MovieChat Forums > Politics > “It Will Be the Policy of the United Sta...

“It Will Be the Policy of the United States That There Are Only Two Genders”

...Male and Female". Cry about THAT, snowflakes!


LOL, I think the vast majority of Democrats aren’t crying. They never even believed in all of this stupid gender shit. They just latched onto the fad because they thought it was a winning strategy. Now that America has universally rejected the idea that men can get pregnant and that there are 49 sets of pronouns the Democrats have pretty much kicked the gender activists to the curb and forgotten about them. Yeah it’s fucked up but I can’t help but find it hilarious.


Now all we have to do is get the liberal University I work for to understand this along with the students


lol the liberal university I attended emails me all the time asking for handouts and I tell them to go fuck themselves every time.


What kind of a business model is it that universities employ? They continually raise prices in a manner that far outstrips inflation, but then they badger their former customers for even more money long after they've finished with the service they contracted to provide.

Imagine flying the friendly skies and then for the rest of your life you get regular letters from American Airlines saying, "In order to continue to provide our services we rely on the generosity of valued customers such as yourself. Please consider making a one-time or annual donation to our airline so that we may continue bringing the world to your doorstep!" You'd never bring your custom to any company that showed that much effrontery.


“I tell them to go fuck themselves every time.”

Shouldn’t that be theyselves.


Good point


Youre just mad you’re a closeted tranny


Naw I’m quite happy. Things are going very well for me right now, and watching the liberal meltdowns has just been icing on the cake. Suck on the next 4 years loser.


You’re happy to be closeted? That’s sad


Geez almost sounds as if you’re “transphobic”. You are so fucking pathetic.


I’m trying to help you be your true self, you’re transphobic against yourself. How fucking pathetic 🤣


Learn how to trash talk better you idiot.

4 more years of Trump!!! Enjoy, beyotch.


Executive orders aren’t enough. Federal laws need to be passed to protect the country against the cancer that is the Democrat party and their mentally ill cult.

Woke and its supporters should be eradicated from power. The fires in CA are exactly what happens when Democrats are allowed to run things unchecked.

The Democrat party is the enemy of the United States.


>The Democrat party is the enemy of the United States.


They say the same about the Republicans.

Who do we all believe?


Who? 🤔


If you mean the RINOs, then yes, those are Democrats posing as Republicans.


I believe the actions of both parties that I have witnessed. The Democrats are clearly the enemy of the United States.


Which proudly remove and burn the American flag?


There's no "Democrat Party," dolt!


No, just communists calling themselves democrats.


No they don't, but you sure hear a lot of fascists calling themselves republicans.


That's what I like to hear. We need more people like you to think this way. Make your voice heard and spread the message far and wide — if enough people speak up, maybe we can finally eradicate wokeness. What we need is an old-school-style fascism, but this time, instead of Jews, the target should be the Wokes. They are the undesirables of our time. But instead of yellow Stars of David, they will don rainbow triangles — and the irony is they already wear them proudly, making them easy to identify.


But we still have to deal with men and women pretending to be part of the opposite gender.


We still have to deal with dawn and dusk. That doesn’t require everyone to walk around pretending there’s no night and day


The best course of action is to employ social pressure, ridicule, humiliation, bullying, and even intimidation to compel them back into the closet. It is more effective than passing laws.


Cry about THAT, snowflakes!

No need to cry. It won't change how people identify themselves. All that it means is the increased persecution and ignorance against transgender people for the next few years.


Oh, Skavau...whomp whomp. LOL.




Show evidence. Right, Skavau?


They are persecuting themselves.


Explain please.


And answer came there none.


> All that it means is the increased persecution and ignorance against transgender people for the next few years.


It means an end to Libs and companies, terrorizing and crucifying people ln social media like JK Rowling who refuse to support the trans delusions.


Maybe but that does not mean persecution will not now happen the other way. The transphobia on this board shows which way the winds are blowing,.


They never stopped blowing that way.

Personally, I don’t care what they do.

Glue a horn to your head and pretend you’re a unicorn if you want.

Just don’t expect or demand the entire world to accept your delusion and support it or threaten to punish those who don’t.

And stop fucking trying to push confused kids into doing it.

Keep it out of the schools.

Let kids decide when they’re 18 what they want to do and stop grooming them before that.


Perfectly said. It’s so creepy how the likes of Flimflam insist on having this ‘trans’ insanity rubbed in people’s faces and used to psychologically damage and permanently mutilate children.

The fuck is wrong with these people?


Thank you for your demands,

Let kids decide when they’re 18 what they want to do

For many older transgender people even this is going to be more difficult.


What persecution? What ignorance? They're mentally ill. Period.


What ignorance? They're mentally ill

With such an assertion indeed comes the evidence of ignorance.


I'm not crying but I'm a liberal so you probably are referring to me with your taunting. The reason I'm not crying is because you know that despite what you claim--

"People can be born with variations in sex characteristics that don't fit the typical binary definitions of male or female. This can occur due to variations in chromosomes, hormones, or the development of reproductive organs, leading to individuals who are intersex."

This tiny percentage of "abnormal" people really jerks your chain and fills you with hate, for some reason. Were you abused as a child? What accounts for your sociopathy now? You might want to try seeing a therapist who can help you get past your anger and paranoid fantasies (truly they can help!).


Are you so retarded that you don't know mentally disordered biological males are violating women's only spaces like restrooms and changing areas as well as taking over 900 sports medals from women?



>. Were you abused as a child?
According to the left, a grown man waving his dick in a 5 year olds face is considered educational.


"People can be born with variations in sex characteristics that don't fit the typical binary definitions of male or female. This can occur due to variations in chromosomes, hormones, or the development of reproductive organs, leading to individuals who are intersex."

Oh good. I've been waiting for someone to bring this up.

So tell me. What's your point exactly? What are you trying to prove with intersex?


It looks like you're still making posts on this topic. Are you ready to answer my question yet?


Why is it that every time a pro-trans person brings up "intersex", thinking that they've proven something profound, they ALWAYS drop the subject and run away right afterwards (and will likely just do the same thing again in another discussion)?

It's not even just Thaisticks. Nearly every trans activist does this.


I'm not a "trans activist," I just see haters and ask "why you got to hate?"


Well whatever you want to call yourself, you brought up intersex into the conversation. So are you going to answer my question about it? If not, then why? Why do you people always bring it up, then go quiet about it?


Do you even know what your question us? You've just got a case of diarrhea mouth, it seems to me.


I only seem that way to you because you're not mature, it seems.

I asked you a perfectly fair question. You said there are people who are intersex; who don't fit the typical definitions of male or female. And I'm asking you what's your point?

Are you trying to prove that there are NOT only two genders? That there are more? Do you consider intersex to be neither male or female, but some kind of THIRD sex?



trying to prove that there are NOT only two genders?

There are an infinite number of gender identities. Gender identity is a person's internal sense of their gender, and it can vary from person to person and change over time. (Gender not being the same as sex, as I am sure you know)

Intersex is merely a term for people with sex characteristics that don't fit the typical definitions of male or female. The current views of social conservatives are based around typical characteristics. I don't think though one can call such people a 'third sex' though, just prone to be gender fluid..

I hope that helps.




Thank you for your detailed and informed response.


maixiu is one of the louders tRumpers on here.


It is so tempting to call him Mad Maixiu. Good job I am not into that sort of cheap shot.


Thanks for your response, but I've heard it from others before, and the main problem is still the same.

People keep saying that "gender is not the same as sex". But virtually every single person I've ever heard say that typically don't really believe it themselves. Nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as the "man or woman" genders have been a way to pretend the "male or female" sexes.

IE: "A (trans) person who identifies as a woman is female."

And every time there are attempts to distinguish and separate the male and female sexes (like in sports), there's always a fight to smuggle the "women" together with the females.

This is also why the idea of gender "nonbinary" is totally ridiculous. Especially if they won't confirm that intersex is really a "third sex".


But virtually every single person I've ever heard say that typically don't really believe it themselves

I do. And it is the view of the relevant medical authorities. It is a quite logical distinction.

Nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as the "man or woman" genders have been a way to pretend the "male or female" sexes.

Thank you for second anecdotal opinion.

there's always a fight to smuggle the "women" together with the females.

A different (and more vexed) issue yes; but 'smuggle in' implies something underhand, which it is not. The problem is more that men who identify as women in sport will always have advantage of greater strength.

This is also why the idea of gender "nonbinary" is totally ridiculous.

Thank you for your opinion.

Especially if they won't confirm that intersex is really a "third sex".

That is because it is not. Intersex is merely a term for people with sex characteristics that don't fit the typical definitions of male or female. Please see my earlier post re intersex.


Thank you for second anecdotal opinion.

It's not anecdotal or opinion. It's critique from observing the same things that YOU do. Men identify as women.

but 'smuggle in' implies something underhand, which it is not.

Thank you for your opinion.

The problem is more that men who identify as women in sport will always have advantage of greater strength.

The problem is men identify as women.

Please see my earlier post re intersex.

If there is no third sex, then there is only male or female. People who call themselves "nonbinary" are only male or female.


Men identify as women.

Yes, and vice versa as well of course; that simply means they choose a different gender. (I ought to know, as I have a transgender son.) It is usually the result of "gender dysphoria," which means assigned sex at birth does not align with internal gender identity, causing significant distress and discomfort. As already said, one can reassign gender but not change sex. It is that simple, although it seems to exercise you a lot, your own conservatism in such matters being enough to say that such people are not genuine or sincere.

Nonbinary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and expression falls outside of the male/female binary. Nonbinary people may identify as a mix of both genders, somewhere in between, or neither. It is a gender identity , not a 'third sex' as we both apparently agree, since sex cannot be changed while gender exists on a spectrum. I hope that helps. But it won't.


I still have my disagreements and counterarguments, but I'll need to ask you this before I proceed with them.

Are you okay with continuing this conversation with me? If you have a transgender child whom you're protective of, I'll understand if debating about transgenders won't be comfortable for you.

I might need to ask a few questions about your child as well.


I appreciate the ask but as long as you don't make it personal, attack me on the basis of my family, that is fine. You will also have to accept that what I say is more likely to be based on first hand experience. I don't claim to be an expert in this area, but am familiar with what my son and health professionals have diagnosed and said. I also know he is much happier now and is not 'pretending'.


Thank you.

So about your trans child, when you called him your son, does that mean he was born female, but identifies as a boy/man?

Does your son acknowledge his sex at birth, and accepts that he cannot change it (just like you said)?

How does he define boy/man?


So about your trans child, when you called him your son, does that mean he was born female, but identifies as a boy/man?

That is correct.

Does your son acknowledge his sex at birth, and accepts that he cannot change it (just like you said)? How does he define boy/man?

To be honest we have never had that discussion, but I have no reason to think he denies sex is immutable rather than gender.


To be honest we have never had that discussion, but I have no reason to think he denies sex is immutable rather than gender.

I don't know if you're willing to take advice from someone who's never had trans children, but here's mine which you can think over and decide what to do with.

I strongly recommend you find out for sure if your son denies or agrees with that. If you don't want to risk hurting your relationship with him, then ask the health professional who diagnosed him.

After I discussed/argued with a lot of pro-trans progressives, it became clear to me that a very large number of them affirm a trans person's gender specifically by denying their sex. And they believe that the existence of intersex people helps them do that, by providing a lot of fallacies they could take advantage of. That's why I persistently asked that other guy what's his point when he brought up intersex, and it's not at all surprising he ran away.

What makes this much more concerning is they make a lot of their decisions based on their ability to hide sex and deny the truth. What rights trans people have over other people, how they should live their lives, affirming their gender identities, what they should do to their own bodies (HRT, surgery), how we should define men and women, etc.

If you and your son are going to move forward with his transition, these are things I believe you should think about. Don't make big decisions based on misinformation.


Thank you for your advice. But as you say, it is from someone who has never had transchildren, which places you at a disadvantage. Whether or not my son agrees sex is immutable is probably more of technical interest to you than for someone who just wishes to make sense of their live and move on. The bottom line is that he is quite obviously happier and more adjusted since transitioning, and that is all that matters. Knowing him as I do, the idea that he is somehow 'hiding the truth' or 'pretending' frankly tells more about you than it does him.

What rights trans people have over other people,

My son does not claim rights over other people but, I imagine, he would quite reasonably ask for the same rights for anyone, should they ever chose.

The problem is you are making all these arguments and claims from the outside without experiencing gender dysphoria and how it can affect people. I don't know for certain but I expect you might have similar views about homosexuality as well.

And they believe that the existence of intersex people helps them do that, by providing a lot of fallacies they could take advantage of.

Despite your views, intersex exists. But is not relevant to my son. Intersex is a natural variation, and not a disease or condition.

If you and your son are going to move forward with his transition,

Already done, with the assistance of medication and surgery. But thank you. He's having a great life and in fact was married last year.


the idea that he is somehow 'hiding the truth' or 'pretending' frankly tells more about you than it does him.

What does that tell about me?

Also, no offense, but I find it peculiar that you seem uncomfortable with the term "pretending", but you seem okay with "men identify as women" or vice versa.

The problem is you are making all these arguments and claims from the outside without experiencing gender dysphoria and how it can affect people.

No, the problem is gender and sex are a universal topic that nobody should be outside of, but some people are changing the facts about, with tons of misinformation in them, and somebody has to point them out.

I don't know for certain but I expect you might have similar views about homosexuality as well.

Sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. What views have I stated that could be applied to homosexuality?

Despite your views, intersex exists. But is not relevant to my son. Intersex is a natural variation, and not a disease or condition.

That's a strawman. I never denied intersex exists, and I don't believe you genuinely thought I did.
And I wasn't talking about your son specifically, what I meant was a lot progressives in the trans space use intersex the way I described. It's often why they bring it up all the time in gender debates.

As for whether or not intersex is a condition, I think that's still debatable.

Already done, with the assistance of medication and surgery. But thank you. He's having a great life and in fact was married last year.

Very well. What's done is done then. I hope he stays happy and won't have any regrets. I really do.


What does that tell about me?

That you would think to make such suggestions.

I find it peculiar that you seem uncomfortable with the term "pretending", but you seem okay with "men identify as women" or vice versa.

I am uncomfortable because the lack of empathy shown while they are not synonyms. My son, I know, would be offended.

the problem is gender and sex are a universal topic that nobody should be outside of, but some people are changing the facts about, with tons of misinformation in them, and somebody has to point them out.

A good job we have some people like you then, who admit not having had any trans relatives and so are at a relative disadvantage in such matters. But I am happy to point out again that one can change one's gender, which is a social convention, but not one's sex. which is fixed at birth. To suggest otherwise is misinformation.

What views have I stated that could be applied to homosexuality?

That some people are 'changing the facts about it', with'tons of misinformation in them, and somebody has to 'point them out'. Or that they make a lot of their decisions based on their ability to 'hide sex' and 'deny the truth'. The debate over what rights they have 'over' other people, how they should live their lives, affirming their identities, and if they 'pretend', hiding the truth; whether homosexuality it is a 'disease', 'condition' or natural variation etc I have heard such arguments from social conservatives before.

That's a strawman. I never denied intersex exists, and I don't believe you genuinely thought I did.

Fair enough then; but to be honest (as in "And they believe that the existence of intersex people helps them") it is hard to tell where your scepticism ends and starts sometimes.

I hope he stays happy and won't have any regrets. I really do.

Thank you. He was well of age when he made the decision and I support him in whatever he wants to do. I should also say that, outside of this board, no one else has been less than fully supportive and positive.


Sorry, but for someone who has a trans relative and thus should be on the inside of all of this, I'm surprised how unaware you are of the fallacies and misinformation that go on in the trans community at large.

Don't you know that they would never stand to allow people to say "women identify as men"? They believe that trans men are real men, and that your son was NEVER female in any capacity, inside or out, beginning to end.

Don't you know the reason why they always bring up intersex in debates all the time? The things they try to prove with it?

Also, every view you think I might have regarding homosexuals is not true. I don't see misinformation coming from them, or fighting over jobs and spaces for the opposite sex or any right 'over' other people. They largely follow the same rules and knowledge as other people, provided that their personal lives are not interfered with.
Most of the homosexuals I see that are exceptions are the ones who speak for transgenders.


I'm surprised how unaware you are of the fallacies and misinformation that go on in the trans community at large.

I have certainly been made fully aware of the misinformation and fallacies about the transcommunity, during this thread; thank you, and for your representation of what the trans community apparently say and 'allow' - a presumption I have never heard from my son or my son's circle of friends. Not being (I presume) transgender yourself though, nor as you admit with a such relative, it is still I think it is difficult to argue that you are 'on the inside' rather than just a concerned conservative observer.

Having said that, nothing can take away from my son being happy and content with himself in his new gender after a slow and uncomfortable process which was entirely his own, careful mature decision. The technical issues around labels and definitions, which occupy you and others so much, are just not on his radar. My advice is to live and let live.

Your view of homosexuals is refreshing - but is unfortunately not that which I have received from others elsewhere.


Thanks for sharing information about your son. I know it's not easy as a parent, so I appreciate it. I don't think I'll ask anymore questions about your family. But are you still interested in resuming the original topic that was at hand before you brought up your son?

My argument was that gender is being used to identify as a sex that a trans person is NOT. Just like that sports example I cited earlier, which even you did not deny. I don't really know why you wouldn't call it "pretending", but "men identify as women" is still what it sounds like.

I want to get back to the technical issues around labels and definitions that occupy us all, because like I said, those are a universal topic that nobody should be outside of. It's about how gender and sex work for everybody, including ME. So I hope this time you won't dismiss me as an outsider who can't even talk about how the rules work on myself.


No problem.

My argument was that gender is being used to identify as a sex that a trans person is NOT.

And my argument remains that while sex is immutable, gender, being just a matter of social convention, is not. Do you think that they are one and the same? If not what is the difference?


I'll make the point of my argument more clear. GENDER IS FUTILE.

I know you don't like the word "pretend", but I don't think I can get my point across without it, so please bear with it. Gender is either your sex, or it's your "pretend sex". Either way, it's futile.

If you don't agree with me, then what value and validity do you think gender has?


I'll make the point of my argument more clear. GENDER IS FUTILE. Gender is either your sex, or it's your "pretend sex".

Gender is not the same as sex, and the difference has been explained already.But it is, for ideological grounds, convenient to deny it exists I can see that.

what value and validity do you think gender has?

Validity of gender refers to the extent to which the concept of gender, as a social construct, accurately reflects a person's internal sense of their own gender identity ( male, female, non-binary, or somewhere on a spectrum) It is considered a valid and real experience by the scientific community,

Gender is of value because it can affect a person's power, privilege, and opportunities in a society. It can also impact a person's sense of identity, rights, and possibilities.


Gender is not the same as sex, and the difference has been explained already.But it is, for ideological grounds, convenient to deny it exists I can see that.

Gender is male or female (AKA sexes), or something so ludicrous that most wouldn't even name their own, and when told to just identify their sex, you know what they'll do.

Validity of gender refers to the extent to which the concept of gender, as a social construct, accurately reflects a person's internal sense of their own gender identity ( male, female, non-binary, or somewhere on a spectrum) It is considered a valid and real experience by the scientific community,

Existence of the internal sense or experience does not mean it's valid or real. I can be skinny and internalize being obese, and that could be just as "real" because the sense and experience are "there".

Gender is of value because it can affect a person's power, privilege, and opportunities in a society. It can also impact a person's sense of identity, rights, and possibilities.

So it has no value unless it is given one. I can have an accurate body weight and an internalized body weight, and all that stuff you listed can be applied to my internalized weight.


Gender is male or female (AKA sexes)

Gender is not the same as sex although the two can be associated. You can look this up if you don't believe me.

Existence of the internal sense or experience does not mean it's valid or real.

Thank you for your opinion. You have a sense or experience of your own sexuality, one would assume. Does that mean it is not valid or real?
So it has no value unless it is given one.

This is true of most things, The bottom line here appears to be that one ought to take your scepticism and assume it is the only correct view. i.e. you give it overweening value.


Gender is not the same as sex although the two can be associated. You can look this up if you don't believe me.

I looked it up and heard it a thousand times, and the outcome is always the same. There will never be a reason to call yourself any gender except to match your own sex, or to lie about it and match somebody else's sex.

And YOU have not proven to me there is another reason either.

Thank you for your opinion. You have a sense or experience of your own sexuality, one would assume. Does that mean it is not valid or real?

Read the analogy I provided, then tell me which one is valid and real. The sense and experience, or the one that matches with reality.

This is true of most things, The bottom line here appears to be that one ought to take your scepticism and assume it is the only correct view. i.e. you give it overweening value.

Read my analogy again. And you're just relying on ad hominems now.


I looked it up and heard it a thousand times

Good; then by now you ought to know that you are wrong about sex and gender being the same. One can have a birth sex and identify with a different gender, as many do.

YOU have not proven to me there is another reason to change one's gender

Many people with gender dysphoria have a strong, lasting desire to live a life that "matches" or expresses their gender identity. They do this by changing the way they look and behave. Proof of gender dysphoria can include a person's history, a medical report, and evidence of distress over time.

... which one is valid and real. The sense and experience, or the one that matches with reality.

You mean the 'reality' you prefer as a conservative commentator, and not the reality others experience.

You didn't say whether, assuming you have an internal sense or experience of your own sexuality, that means it is not valid or real. I wonder why? If it is, then there is no logical reason to deny such certainty in others.

you're just relying on ad hominems now.

Not at all, I am just pointing out how presumptive you are in assuming your view of sex and gender is the only reasonable one and those who do not share that view are somehow 'pretending' or now even it seems, 'liars'. Ad hominems indeed


Good; then by now you ought to know that you are wrong about sex and gender being the same. One can have a birth sex and identify with a different gender, as many do.

Many people with gender dysphoria have a strong, lasting desire to live a life that "matches" or expresses their gender identity. They do this by changing the way they look and behave. Proof of gender dysphoria can include a person's history, a medical report, and evidence of distress over time.

Read and consider your answers again. Nothing you said denies what I said.

Think more carefully. Why do they call male/female "genders" at all? Why do they need genders that have the same names as sexes?

You mean the 'reality' you prefer as a conservative commentator, and not the reality others experience.

You didn't say whether, assuming you have an internal sense or experience of your own sexuality, that means it is not valid or real. I wonder why? If it is, then there is no logical reason to deny such certainty in others.

I'm not conservative, and there is no PREFERRED reality. There is only objective material reality, and whether or not experience matches with that.

"Sexuality" is an umbrella term that includes many ideas and concepts. I want to focus strictly on gender identity.

This time, answer the skinny vs obese analogy I provided. It's a good analogy.

Not at all, I am just pointing out how presumptive you are in assuming your view of sex and gender is the only reasonable one and those who do not share that view are somehow 'pretending' or now even it seems, 'liars'. Ad hominems indeed

Yes, it is an ad hominem. You've given me no reason to agree with you except to disprove your accusation that I have unshakeable biases.


Nothing you said denies what I said.

Not even where I have told you that sex and gender are not the same, and why?
I'm not conservative

I beg to differ, imho you have a very traditional and somewhat dated view of sexuality and gender which devalues, or worse denies, the experiences of others as valid.
here is no PREFERRED reality. There is only objective material reality, and whether or not experience matches with that.

And the reality is that some people feel out of place in their original gender and wish to transition.
"Sexuality" is an umbrella term that includes many ideas and concepts.

Indeed; and thank you for confirming the existence of intersex.
I want to focus strictly on gender identity.

This agreed separation implies you now consider it separate from sexual identity. Good idea.
Yes, it is an ad hominem

If you think that you are insulted by being told you make assertions and think them necessarily true over the experience of others - whom you now call 'liars' just because you don't agree with them - then you need to get out more. I can show you the research and science on this topic, all you show me are opinions. You are entitled to them but they are personal.
This time, answer the skinny vs obese analogy I provided.

Internalized weight bias exists, and is often when someone internalizes negative stereotypes about their weight and devalues themselves, or suffers distress as a result. The answer can be a transition in weight through diet. In this sense all dieting (or weight loss surgery) is a form of transition. Glad to help.

This time, answer the thrice-asked question of whether, assuming you have an internal sense or experience of your own sexuality, that means it is not valid or real as you claim for others. Is there a problem?


Not even where I have told you that sex and gender are not the same, and why?

Read what I said. Anybody ever point out to you that you have a habit of avoiding important parts?

And the reality is that some people feel out of place in their original gender

And do those feelings match with reality?

This agreed separation implies you now consider it separate from sexual identity. Good idea.

Still waiting for you to answer my previous question about this one.

If you think that you are insulted by being told you make assertions and think them necessarily true over the experience of others - whom you now call 'liars' just because you don't agree with them - then you need to get out more.

They're men who identify as women, and women who identify as men. They're people who identify as something they are not. Call that whatever you want.

Internalized weight bias exists, and is often when someone internalizes negative stereotypes about their weight and devalues themselves, or suffers distress as a result. The answer can be a transition in weight through diet. In this sense all dieting (or weight loss surgery) is a form of transition. Glad to help.

This is another attempt at a strawman. Read my analogy again.

This time, answer the thrice-asked question of whether, assuming you have an internal sense or experience of your own sexuality, that means it is not valid or real as you claim for others. Is there a problem?

I thought I answered that, despite its obvious attempt at a false dilemma and strawman.

My internal sense or experience of gender identity (not sexuality, GENDER IDENTITY) does not matter. What matters is objective material reality.

If my gender identity does not match with objective reality, it won't matter how many times you prove to the world I still have this internal sense or experience.


Read what I said. Anybody ever point out to you that you have a habit of avoiding important parts?

I have, thank you; it still consists of just your somewhat conservative opinions together with a conflation of sex and gender. when their separate consideration by health professionals (as opposed by internet commentators) is the important thing not to be avoided.

And do those feelings match with reality?

In so far as social conventions are real, then yes.

Still waiting for you to answer my previous question about this one.

Which question was that?

They're men who identify as women, and women who identify as men. They're people who identify as something they are not.

Thank you for your expected opinion but, as explained before, while sex is unchanging, gender is not, your preferences notwithstanding. Sorry about that.

Read my analogy again.

I did thanks. See my answer where I compared notions of internalised weight with internalised gender. While not strictly equivalent, they are similar in affecting mental health (for instance).

another attempt at a strawman

Good; so we can both agree that internalised weight exists and is valid and real then, right?

My internal sense or experience of gender identity (not sexuality, GENDER IDENTITY) does not matter.

That is something of an evasion since I was asking if it "was not valid or real", as this is something you claim of the experience of others, and not whether it matters (to you). Please try again.

a false dilemma and strawman.

It is not a strawman since I am asking for your view not proposing it for you, but the dilemma is there: do you claim something as valid and real for yourself which you deny others?

And the 'objective reality' is that some people do not relate to their gender.


I have, thank you; it still consists of just your somewhat conservative opinions together with a conflation of sex and gender.

Clearly you did not. Because if you did, you would have recognized it as a question instead of an opinion.

Which question was that?

Think more carefully. Why do they call male/female "genders" at all? Why do they need genders to have the same names as sexes?

If genders and sexes are different as you say, why not give genders any other name, except male or female?

Thank you for your expected opinion but, as explained before, while sex is unchanging, gender is not, your preferences notwithstanding. Sorry about that.

Answer the question.

Good; so we can both agree that internalised weight exists and is valid and real then, right?

Bruh. When someone accused you for using a strawman, and you don't deny it, that's your cue to stop using it, and address the actual analogy they gave you.

That is something of an evasion since I was asking if it "was not valid or real", as this is something you claim of the experience of others, and not whether it matters (to you). Please try again.

I gave you my answer, and you avoided it.

What matters is OBJECTIVE MATERIAL REALITY. That is what gives ANYTHING validity. If I identify as male, then the reality of me being male is what makes it valid.

If anybody else identifies as male, being male makes it valid.

It is not a strawman

Yes it is. You attempted to change the subject from gender identity to sexuality.

do you claim something as valid and real for yourself which you deny others?

Read what I just said about reality making things valid.


you would have recognized it as a question instead of an opinion.

You 'merely question' whether sex and gender are not always the same? Even with words like "people keep saying that "gender is not the same as sex" But virtually every single person I've ever heard say that typically don't really believe it themselves. Nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as the "man or woman" genders have been a way to pretend the "male or female" sexes."? I see.

Why do they call male/female "genders" at all? Why do they need genders to have the same names as sexes? If genders and sexes are different as you say, why not give genders any other name, except male or female?

There are many gender identities and names, including non-binary, genderqueer, agender, and bigender. (Most people are born cisgender.) Here your question betrays an unfortunate lack of understanding about gender distinctions.
Answer the question.

lol Which one this time? But no matter, I am leaving you to it after this. We have already agreed that one can have an accurate body weight and an internalized body weight, and that as you said [ 'a person's power, privilege, and opportunities in a society, a person's sense of identity, rights, and possibilities'] can be affected by it. [One] can have an accurate body weight and an internalized body weight, and that all that stuff .. can be applied to my internalized weight." so contrary to your claim, the truth and value given either to internalised gender, or weight, is not only just relevant to the individual, but also to institutions and people around him or her. That is if in a fat person a thin person is trying to get out, and one would feel happier transitioning to a new weight and size, then medicine and science can help.
When someone accused you for using a strawman, and you don't deny it, that's your cue to stop using it, and address the actual analogy they gave you.

The analogy you gave was about the supposedly comparable idea of internalised weight and I gave my answer already.
(of asking if it "was not valid or real", as this is something you claim of the experience of others, and not whether it matters). I gave my answer

So your own internalised gender identity is 'true and valid', even when you deny this privilege of others? You only answered that it 'matters' earlier which as pointed out, is not the same at all. Evasion noted.
What matters is OBJECTIVE MATERIAL REALITY. That is what gives ANYTHING validity. If I identify as male, then the reality of me being male is what makes it valid.

Thank you for your opinion. However the 'objective reality' is that many have gender dysphoria, and medicine takes this as, objectively, perfectly valid and true in itself. The reality is that, telling you the obvious for the last time, one can change one's gender but not one's sex, since objectively, they can be considered separately and one is immutable, the other not. The objective reality is that social conventions apply with regards to considerations of gender. I should not have to keep repeating this - and won't anymore since I feel you are just being obtuse.

If anybody else identifies as male, being male makes it valid.

By the same logic then, identifying as female does not validate being male. See how it works? And once again you are just offering opinions in the face of what the common medical view is and how social convention works.


"people keep saying that "gender is not the same as sex" But virtually every single person I've ever heard say that typically don't really believe it themselves. Nearly all attempts by genderqueer people to identify as the "man or woman" genders have been a way to pretend the "male or female" sexes."? I see.

Well, it's true. And until you answer my question, it's still waiting to be unproven.

There are many gender identities and names, including non-binary, genderqueer, agender, and bigender. (Most people are born cisgender.) Here your question betrays an unfortunate lack of understanding about gender distinctions.

You still didn't answer the question.

Why do they call male/female "genders" at all? Why not call THOSE two "genders" something else, instead of male and female?

lol Which one this time? But no matter, I am leaving you to it after this. We have already agreed that one can have an accurate body weight and an internalized body weight.................

The analogy you gave was about the supposedly comparable idea of internalised weight and I gave my answer already.

You're still just dodging my actual analogy.

It's so damn simple. I'm skinny, I internalize being obese. AM I OBESE? Yes or no?

'objective reality' is that many have gender dysphoria, and medicine takes this as, objectively, perfectly valid and true in itself.

one can change one's gender but not one's sex, since objectively, they can be considered separately and one is immutable, the other not.

I should not have to keep repeating this - and won't anymore since I feel you are just being obtuse.

Speaking of repeating and being obtuse, you're still not answering my previous questions. Do you know how important those are to validate your "opinions", as you seem to like to call most things?


I've ever heard say that typically don't really believe it themselves. Well, it's true

Thank you for your purely anecdotal evidence. To which I can just easily point (through personal experience, my inevitable exposure to transgender culture) to people who honestly do believe it.

Why do they call male/female "genders" at all? Why not call THOSE two "genders" something else, instead of male and female?

The word "gender" originally meant "type" or "kind" in Latin and French, but evolved to encompass social, cultural, and psychological aspects beyond biological sex, including gender identity and expression. I hope that helps.

I helpfully listed a range of different genders for your information a while back which exists, no what the U S Govt now decrees. Perhaps you have been away so long you have forgotten.

I internalize being obese. AM I OBESE? Yes or no?

Yes; if you are obese you are obese - but obesity is not a social convention like gender. There are people who have a distorted body image re: being fat, even when they are skinny, and may experience a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), where they are preoccupied with perceived flaws in their appearance, leading to anxiety and distress. In some cases a skinny person may still think they are too fat for instance and develop an eating disorder. They need to transition to a more positive body image before being cured. But, good try.

"opinions", as you seem to like to call most things

In your case, claims which do not reflect the common understandings of modern medicine must always remain unqualified (and, dare I say, somewhat old fashioned) opinions rather than facts.


And the 'objective reality' is that some people do not relate to their gender.

The 'objective reality" is that some people have dreams. They have confusions. Delusions. Pretentions. And lies.

But. Are. They. TRUTHFUL?

If a man identifies as a woman, is that TRUE?


The 'objective reality" is that some people have dreams. They have confusions. Delusions. Pretentions. And lies.

With this you have moved on from asserting that trans gendering, and gender dysphoria as a medical condition does not reflect an 'objective reality' of sex at least, to grievously insulting or discrediting the individuals usually concerned with transitioning gender. With your oft-repeated, mere opinions, familiar in the exchange between us it appears that, ultimately, it is all you have to legitimise your view - and is unfortunate.

If a man identifies as a woman, is that TRUE?

Yes; it is true that he sincerely identifies as woman. His sex is still male, but it is true that his gender is reassigned. Now please stop. Since you offer nothing new but this, that is all from me. Thank you for playing.


By the same logic then, identifying as female does not validate being male. See how it works?

You got it backwards. It's being male that does not validate identifying as female. But it does validate identifying as male.

Your mental gymnastics is really falling apart.

With this you have moved on from asserting that trans gendering, and gender dysphoria as a medical condition does not reflect an 'objective reality' of sex at least, to grievously insulting or discrediting the individuals usually concerned with transitioning gender. With your oft-repeated, mere opinions, familiar in the exchange between us it appears that, ultimately, it is all you have to legitimise your view - and is unfortunate.

It was not my intention to insult (I mean that), but the point is that's all YOU managed to prove so far. That they have these experiences. That people who have these experiences exist. Not that these experiences are valid.

Yes; it is true that he sincerely identifies as woman. His sex is still male, but it is true that his gender is reassigned.

But IS he a woman, just because he called himself one? The validity of your answer hinges on your answer to my previous question. Why they have genders named after sexes. Why they have genders called "man" and "woman".

Thank you for playing.

Your attempts to feign cockiness only reveals your insecurities. Not a good look for someone who took it on himself to defend transgender people.


It's being male that does not validate identifying as female. But it does validate identifying as male... people who have these experiences exist. Not that these experiences are valid.

Gender is a social convention which are validated through a combination of social influence, shared expectations, and the potential for sanctions (both positive and negative), reinforcing behaviours that align with the group's understanding of acceptable conduct. And if I may say so, it is presumptive to think you can decide whose experiences are 'valid' or not.

But IS he a woman, just because he called himself one?

This is why I am ending this exchange. I explain the difference between gender and sex and biology and social covention and you still conflate them in asking the same question.

Why they have genders named after sexes. Why they have genders called "man" and "woman"

I can't be bothered to type the answer out all over again. Please see my other reply to you today.

Your attempts to feign cockiness only reveals your insecurities

Whatever. But transgender people can be insecure and your lack of empathy and medical knowledge do them no favours.


Thank you for your purely anecdotal evidence. To which I can just easily point (through personal experience, my inevitable exposure to transgender culture) to people who honestly do believe it.

YOUR personal experience is anecdotal evidence. But don't worry, I don't doubt that some people honestly do believe their own BS. Delusional people do exist. And others are just hypocritical; always acting against what they claim to believe.

The word "gender" originally meant "type" or "kind" in Latin and French, but evolved to encompass social, cultural, and psychological aspects beyond biological sex, including gender identity and expression. I hope that helps.

You bolded "beyond biological sex", and still can't even begin to explain why they absolutely MUST have two genders that share the same names as biological sexes. No, it didn't help.

I helpfully listed a range of different genders for your information a while back.

Which was absolutely not helpful to explain about the only two genders I asked you about, and why they absolutely MUST share the same names as the male and female sexes.

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), where they are preoccupied with perceived flaws in their appearance, leading to anxiety and distress. In some cases a skinny person may still think they are too fat for instance and develop an eating disorder. They need to transition to a more positive body image before being cured. But, good try.

And what kind of body do you think an already skinny person who still thinks he's too fat needs to transition into to be cured? Or, is this
"more positive body image" you spoke of not a new body, but a new internalization that's different than the one he has about still being too fat?

Is it not possible that this person's internalization of being fat is just... not valid? That it's just a symptom of a DISORDER? Body dysmorphic disorder?


Delusional people do exist.

And so do those who doubt the validity of the experience of others.
explain why they absolutely MUST have two genders that share the same names as biological sexes.

This, which seems to exercise you so much represents simply the most common and widely understood terms. When transgenders change their gender they simple move to another of those conventional names for that new gender thereby so then having one sex, another gender. Your query is really not really an objection to anything. They might as well call the genders 'ladies' and 'gentlemen' 'masculine' 'feminine' or even A and B.
And what kind of body do you think an already skinny person who still thinks he's too fat needs to transition into to be cured?
It would be a mental transition from one body image to another.
Is it not possible that this person's internalization of being fat is just... not valid? That it's just a symptom of a DISORDER?

The internalisation is valid to the individual. And have we not already talked of body dysphoria? In both cases the subject has this : an image which does not match what they are. You also sound confused. How can there be a symptom of something which is not valid?
YOUR personal experience ... I don't doubt that some people honestly do believe their own BS.

With this type of sentiment, despite what you claimed, totally lacking empathy for some very troubled and confused people dismissing all their troubles as 'invalid' as you did earlier. I leave you to it for good.


Gender is a social convention which are validated through a combination of social influence, shared expectations, and the potential for sanctions (both positive and negative), reinforcing behaviours that align with the group's understanding of acceptable conduct. And if I may say so, it is presumptive to think you can decide whose experiences are 'valid' or not.

Sorry if you were insulted the first time, but I have to bring them up again. Everything you just said can also be applied to dreams, confusions, delusions, pretentions, and lies.

You can validate ALL of those things with social influence, reinforcing behaviors that align to groups, and every other way you listed.

I don't decide whose experiences are "valid". Reality does. I can take your side and validate everybody's experiences with all of those methods you listed, if I wanted. But reality will still decide if I'm right or wrong.

I can't be bothered to type the answer out all over again. Please see my other reply to you today.

And please see what I said about your reply above.

Whatever. But transgender people can be insecure and your lack of empathy and medical knowledge do them no favours.

I have enough empathy. I just don't let it get in the way of objectivity. Everyone who understands the necessity of criticism understands that.

No. Either your medical knowledge is too indefensible, or it's your evasive way of defending it, that do them no favors.


Everything you just said can also be applied to dreams, confusions, delusions, pretentions, and lies.

I really don't know why you need to deprecate or doubt the feelings and experiences of transgender people so consistently. You have your opinions of them and are welcome to them. It does not make their side of things any the less valid.
You can validate ALL of those things with social influence, reinforcing behaviors that align to groups, and every other way you listed.
But only you are always associating lies, delusions, and confusions etc with gender assignment, your implication here. One can also validate truths, clear headedness, aspirations and mental health.

I don't decide whose experiences are "valid". Reality does.. reality will still decide if I'm right or wrong.

And what reality still tells is that while sex in immutable, gender is a matter of convention and can be changed. Please stop forgetting that fact.

please see what I said about your reply above.

And my answer remains the same. There is a whole range of possible genders. Male and female are just the two most common.

Either your medical knowledge is too indefensible, or it's your evasive way of defending it

Since I merely tell you honestly the current view of medical professionals, the matter of indefensibility is something you need to take up with the doctors; this while explaining things to you bluntly and openly, several times in fact, is hardly 'evasive'. Thank you for playing and my happily married, now well adjusted, fully validated son would surely want me to add his best.


When transgenders change their gender they simple move to another of those conventional names for that new gender thereby so then having one sex, another gender.

I'm still not seeing the answer to the question. Why do they absolutely MUST have two genders that share the same names as biological sexes? Male or female?

You say "One sex, another gender"? Fine, then tell me. If a person can be the male sex, but the female gender, explain what is the female gender. Give me a reason why it MUST be called "female".

They might as well call the genders 'ladies' and 'gentlemen' 'masculine' 'feminine' or even A and B.

Bruh, you might be onto something with the last pair.

So why don't they call those two genders A and B? Anything except male or female? Anything that will be less associated with the two sexes?

How can there be a symptom of something which is not valid?

The symptom, AKA the internalization and personal experience, is NOT valid because it doesn't match with reality. That's why even YOU agree, and even suggested yourself, that they have to mentally transition from one internalized body image to another to be cured.

You really need to review what the term "valid" means.

With this type of sentiment, despite what you claimed, totally lacking empathy for some very troubled and confused people dismissing all their troubles as 'invalid' as you did earlier.

Thanks for your opinion. But I don't dismiss their troubles as "invalid". Only their beliefs. And empathy does not require validating their beliefs as much as you think it does.


But only you are always associating lies, delusions, and confusions etc with gender assignment, your implication here.

Because you didn't explain why gender assignment can be validated any more than those things, with the methods you listed.

One can also validate truths, clear headedness, aspirations and mental health.

I don't know what you mean by aspirations, but the rest need to be proven. NOT with social influence, reinforcing behaviors to groups, and the other ways you listed.

while sex in immutable, gender is a matter of convention and can be changed.

And my answer remains the same. There is a whole range of possible genders. Male and female are just the two most common.

I'm still waiting for the answer to my earlier question about the male and female genders. Why they're called those.

Since I merely tell you honestly the current view of medical professionals, the matter of indefensibility is something you need to take up with the doctors; this while explaining things to you bluntly and openly, several times in fact, is hardly 'evasive'.

Okay, then tell me what these "medical professionals" say about the male and female genders. What would THEIR answer to my earlier question be?


I rather enjoy watching when woke culture gets torpedoed. After years of abuse, justice is finally getting served.


Who's been abused (Some have been DISabused of the Male-female only dipole.)?


There is only male and female — binary. Just because there are deformities, genetic mistakes and anomalies, like intersex conditions, which are biological abominations, does not change the fact that the dipole of male and female is the correct and natural order.


It must be very soothing to you to be part of the "correct and natural order," but it only takes a little bit of sympathy to accept other's differences--have you not that little bit of sympathy? I am sorry for you if you don't.


have you not that little bit of sympathy?

I did once, but the Wokes destroyed it with their oppressive, overbearing, and sanctimonious behavior — so obnoxious and repulsive it became unbearable. Now, more than anything, I want a return to a normal society like we once had — a society where degenerates were invisible, minorities were marginalized, and women knew their place.


Wow, it sounds like you want homosexuals put back in the closet, negros in subservient duties, and women staying at home and making it comfy for their masters. Is that about right?




Well, enjoy!


Thank you.


Justice is finally coming for the woke scum that has been gaslighting and marginalizing us for the last 10 years.


And it's about time too! I was getting sick of it just in the first year, never mind the past 8.


Good, now in this new world, as CuriousMind helpfully wants, why don't you just "stay at home and make it comfy for your master". We Wokes can only do so much for you.


Let’s just pray they get it out of Hollywood. It would be nice to be able to enjoy movies again..


That is what I want more than anything — to see all the diversity garbage removed from TV and film. I want to see TV and film made for White people by White people with White people.


I’d be happy with a return to the 90’s - predominantly straight white male heroes and protagonists with a smattering of diversity here and there, and females largely in love interest roles and happy to get their tits out on occasion.

Is that too much to ask for?


That sounds like a reasonable compromise. Perhaps something closer to the '80s would help limit the amount of diversity, though I still believe the '90s were the best era for film. Even the movies that included diversity were excellent. In fact, my favorite film of all time, The Shawshank Redemption, beautifully portrays the friendship between a Black man and a White man.


Can they also bring back shy, nerdy, straight, teenage kids that go on fun, sci-fi or fantasy adventures too? I miss those so much.

I also want straight romance back on screen, with both characters being the same ethnicity (I don't mind if they're not always white), and cute little side stories of secondary characters finding hetero romantic love in the background too.


Yeah that sounds good.

I’d like to see raunchy comedies come back too, like Bachelor Party (1984). Guys who want pussy having drunken fun and getting into crazy scrapes, with a good helping of gratuitous tits and bush on the side.


Yeah! :D I want a movie that will make me laugh again. And I want [traditional] family comedies too, like families going on adventures they totally didn't ask for, and hilarity ensues; or families having to deal with something whacky going on in their neighborhood, or tapping into a holiday nobody's touched on yet and having the families go nuts for that, or two really weird, silly, crazy families coming together because the parents or the adult kids (who are straight) are getting married; something along those lines.

God knows, we could use some humor after 9 years of humorless garbage.


When I was younger, many guys would dismiss those kinds of romance movies as 'chick flicks,' but I always found them charming in their simplicity. Like you, I miss those classic romances that portrayed a normal, straight White couple falling in love. I used to watch them with my girlfriend, and I truly cherished those moments.


It was even more entertaining if they worked a subplot like that into a sci-fi or fantasy story ;)


You can't go wrong with a love story. Well you can — but you have to be Woke to fuck that up.


“get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools.”

I'm no fan of transgenderism, but if this is true, I can't agree to it. Unless trans women are taking jobs meant for women, all people who can do the job without problems have the right to jobs. And unless they're going into bathrooms of the opposite sex, all children have the right to school.


Well, they ARE going into bathrooms of the opposite sex. DUH!


Well then, get them out of those bathrooms, but let them keep working the jobs and going to school.


Anne Fausto-Sterling s suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex, such as Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%.

So, if there are 335 million people in USA, and 0.018% of them are undeniably hermaphrodites, that comes out to 60,300 Americans with both a penis and a vagina.
