It rained today. After a week of sunshine the weekend bought rain. I was actually out for a decent walk when it set in so I dropped down off the hills, caught a bus to town and bought, for the princely sum of one pound sterling (approx $1.22):
Black Panther
Avengers Infinity War
The Big Sick
American Gangster
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Monkey Business
Margot at the Wedding
The Greatest Showman
Last weekend I picked up a couple of other MCU films so I've spent the rest of this rainy day watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and am about to start Black Panther. I have to admit I'm enjoying these films more than I expected. I was beginning to suspect the MCU was losing its appeal but just sitting down to watch several in sequence is a good way to end a rainy day.