MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your thoughts on Bill Cosby?

Your thoughts on Bill Cosby?

Probably the most high-profile serial rapist of all time. I don't think I can watch the Cosby shows the same way again. Too tainted.

The funny thing is that these allegations were not new either. Cosby was rumored to be a shady dude as far back as the 70s/80s. Back then, women were not taken seriously as rape victims.


Norm Macdonald on Bill Cosby


its his hypocrisy i most object to.

once saw him tell an unbelievably crude anecdote on the dave letterman show in the mid-80s, as he
chopped on a big cigar. have never been able to find it on youtube, it would be priceless to see now.


Hypocrisy is way down on the list. IMO #1 is the raping. But that is just my opinion. Maybe #2 is the drugging. Again, I may be going out on a limb here.


#2 is the drugging, & #3 is the scheming :)


I once saw him on Johnny Carson, I think it was. I loved Cosby, thought he was a genius, but he seemed so whacked out on this appearance, I was dumbfounded. Couldn't understand a word he was saying. And this was pre-Cosby Show.
But I still liked him and wanted to believe in him.
Heck, in the end, even Jesus let me down.


Probably the most high-profile serial rapist of all time.

The sex was consensual but... who cares? It's rape nonetheless! He's a rapist!




How could it be consensual if the women were drugged?


It's still consensual.

Of course, you're welcome to disagree. That case, though, I remind you that alcohol is a drug, and I'm completely sure that in some moment you have had sex with somebody who was under the influence.

If you truly thing it's not consensual, and you're honest and coherent, then you should stop commenting and give yourself up to the police right now.


well one factor is that women didnt choose the amount of intoxication , or even know about it for that matter.

or did they? i havent read the full details


well one factor is that women didnt choose the amount of intoxication

And how the hell that's Cosby's fault???

I have taken drugs more than once, and I've been always very careful about what I was taking and what dose I was using. I fully support drug legalization, but that means it's your own responsibility to inform yourself. They were not forced to take those drugs, neither were they lied about the dose. They just didn't know because they didn't bother to ask.

Your body, your choice... well, your high.


Okay, you're beginning to really creep me out here.
It makes no difference if the women took the drugs willingly, since you can not legally give consent if you're high.


they were given knock-out drugs, o clueless one. there was no consent to that whatsoever.

do you carry your analytical lab to the bar/house-party with you and run exhaustive tests on every drink handed to you ?


A guy inviting a Lady out for a glass of wine and bit of banter is pretty normal behavior, I'd bet that's how more than a few of us got here

But secretly drugging and taking sexual advantage of a person is simply beyond the pale

You and I don't agree on many things but you don't seem like a total idiot

You're way off base on this, it's rape, many rapes


It's not possible to watch Cosby Show the same way. There's far too much dialog in the show that can be taken as innuendo and metaphor for his behaviors. I watched an episode the other day where he was giving Theo advice about women and it was just a whole second level of creepy and hilarious. Like, if you imagine Cliff as this dual life serial rapist sort of character, the show takes on a whole new "Dexter" level of WTF.


I always thought he was too smug and impressed with himself, going back to the start of his career, for which I doubt the OP was alive.


He does give off an arrogant vibe. Even on the show I've noticed this.


My thoughts are that posts like this and their responses are why the #MeToo movement is still so important and needed.


He's a reprehensible hypocrite. He criticized Lisa Bonet for doing the sex scene in Angel Heart, and picked on Eddie Murphy for cussing too much. But he raped multiple women? He sucks.


Lisa Bonet knew he was a messed up dude even as back in the 1980s. It's easy to see why she distanced herself from him back then.

It probably was an open secret on set that Cosby was having affairs but I don't think anybody suspected rape.


Even before the rapes came out, I knew he was concealing a very dark side. When he was young his comedy was great, free-spirited and hilarious, but it slowly got darker and meaner as he matured and took himself more seriously. More jokes at other people's expense, more criticism of his young children, more "punching down" at criticism of people who had nothing. And then, there was this nasty case where he had some girl who claimed to be his illegitimate daughter jailed for "blackmail", and she looked just like him and nothing like her legal father, I think he sent his own daughter to jail.

And yes, there were rumors about darker things, women on dates with him passing out and no details about what happened after, long before the mass public allegations.
