MovieChat Forums > Politics > As I gay dude I don't think us gays will...

As I gay dude I don't think us gays will have any rights for much longer (no, not cause of "Trump")

Gay rights came from the idea that people are allowed to live their lives however they want, and if it makes sense to you then you do it.

Nowadays "liberals" just hate everything that's fun or enjoyment. So if we're having fun they don't want to support that. And uh, anyway, they spent 20 years promoting the world's least "liberal" religion ISISlam.

And generally, "Liberals" are always trying to stop someone from doing something.

The most insane leftists will still influence this world we live in, leftism doesn't magically end just because Trump was somehow allowed back into the WH.


The LGBT community will always be useful to our Communist Oppressors to destabilize America. You have nothing to worry about until they fully turn America into Communist China, then they will put you all against the wall and shoot you in the back.


So would you describe yourself as a señoreater?


I laughed.


I can't believe I hadn't heard this one before! LOL


Shut up you little old lady, I'll come over there and left hook your old ass.


So you hate old ladies?


Why do gay people always need to announce they are gay? This isnt the first time you've announced this. Nobody cares that you are gay. Just be a degenerate and shut the fuck up about it.


Why do gay people always need to announce they are gay?

Do you hate me saying it more than you hate "liberals"? lol

My post was a rant about how I hate them and how they would execute us in 2 weeks time if they officially got bored of us.


Are you not religious?


Do you hate gays more than anything "liberals" do?

No I dont read the bible, now answer my question, swan grease poop


I dont hate gays or anyone.


Yeah your first response really sounded like it didn't come from a place of "hate"..

What a dork


Telling you to shut the fuck up about your sexuality is not hate.


No, its clearly an act of love. Moron. I didnt come here to debate emotions, I'm simply pointing out how your first post was so angry, then at the end you tried to be all "I LOVE ALL GOD'S PEOPLE" LOLOL



so why do gay people always need to tell everyone they are gay?


As a straight, white, educated, red meat eating, gun-toting, 4wd truck driving motherfucker, I don't care. Nothing leftists do makes any sense.


That figures, given your profile.


Nobody asked you, candyass "subject" flimflam.


Nobody asked you

And yet, here I am. Sorry about that, motherfucker.


And yet, here I am. Sorry about that, motherfucker.

Ha, you are Skavau.

The only difference that set you aside from him was the lack of coprolalia and here you are, finally revealing yourself.

I knew that sooner or later, you couldn’t resist.


The only difference that set you aside from him was the lack of coprolalia and here you are, finally revealing yourself.

er, CraigC, just above, called himself among other things a "truck driving motherfucker", so I just do him the courtesy of keeping his self description alive. He clearly doesn't think it insulting.


Hey, flimflam getting testy!

You're a British leftist moron, I couldn't give two rats fuckin' in a Dorito bag what you think.


Hey, flimflam getting testy!

'Motherfucker' was a term you used to describe yourself. I assumed you'd recognise that, and appreciate the gesture. And didn't you say then too that you don't care what Leftists say?

You're a British leftist moron, I couldn't give two rats fuckin' in a Dorito bag what you think.

I am sorry that you don't care for the opinions of others. A truly open mind is a rare thing.



In what way do liberals promote Islam? Is it just because they support freedom for individuals to practice religion, and Islam is one of them? Or do they want to specifically empower Islam?

This is the first I've heard someone say liberals want to stop gay people in any way.


Muslims are a client group of the Left. Leftists need their votes and support, which they buy with your tax money in the form of free handouts, to gain power.

Since Leftists are power hungry sociopaths with no morals or integrity, they will happily see gays persecuted by Muslims if it means they get to rule over everyone.

See this post about Empathy and the Left:


"Muslims are a client group of the Left."

"Arab American and Muslim voters who defected from the Democratic party made a “key difference” across upper midwest swing states, said the Muslims for Trump founder Rabiul Chowdhury. He said Trump and his surrogates worked in heavily Arab American areas"


Yeah but most of us found it gross.

You mustn't like Muslims much yourself, as its rare for you to acknowledge a shift in trends uh... of any kind, actually. You want to "offload" them onto us


Muslims benefit from Leftist handouts, but ultimately their loyalty is to Islam, and eventually they will form Islamic political parties in the West.

Islam and the Left are using each other for the time being, but soon that relationship will collapse.

Both are evil cults that need to be gutted from Western Civilisation.


How old were you when you realized you like soccer?


I dont know what to make of your OP
You start out explaining that liberals preach freedom and tolerance , except that you dont like it when they apply that to Islam , then you claim "nowadays" liberals do the opposite.

Then your gay reveal is met with derision and hostility from your right wing buddies.

What are we meant to take away from that?


except that you dont like it when they apply that to Islam

Because they don't preach freedom and tolerance. Pretty straightforward, even a 5 year old can fucking understand that.

I've been saying this to fuckwits like you since 2005 and it's like trying to teach an elephant how to play Tetris.

They're both a waste of time, but elephants usually smell better than you.


so liberals / libertarians and other people of the opinion that all people should be free to do what they want provided it doesent hurt other people .....

... should be telling muslims that they are not allowed to do that?

Whats the difference between that and telling people they are not allowed to join a posh New York gentlemen's club because that club is intolerant towards members that dont wear a tie?

The club isnt forcing you to wear a tie
Muslims are not forcing you to pray 5 times a day facing mecca


[–] moviechatterer (16234) 6 minutes ago
so liberals / libertarians and other people of the opinion that all people should be free to do what they want provided it doesent hurt other people .....

Virtually nothing exists in a vacuum, including the actions and identities of people. Whether something hurts or helps is a matter of perspective.


Well ,I wasnt proposing that as a new technical definition to be enshrined in law , i was just talking about basic freedoms.

as the OP put it " the idea that people are allowed to live their lives however they want"

and even though he put it like that , apparently that doesn't include people who want to pray 5 times a day facing mecca.


I have to admit, it does seem like the democrat party embraces a wacky religion like Islam which is like Christianity on steroids but then they'll bash Christianity whenever they get a chance to. Their love for Islam doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, it's extremely repressive. Just look how fucked up some Muslim nations are. The fact that we let them into the west by the droves is shocking.

As far as Islam gaining enough power to influence anti-gay sentiment among libs/democrats is hard to say but if it means staying in power, they would probably allow it. Vote republican because the average conservative hates Islam.


Vote republican because the average conservative hates Islam.

Thanks for telling me what I already did in 2016 (Just kidding I'm not american but .... yes. Thanks on the instructions for 10 years ago!)
