I've been involved several times even here along those lines and many times elsewhere, including this site's legendary distant brother - IMDb, and so have several other people, some that are much more intelligent than I am, however, came out fine no matter WHICH point they were trying to make here or there.
Sometimes its all about battles of FORM and CONTENT, but to many people its the same, even if the original content issue is still far more prevalent, but just like we can't fight evil with more evil, we cannot fight ignorance with ignorance either, right?
I once made a point about perceptive differences in humanity and someone jumped straight at me saying - it was an insult to victims of original deed and talked about - oh, what if the person was unattractive or if it was a man doing it to another man instead, all valid points yes, but then again, I sometimes wondered about OTHER aspects of related things too, besides in films, they sometimes even showed other sides and even said that even if it WAS like that, and that can be fantasies to some men at least, it wouldn't be nice either, ahh, but then you wonder about punishments and ATTITUDE APPROACHES and its oh well, world is not that simple etc, point being, we shouldn't get in too much trouble from civilized people for attempting to QUESTION things either.
Then again, I was raised myself since child birth and my parents and grand parents ESPECIALLY were very serious about morality and right and wrong. My 78 year old grandmother from Russia still is - but then again, I don't want to bother her too much with various questions even if I may disagree on SOME aspects of certain things or happen to KNOW better in some areas due to more research done. She's still a nice elderly person, yes, but she approaches life differently to how I do it.