

The dead body falling down out of nowhere in horror flicks. Even happens in the classic '78 Halloween, unfortunately, and is one of the few weak spots of that movie. Definitely shouldn't be used now.


Not sure if this counts but how about people who order drinks or food actually consume them instead of walking away before they even arrive/take one bite/sip and then leave?


-Walking toward the camera with an explosion going off in the background.

-When people finally have someone in their clutches, only to say a one liner and then lose the opportunity to kill them.

-Hot girl walks on screen and we pan up her entire body in slow motion.

-After a big action scene is done, everything is quiet for a few seconds and then one last piece of debris falls.

-When someone is singing bad in a microphone, there is annoying feedback.


" -Hot girl walks on screen and we pan up her entire body in slow motion."

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The topic is "never should be used," let's slow down and think about what we are are saying.


Wide angle and slowly dolly in is much better.


Wow, good stuff!


-Walking toward the camera with an explosion going off in the background.-

This one but I would like to add it’s especially bad when the ones walking toward the camera don’t flinch.


I always hate when someone has a gun on someone else and they let that person get close enough to take the weapon away from them.




Dutch camera angles. They make people with motion-sickness woozy or ill. Best if they're not used at all.


Not flinching/blinking at a gunshot?


Innocent person discovers dead body, proceeds to pick up the murder weapon, or otherwise get blood on themselves.


hanging on for dear life to a ledge or cliff.


I like this thread...we did something similar before but this is a fun topic👍

Hokey Army squad guys named 'Tex' or the short timer that's about to retire and you just know he's getting shot to pieces in the third act:/
