No, it's not fair. Some people are born with more cheerful personality. You can't choose how you're born. Some people are born without arms or legs. Some are born without sight. I have terrible sight myself, so I have to wear glasses all the time, which made me lose opportunity for some things I might enjoy that other people can do effortlessly.
Some people born with lower ability to feel sadness, so they'll be happy all the time. Some other are born with lower ability to feel happiness, so they be depressed all the time. It is what it is.
Maybe you're born like this. So this is how you would feel. Genetics ain't fair. But it's nobody's fault either.
People that say just be happy or just dance or whatever don't know what they're talking about. It's like saying just look more clearly to people who wear glasses. Or just walk faster to people who are limp. It makes no sense.