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why is the world so freaked out about sex?

why is the world so freaked out about sex?

there is obviously bad sides to everything, like sex trafficking - which maybe also wouldn't even exist if we weren't so freaked out about sex - but there is a million good things about sex, and it will keep happening.... I don't understand where all this freak out comes from?

people tossing out all these "bad" things:
- misogyny: what? men hate women because men want to have sex with them???
- harassment: men whoop and hollar and cat call is SOOOO TERRIBLE because they want to have sex with them? so and so said naughty things and touched my leg and tried to kiss me, because he wants to have sex with me
- "toxic" masculinity: you should NOT act like a male designed and built to want to have sex with everything... except that is exactly what we are

then table turning:
- women compete in the game space against other women to get men to have sex with them with makeup, clothing, location, flirting, and even the touching, grinding, twerking etc...
- women over drink to reach around to their inbred, repressed desire to have children

Someone pinches someone's butt or grabs some junk, then has to apologize. Oh SHOCKING.
Someone uses someone else to get ahead in business - I'll let YOU decide the sexes in that scenario. Oh SHOCKING!
Someone with obvious history banged someone and years later calls it rape. Oh SHOCKING.

And yet....

I have known plenty of women... PLENTY of women... who crave and chase sex just as much. I'm not saying that is wrong, just saying this is all normal.

Sex is anything you want it to be these days: monogomous, polyamours, threesomes, ninesomes, golden showers, cosplay, porn, dolls, rape fantasy, foods, toys, whips, chains, maybe just dirty talk, or just cuddling.
People even make up their own sex, and sexlives, moving their lines around whenever and however they wish.
LITERALLY no rules, anything goes, hopefully as long as no one is getting hurt.

Meanwhile, people are seeming more prude than ever and at the same time get worse and worse about it than ever....
strippers becoming pop stars, dressing worse than whores and singing about their Wet Ass Pussy....
Movies are all CLEANER of it now, yet 1/5 of the top 10 websites accessed in the world... this is a FULL FIFTH, mind you, are PORN websites. ONE FIFTH! Search sites, news, shopping, and PORN

So.... things don't really add up.

We talk against sex, yet still crave and pursue it 100% and always will.

So, WHO are we kidding?

Someone jerks off in a public bathroom and the world has a meltdown.
Someone slept their way into a job, and is NOW "abused" long after the fact.
Someone grabbed someone at a drunken party (ooh that NEVER happens in reality - except all the time!) then loses their career, faces public shaming, has to apologize...

Thousands of homes are built every month to house more people that have sex to start a family. Look around. All that expansion is sex based. If it was just single people, porking, then dying off, everything could be re-useable rentals for the next childless couple. But, no, housing popping up all over the world with room for kids - proof of constant sex.

Magazines: 15 fabulous sex tips for your lover - Oh, but don't actually DO any of this because you could end up in prison now.

Best selling movies have HOT (IE sexy) women in them, not ugly ones.
Advertising: Sex sells, does sell, and always will sell. Look at most online credit card ads: some smiling girl with super white teeth, perfect skin, and a twinkle in her eye. Why? duh. Why ask why.

So, we continue to pursue sex - look in ANY night club or bar, enjoy sex, want sex, get sex, why does it seem like every headline that mentions it, makes it seem like everyone is so shocked??
I've seen drunk women (their CHOICE to get drunk) hitting on, feeling up, chasing, and leaving with guys to get sex. They need their inhibitions dropped by alcohol to get down to the truth of who they are. Why? Why not just seek sex? it's okay.

"Oh lordy! That 22 year old slept with a 17 year old!" Yeah, she was fuckin hot, begging for it too! Ever been to any college party ever??? NEVER went to one that didn't have law breaking high school girls there for exactly ONE purpose, and it was not to "learn to drink" or "hang out with friends". They know exactly why they wanted to be there. So do all the guys. OH OH SO WRONG!

Is it?? Then why are their bodies DESIGNED to be able to produce children outside the time frame some laws state, hmmm? It's natural.

29 year old teacher caught with 16 year old "non stop" boy. Oh so shocking. Really? REALLY? I've never known any 16 year old friends that would not want to be in that position. Every guy on here, with 1 single functioning sperm knows he thought about it also in his lifetime.

So, again, I ask, WHY are we so freaked out about the most wonderful amazing thing we all get to enjoy in this life?
Nothing ads up. It makes no sense!


Why do people hate thieves?

My gut feeling says that these haters are jealous and that they are cowards and won't go out and steal something for themselves. The wimpy bastards go out and get a job and ,,,,, BUY THINGS. Crazy, right.


Way of the Vikings!


Stealing is a normal biological function since the dawn of time? Wut???
