MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How many posts have you had hurt feeling...

How many posts have you had hurt feelings on MC.

2....I will not name those two people.


No one has stepped on my feelings, but of course I've been irritated more than once, usually by people I like. I know people are often trolling, but when they tell you they only care about facts and you present them with facts, I lose all hope and patience when their tune suddenly changes to, "but that doesn't align with my opinions so facts don't matter in this particular case." That's not specific to anyone, though, it just seems to arise here and there.


Can't say for sure but probably did a few from time to time. Unintentionally of course, curiosity sometimes just got the best (or worst) of me and I sometimes, albeit to a larger degree before and elsewhere, was rather picky about what I wanted to discuss, when I wanted to discuss it, and especially, HOW I wanted to discuss it, whilst treading very familiar waters with very typically recognizable patterns, especially of human emotions.

Hope its alright now and if anything I did apologize, hope its alright anyway and in life, we all hurt people's feelings from time to time as well as ourselves too.

In some cases though, I was also asking something different, and OK, we all know that in humanity even bad things get looked at differently, even in theory. But the issues sometimes were the language and linguistic aspects as well as how such terms often became popular, not what occasional or frequent aspects of violent vigilante justice existed or still exist in legal establishments and well you know, but its alright now I hope.

One of my wishes for 2022, to improve myself greatly and to move on from any failed or negative aspects of my own distant and not-so-distant past.


Unless also, besides the obvious answer of those things HAPPENING, which again - I DON'T deny, even in those aspects, but anyways, unless...

What happens here or there as well as cultural traditions and the formation of certain words etc in language are in reality FAR more connected and intertwined than we both notice and sometimes give "credit" for or maybe we are not THAT aware of it. Which is hardly our fault even if it is perhaps at least a minor shortcoming.


None really. If someone looks like a dick/troll I just block them.


How about coming up with a fun post of your own, instead of pulling up all these old threads. Thats what makes moviechat interesting, everyones thoughts and opinions. Give it a try.


I have created a few posts. Just chilling now responding to threads I didn't have a chance to earlier.


I'm trying to find a thread but so far no luck so responding threads that also interest me. I wish this site had a search function.


My feelings have been hurt lot actually.

I bottle up my tears and sell them to the freaks in California.

My tears are like crack to them fuckers.




Hard for me to keep track of who I like and don't like here. Sometimes I'll read a comment and want to respond, then I see who wrote it and remember the person was a jerk, so why try to have a normal discussion with someone who enjoys being aggressive?
And I'm concerned discussing one's feelings here just opens the door for the jerks to leap into their shtick, so I'm not inclined to.


Why TF would internet posts here or anywhere affect someone this way??
These are only words, not sticks and stones.

Internet is wrong reality now.


I've found people to be rude sometimes, but they don't really hurt my feelings. Maybe only in a "light scrape" kind of way. Most of the time, though, when somebody on here says something insulting, they're being jerks. Why would I care about a jerk's opinion of me?


I question the mental health of anyone who gets "hurt feelings" over some unknown stranger typing at them on the internet.
