1. I got one jab and then it was disclosed that the "vaccine" neither immunizes you nor does it stop you from spreading it. I exposed myself to an additional risk vector (for a disease I have a 99.98% chance of surviving if I even catch it) for no reason.
2. Vax shamers and the media respond to this lack of effect by pivoting to claim that it is not a personal choice issue but a hospital overcrowding issue. They cite hospitals that are full to capacity. What no one reports is that that hospital was always running at 99% capacity anyhow. Also no one cares that there are 5 other close hospitals with plenty of room. Same applied to the "FULL MORGUES ZOMG." Morgues within a few miles of the TV crews had ample room. Firing unvaccinated nurses makes these claims easier to make. Remember when Trump sent a whole hospital ship and park triage setup in response to NY's claim of being overwhelmed? Those things got zero use. But that is slowly being rewritten as another big Republican lie.
3. In Japan they include a warning label on their vaccines. It warns of possible myocarditis as a side effect. Had I known this, I would be among the exiled "anti-vaxxers." I wouldn't have touched the stuff.
4. Children are virtually immune to Covid. Making our kids take these experimental drugs is the height of irresponsibility. Up until I saw this, I felt that people should make their own choices and shut up. Forcing kids to get this shot they don't need is downright evil.
5. The death rates are being wildly inflated. The CDC admitted that a very large number of the reported deaths had up to 5 comorbidities. Truth valuing employees from hospitals had been leaking this very fact while being dismissed as more anti-vaxxers.
6. When the death rates started going down (they have been and still are), the media immediately stopped reporting death rates. They then only reported new cases. As testing increased and they could wave higher numbers around as though knowing more equaled more cases.