MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is it worth losing money on so-called "w...

Is it worth losing money on so-called "woke" projects in order to educate the rising far-right on sensitivity/caring?

Disney, for now, doesn't seem to mind losses if it means doing the right thing morally (and I stand and applaud them for this). Big companies are taking losses, but if this advances the greater good and pushes back against the rising far-right, is it worth it, in your view? After all, western civilisation is at stake here.


Maybe list a few examples of woke projects to get this discussion started.


Wait, you think that by engaging in anti-white race swapping and the promotion of degenerate lifestyles Disney is defending Western Civilization?



or to put it another way "not persecuting minorities"


Either your post is satire or you're brainwashed.


Morally? The right thing? Greater good? You people have a really fucked up sense of morality.

There is no far right. What you loons characterize as far right is nothing but anti-woke common sense. YOU represent evil and everything that is WRONG in America.


"There is no far right", he says. 🤦🏾 At a time when we are watching Trump be sworn in, and his pal Nigel Farage gain traction in the UK. Not to mention what's going on in mainland Europe.

The far right is literally threatening western civilisation, but you'd rather bury your head in the sand. Congratulations.


You think Trump is "far right"? Why, because CNN told you so? You don't have the first clue what you're talking about. No, it only seems far right because the left has gone off the deep end into insanity.

There is the Constitution and everything else is left of that.

Don't give a shit what's going on in Europe and it's entirely irrelevant to this discussion.


So you concede that the far-right IS a concern in Europe.

Europe is part of the western world.

Good night, son.


>So you concede that the far-right IS a concern in Europe

This aged badly.

>Europe is part of the western world.

Let's hope it stays that way.


Your post is a shining example of the mental illness spread by the Leftist controlled media. Completely insane.


Common sense is slowly returning thank God.


How about Amnesty International? They're doing work in Africa that BLM doesn't give a shit about i.e. stamping out modern slavery.


I would say absolutely. We all love movies about the albino amputee struggling in Upstate NY.


This is a pretty funny troll post. 7/10.
