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Walmart is Rayciss!!!

Just another day at Walmart

Why are we being forced to live around these people?


Whites have the Socratic method of inquiry, while negresses believe that repeating the same phrase louder and louder is the only way to convince people of the correctness of their position.


Walmart is RAAAAYYYCISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!111!!


This! ^^^^ 🙄


Based on the magazine cover, that's from around September of 2023 - yes or no?


I’m not sure — I didn’t even notice it. It’s definitely not a new video. The post on X is from October, so it’s at least a couple of months old, but it’s probably older for the reasons you mentioned. I was actually looking for another video of a Black woman harassing a pharmacist, but I couldn’t find it. This one came up instead, and since it was funny, I figured I’d share it here for everyone to enjoy.


You should pay attention to the dates, everyone should.


So, uh, what's the cut off date you want to have for videos to be posted and, uh, why? I guess 2024 for some reason?


Because it looks to me like these race baiting videos are undated for a reason.


That’s a legitimate point. I’ve definitely noticed racists on Twitter sometimes sharing videos or articles that are over a decade old and using them to stir outrage. While I’m fine with it as a tool for propaganda, they should at least clarify that the content is outdated.


It's race baiting to notice patterns?


Using old undated clips shows a pattern.

Is there a clip of a white chick flipping out somewhere? Oh wait, there is.

Here's a white women taking a rage shit in protest it a Tim Hortons in Canada:

The audio is dubbed in afterward for fun.

What can we deduce from this clip about white women in Canada?


White women in Canada are likely to be shitlibs. I don't need a video to tell me that.

But the issue is that no one continually tells us that every Karen in Etobicoke is the greatest thing ever and should be handed employment and benefits and be culturally exalted above all else. The same can't be said for the numinous negro.


Sorry ma'am, your race card is expired. Do you have another form of argument?


They aren’t “people”. They are of the sub-human entitlement crowd. Just what this tub of lard needs…more candy! I’ve witnessed the same with Whites, also. It seems when they reach the stage of being tubs of lard and riding in a motorized cart, the more entitled they feel. The mouthier they become while their lard overflows the seat. I suppose there is a seat. Hells Bells! Who can see it? 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's all so tiresome


Female George Floyd.

Stunning and brave.



I actually have a Wal-Mart near my house that is also near a black neighborhood, but to be honest, it isn't the black customers I have issues with primarily. It's the fact that the place is severely under-staffed (not many people want to work there, and I don't blame them), so often only 4 or 5 of the 10 cashier spots is open at any one time, and the lines get so long that some people have to stand all the way into the clothing sections. Even worse, that particular store has had issues with theft. Locals have told me that the reason 1/4 of stuff is now locked behind glass, is because there aren't enough security guards, and often the thieves are better armed than the security guards the store does have. I find it particularly annoying trying to get something as simple as laundry detergent, or nasal spray from a locked cabinet, and have to wait for an eternity because there aren't enough store employees to unlock the case I'm at. Parts of the store are also messy, and often look like they've been raided, particularly after the first Tuesday of the month.

Gotta love what the War on Poverty did to make America so Utopian (sarc)


Geez, so now it is racist to ask people to pay for what they eat?


Yes, as a White person, your role is apparently to be a passive cuck — to sit there, take it, and be labeled a racist if you dare to complain.


That is Keelai, I'm expecting her side of the story shortly.
