high/main street in the known world and is highly regulated for health and safety.


Well said, sokar!



lot of standard anitvaxxer rhetoric in your post . a couple of things stand out .

1) The point of the vaccine is to protect society as a whole , not you . So its not quite as simple as :
nobodies business other than that person and there doctor.

2) Do you take any other medicine / vaccines? whats your testing period on medicinal drugs and/or vaccines?

I guess what this really comes down to is how serious people think the virus is .
If it was an Ebola type outbreak that would odds on kill you in a week if you got it , i think there would be less refusals.
The authorities and scientific community have calculated that this particular virus is dangerous enough to require masks and vaccines , so i refer to their judgement.

Some people see it as "just the flu " and only kills old people , so need to do anything


I was gonna write a long list about what you said but you are not worth the time. SoO i will just say this and wait for the reply.

Quote me saying anything Anti-Vax. I'll wait because I know it won't come.

I really love how when someone puts a different perspective on a discussion that goes against the narrative your goto response is they must be anti-vax. I covered this in my reply. Just because someone doesn't want to get the covid vax doesn't mean they are anti-vax.

Ah so vaccines now protect other people not yourself. Got it. The mental gymnastics you must do to persuade yourself of this is astounding. So if me and you are vaxed and the 3rd person isn't then it doesn't work. Great vaccine that is.

Finally i am fully vaxed so try again.


Ok so your vaxxed , great . It just appeared like you wernt from the things you were saying
your goto response is they must be anti-vax
Well yes pretty much every other time ive seen people posting "reasons" to not take the vaccine they have been "anti-vax" , but I appreciate that on this occasion it was you , who is vaxxed , speculating/expaling reasons that other peple dopnt want vax . i get that.

Just because someone doesn't want to get the covid vax doesn't mean they are anti-vax.
In my book - yes it does. Perhaps the phrase should be more well defined .
I guess it means different things to different people.

Novak jockvit has just been on the news right now stating he's "not an antivaxxer" becasue he doesent stop other people doing it .
That is a nice distinction that does need making , but at the moment we only seem to have one phrase for both of those things and people use them as they feel like .

Ah so vaccines now protect other people not yourself. Got it. The mental gymnastics you must do to persuade yourself of this is astounding. So if me and you are vaxed and the 3rd person isn't then it doesn't work. Great vaccine that is.

I think everybody knows that the covid 19 "vaccine" does not make you 100% immune , and some say therefore doesent qualify for the word "vaccine" but again , thats the accepted terminology.

if it was 100% effective there wouldnt be so much of an issue . The stance of "What do you care if im not vaccinated" would carry a lot more weight .

But seeing as , in reality , this vaccine
1) reduces symtpoms
2) reduces spread
(yes - according to scientists not internet nutjobs)

Then given that it is still a threat to vulnerable people , old people , ER rooms, etc etc then people should get vaccinated - for the benefit of all the other people - to prevent spread.

The expert they had on the radio after Jocko's statement made a good analogy.
no being vaccinated is like ignoring the highway code


Just because someone doesn't want to get the covid vax doesn't mean they are anti-vax.
In my book - yes it does. Perhaps the phrase should be more well defined .
I guess it means different things to different people.

And there is the first problem. The arrogance that you believe your word means more than someone elses. It doesn't. Just because you believe something doesn't automatically make it so.

/blockquote>I think everybody knows that the covid 19 "vaccine" does not make you 100% immune , and some say therefore doesent qualify for the word "vaccine" but again , thats the accepted terminology.
Ahh so because someone says it just like your above repsosne then we should just accpet it. That is not a healthy way to live a life. The fact you even admit that is doesn't shows that this is not a true vaccine and should be constantly questioned again and again. We are gettin git injected into us and I would like to know that it is safe to do so. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't make me anti vax, doesn't make anyone anti vax makes them show they have a little common sense.

novak jockvit has just been on the news right now stating he's "not an antivaxxer" becasue he doesent stop other people doing it .
That is a nice distinction that does need making , but at the moment we only seem to have one phrase for both of those things and people use them as they feel like .

So you are just a bot reapeating and parroting what you are told to say at a given moment.

So looking at the novak djokovic reply you are basically saying you have no independent thought and just again parrot what you are told to say. How about thinking for yourself for once.

I'm still waiting for those anti vax rhetoric quotes you accused me of.


" The arrogance that you believe your word means more"
I didnt say that , i merely stated that "anti vax" is not clearly defined and people have differeing opnoins on what it means.
What does it mean in your dictionary ? same as me or different?


"So you are just a bot reapeating and parroting what you are told to say "

that makes zero sense
I was again acknowledging that "anti vaxxer" can mean different things to different people ,
how you get 'bot ' and 'parrot' from that is beyond me .

The main thing i want people in the Jockovich camp to answer is simple:

"Why should they have the 'freedom' to wonder around infecting the public with a dangerous contagious disease when there are precautionary measures available to limit the danger"


was again acknowledging that "anti vaxxer" can mean different things to different people

No it doesn't it means someone is against being vaxed, all vaccines. You are slowly changing your stance here. Why? Stick toyour convictions no matter if right or wrong.

"Why should they have the 'freedom' to wonder around infecting the public with a dangerous contagious disease when there are precautionary measures available to limit the danger"

Apart from 99% of the worlds population where it is nothing more than a cold. 150,000 people die globally every single day, every day all year, every year. Something being infectious doesn't mean we should shut down countries and economies. Can it kill, yes of course it has. But that doesn't mean that i should be doing sometyhing to protect you. Again your safety is not my resposibilty don't know how many times i have to keep saying that. If you are in danger of covid then take precautions, get vaxed, social distance. But why should a healthy 20 year old who will be ill for maybea day and have a cold need to be forcebly injected to keep you safe. He shouldn't. He also shouldn't be made to feel guilty and called anti vax for his body autonomy.

Your offense and danger does not trump what someone else does with there body.


I have heart problems so I haven't had my needle out of paranoia.


I'm more afraid of giving blood, than the needle. I didn't feel anything when I got my two shots.


I'm very needle resistant and finally forced myself to get the single shot vax.
Now I feel like that's not enough, even though I'm certain I also have been exposed back in Feb 2020 and am as healthy as anybody.
The shot didn't hurt and a really attractive woman gave it to me, but I hate having to go out of my way to do something I normally avoid.


may I ask you a serious question?

you say "I'm certain I also have been exposed back in Feb 2020..."

what part of the planet are you on where it was spread enough at that stage,
and why are you certain if there was no medical science confirming it?

I ask, because I have a friend who is "pretty sure" he already had it and now is "fully immune." he's not a doctor, nor even close, and didn't go to a doctor, so, how does one know they had it and are immune?


I don't know, I'm just assuming and I try not to consult with doctors as much as I can avoid it.
But back in Feb 2020, I went to a lot of germ spreading type events and one day developed unusually severe fatigue w/o other symptoms. I probably had a fever but I don't check these things. After resting for 2-3 days, I seemed to be fine, but two weeks later it came back, which is very unusual for me.
Next thing we know, everyone's talking Covid, so to me, that's a simple correlation. I could be mistaken, but I've never been fatigued like that twice in a short time, so I'm just drawing my own conclusion. Since it was going around like an epidemic, it seems to make sense. I don't claim full immunity, but I'd like to hope I have pretty good immunity. Nothing certain, and I'd take a booster but I avoid situations where I need to get a shot. I mask up and distance and do all that stuff.


ok, good answer and thank you for replying. good for you for trying to protect others too.
this is all an interesting, and terrible situation we all are living through. and some not living through it


I donโ€™t understand how anyone other than a little kid can be scared of an injection.


I've known adults who are terrified of needles.

I'm not afraid of spiders but some people are absolutely terrified of them, even the harmless ones.


They're NOT scared.

They object to the fucking federal government FORCING them to put something in their bodies which neither they
NOR the fucking federal government knows what the effects will be in five years, or ten years. Fuck the Feds!



Nope. Just a fear of improperly tested medications with unknown side effects that don't really work anyway, intended to fight a virus with a +99% survival rate. Especially when you cannot sue them if there is a reaction. Like the local guy that died with a blood clot from the 2nd shot. Yeah, no thanks.

Too much misinformation. Too much politicizing. Too much under-handed bullshit from our own gov't.


So not a single person? Anywhere?


"intended to fight a virus with a +99% survival rate."

I've heard this argument. People comparing it to the survival rates for the flu and such. It's not a proper argument.

The survival rate you approximate is based on:

i. Having the health care resources in place to deal with the overwhelming caseloads.

ii. Slowing or reducing the population exposed via lockdowns, mandates, etc.

Both these measures artificially bump up the survival rate that you quote. If we were to just let the virus rip through populations unchecked, the survival rate would be reduced.

It would also give the virus lots more opportunity to mutate to something deadlier that will kill you good.

Hospitals overwhelmed with resource-intensive COVID patients must defer operations such as organ transplants, cancer insicions. If you need life-saving surgery, but can't get a bed or available OR staff, and you die as a result, you are still a COVID victim, although your death won't be recorded as such.

"unknown side effects"

It's unlikely that vaccines have unknown long term side effects. The science of vaccines is over 200 years now. It's based on new technologies that didn't previously exist allowing us to precisely target the virus at the most basic physical level.

But, it's possible sure.

Here's the thing... so far there is no indication that there are side effects. A very small percentage people have died from complications sure, but that's true of any medical process.

If you get COVID and survive you could still suffer from long-terms effects, including heart and lung damage, kidney issues, persistent joint pain... Long term COVID is an actual thing. It's possible that it might even be like the chicken pox virus, lying dormant in your body to re-emerge decades later and cause even worse issues.



The survival rate is based on deaths vs cases.

We already know there are side effects and deaths from the vaccine. I'm so tired of people like you repeating what you heard on CNN or read somewhere online, trivializing the arguments against the vaccines and sugar-coating the advantages. All the while suppressing any discussion of therapeutics. If you want to believe lies from the WHO, CDC and King Fauci, go right ahead but you won't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.


"The survival rate is based on deaths vs cases."

So what's your point? This doesn't change my points in any way.

" If you want to believe lies from the WHO, CDC and King Fauci..."

I'm Canadian. Fun fact: We have about a 1/3 of your rate of death among our population, largely because we've supported our politicians and our health advisors.

Anti-vaxxers and "free-dumb" fighters dying off are a self-correcting problem that I'm happy to see continue. It's just Darwinism thinning out the ranks of the stupid, and can only mean good things for the human race in the long run.

Facts are facts. You picked the wrong hill to plant your flag on. It's the story of your life I'm guessing.


It absolutely does change your points.

Yes, facts are facts. According to John Hopkins University, the death rate in the US is 1.2% and the rate in Canada is 1.1%. Wow! The US also has nearly 78 million cases, while Canada has 3. The US has a population density NINE TIMES that of Canada.

I don't know if you've noticed or not but there's a been a lot more than just COVID going on in the US over the last several years. The fact that lemmings like yourself get on here and chastise, demonize and dehumanize people who choose not to take the vaccine is proof of the political underpinnings surrounding this plague. I'd love for you vaccine shamers to have a fraction of the hostility towards the people who created and released the virus in the first place as you see to have for your fellow human being whose opinion of and personal health decision regarding the vaccine differs from your own. Rather than applauding a "thinning of the herd" like a fucking psychopath.


"It absolutely does change your points."

No. It really, really absolutely does not. You don't understand statistics.

I have high regards for my fellow humans. That's the reason I'm a triple-vaxxed lemming. That's the reason that I adhere to masking mandates. To protect my fellow human beings. It's not about me. It's about you. I'm taking these steps to protect people like you from me.

Anti-vaxxers / anti-maskers? It's ALL about them. These things inconvenience them so they hide behind weak excuses about being "freedom fighters", "it's about government overreach", "blah-blah-blah"...

Do I like these restrictions? No. But I know I'm strong enough to endure it. It's just a tiny fraction of the strength demonstrated by those who endured the Holocaust, the Blitz during WWII... The ones who didn't whine about their loss of freedoms, but were determined to come together and endure as a nation and as a people to come out of it on the other side.

You are weak. You don't have strength of spirit. You don't have to be this way, but you choose to be because you are a small child. You would rather be wrong on your terms than right on someone else's. Like a child.

Nothing to add...


Weak??? You can shove all your generalizations and false assumptions up your ass. We've been quarantined at home for two years. We don't go to restaurants. We don't go shopping. We order everything online and do curbside pickup for our essentials. We wear masks when we do have to go to town. I'm sick and tired of you vax/mask shamers minding everyone's business but your own. So you can kindly go fuck yourself.

No, I'm not taking the vaccine for myriad reasons, all of which are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I know you idiots have a hive mentality but I'm not injecting an experimental drug into my veins for a virus that has a 99% survival rate, when it doesn't work anyway. Not when it's pushed by the same people who lied about the virus for 2yrs. If it worked, I would take it. If it didn't have known side effects, I would take it. If it were properly tested, I would take it. People like you have the opposite effect of what you intend. You're idiots for thinking you can shame people into taking the vaccine.


Well said again, CraigC!!



Well said, CraigC!



I heard gay men are statistically more likely than straight to have the jab... because they don't mind being jabbed I guess. ๐Ÿ˜…


I see what you did there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
