MovieChat Forums > Politics > Remember guys, don't complain about refu...

Remember guys, don't complain about refugees or else you're racist, but it's okay if they complain about you.

Every year in Toronto we have the Canadian International Air Show. It's done for a labour day show and is pretty much military aircraft providing entertainment by flying over the lake near the Toronto shore. Cool, right? Well, not for some refugees who say the sounds from the planes remind them of the war zones in the countries they left. And now they want to put an end to it. So remember, if your country doesn't bring in refugees, you're racist. If you do bring in refugees, but criticize them, you're racist. If the refugees are allowed in, you better be okay with them criticizing your country and the customs.


You tell them to fuck off, and move if they don't like....preferably back to where they came from.


Surprisingly, Trudeau has been cracking down on them.


Just point to the sea.


So white racists can go soak their heads?


Are you racist?


No. Have you ever soaked your head?


Wrong. You are a racist and now also a liar.


Lying about what? And where have I been racist?

And have I told you that insults are not arguments?

In any case CuriousMind101 has just assured me that "There is nothing wrong with being racist. In fact, racism is not only a natural response but also a rational one." And he ought to know lol


^ What is the sound of two racists echoing on moviechat for 100, Alex.


Why is it racist to criticize refugees for complaining about our culture, but it's not racist for refugees to complain about our culture?

Also, refugees come from different countries, so they don't have one race.


You're responding to a dyed in the wool, leftist extremist. If you say the sky is blue he will call you a racist.


Does it even matter anymore if you’re called racist? The ones calling you racist are the actual racist and 100% of everything you do can be misinterpreted as racism. They have truly beaten the piss out of the true meaning of racism. And you have suckers and losers like thaistcks to thank.


No, it doesn't matter. To them, "racist" simply means "bad person". They're not capable of thing about matters of race at any depth, so they stick to their programming and call you a "bad person" using whatever substitute word that they believe applies to the situation.


To them, "racist" simply means "bad person".

But to you a racist is a good one?


Why, that's exactly what I said. How penetratingly clever of you to have sussed that out.


Then shame on you.


Sharp as a cue ball, you are.


An ad hominem is not an argument.


Is that what you're engaged in, an argument?


It takes two to debate and all you offer is an insult,


Funny you should mention that. Just this week the largest grocery chain in Germany, Edeka, put out an advertising campaign against the color blue! Blue is associated with the center-right political party Alternative For Germany, and the diversity hires and assorted sissies who manage that chain don't want you to vote for the AfD. So these retards made up posters about how all their produce is green, red, and other "acceptable" colors. "What about blueberries?" you might ask. Well, they helpfully explained down in the corner of the poster, using The Science!©, that blueberries aren't actually blue. Did I mention they're retards? If you weren't convinced, people easily dug up an Edeka advertisement from a couple years ago, featuring the requisite wise colored man, in which they let you know that they won't sell you blueberries until they're sufficiently blue in color. Yep...retards.


Well that kinda backfired! Alternative for Germany won big time.


Samoanjoes started with the racist talk.


Except nothing he said was racist.


"So remember, if your country doesn't bring in refugees, you're racist. If you do bring in refugees, but criticize them, you're racist."


Nothing racist there unless you're a fringe kook leftist who calls EVERYONE racists.

You act as if refugees can't be criticized for any reason. Do you actually believe that?


That's what I thought.


It's funny, you and your woke scolding is the reason why people like SamoanJoes will end up like me — an actual racist, fascist, and White supremacist.
I'm building a fascist White Nationalist army and we are getting new recruits everyday thanks to people like you.
So keep doing what you're doing.


I won't end up racist, fascist or a white supremacist. I'll just continue to call out illogical things and call out people who think everything is racist.


I know, my point was that when leftists constantly woke scold and call normal people like yourself racist, it drives people like you away from the left, and in some cases towards the far right.


You're lumping samoanjoes in with our resident group of unhinged RWNJ Trumptwats?

No, uh-uh, I simply will not stand for that!

There are many posts that are nothing more than the echo chambers you describe, but this is not one of them...


Thanks. I don't support Trump at all and I'm not even conservative.


You've never posted anything that could possibly make anyone think otherwise, that's why I was so shocked and indignant!

And that airshow complaining is crap...Reminds me of the folks who buy a house close to an airport and complain about the noise!


Imagine willingly going to a place and complaining that it reminds you of the place you left and want to change it.


Where was the racism?


I’m really amazed at the body of emigrés to the West that arrive to immediately claim victimhood and make presumptuous demands for one concession or another. The immigrants in Dearborn calling for death to America after fleeing to America for their own safety and prosperity is hard to fathom. Obviously this is only a fraction of the immigrant population but it’s an obnoxious and noisy fraction.


"The immigrants in Dearborn calling for death to America after fleeing to America for their own safety and prosperity is hard to fathom."

They sound like plants to me, doubt they were ever in danger (they are the danger). I actually have to make a trip to Detroit next month. I wont be very far from Dearborn.


It’s not a bad place at all. The people there are largely a mix of Polish Catholics and Muslims from the Middle East. They’ve found a way to coexist (sometimes tenuously). But the conduct of those immigrant protesters was repulsive. It got a lot of coverage in the Detroit News so maybe that will change future similar behavior. Go visit the Ford River Rouge plant when you visit. It’s a fantastic tour of a state of the art truck factory


I have no problem with immigrants/refugees coming to the country. But the idea that they are owed something when they come to the country is ridiculous. I don't knock on someone's door asking to come in and then complain that they didn't roll out a red carpet because that's what we do in my house. It makes no sense.


I have no problem with immigrants/refugees coming to the country. But the idea that they are owed something when they come to the country is ridiculous.

They are owed decency, justice, equal rights under the law and freedom from hatred and intimidation. At least.


Well yeah, but I'm not talking about equal rights. I'm talking about how we don't have to change our laws and customs to appease people who chose to come to our country.


No you don't and shouldn't. Hopefully the good ol' U S of A has admirable traditions enough to cope with immigrants - after all most of the country consists of immigrants or their descendants. Of course you might have to change things to turn the poor and dispossessed away...


Those planes might protect their freedom here one day - suck it up buttercups.


I was attacked by my neighbour's dog when I was 11. Ban dogs to free me of this trauma!


You probably deserved it.

I imagine it went like this:

1. Little Samoanjoes: Hey dog, my dog does magic tricks. They call him the Great Hound-ini.
2. Dog attacks.


No. I was just sitting on the sofa like a good samoanjoes, and they opened the door to the room the dog was in and it came straight for me. I swear he had something against me to attack me unprovoked. That bitch even dug its claws in my arm.


It's like the dogs in the Terminator movies.

The dog was trying to save humanity.

Good doggie.


some refugees who say the sounds from the planes remind them of the war zones in the countries they left. And now they want to put an end to it.

You get made up shit like that trotted out regularly by right wing racists in the UK at christmas and nov11th - memorial day.

Every time all these assholes post "They wont let me wear my poppy to remember the dead .. they think its offensive ... its racism racism against whites! I'm a patriot!" blah blah etc

When in fact nothing of the sort has happened.


I mean, they did provide names in the article and what they were associated with.


ok one person " associate professor of sociology" was actually triggered - when watcing it on video
The bulk of the article seems to be about general noise complaints.
Its not like theres some sort of mass movement by refugees to cancel fighter jets.


Its not like theres some sort of mass movement by refugees to cancel fighter jets.


I dont think they are refugees / immigrants , but point taken


If you do bring in refugees, but criticize them, you're racist.

But, er, here you are... most of this board appears to be made up of those telling us what they're 'not allowed' to do, and yet we see it done, loud and clear over and over, from the praising of Hitler upwards...


It was about being called racist for saying those things, which I was called somewhere above.


If you so value freedom of expression, why would you object to it being exercised by someone else? You can't have it both ways.


They can, but people think everything is racist nowadays, even if something is factual. The point is that when you state your non-racist opinion, people don't think critically and just automatically resort to calling people racist.


but people think everything is racist nowadays, even if something is factual.

Which is an exaggeration although some Liberals can be trigger happy with such accusations certainly. Also something can be factual but still expressed in racist terms.

The point is that when you state your non-racist opinion, people don't think critically and just automatically resort to calling people racist.

The answer, in regards to this site at least, is that many posts are clearly racist, although couched in ostensibly reasonable terms, while the snowflakery of those many expressing them and claiming persecution and/or censorship is, ironically, also very evident. This while in the UK and other European democracies at least, there is no right to express views which are hateful, intimidating or can incite violence.


Which is an exaggeration although some Liberals can be trigger happy with such accusations certainly. Also something can be factual but still expressed in racist terms.

And a lot of the time they still do it when it's not expressed that way.
This while in the UK and other European democracies at least, there is no right to express views which are hateful, intimidating or can incite violence.

The UK has no free speech laws even when it's not hateful. A few years ago a man got arrested for asking the police if their horse was gay. They eventually changed the law because of it, but there are still similar laws.


The UK has no free speech laws

The UK's freedom of speech laws are based on a combination of common law, the European Convention on Human Rights, and other legislation:

Common law: British citizens have a negative right to freedom of expression.

Human Rights Act 1998: Article 10 of the Human Rights Act protects freedom of expression, including the right to hold and share opinions, and to communicate in any medium.

Other legislation: The Public Order Act 1986, the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, and the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 are some examples of legislation related to hate speech in the UK.


And yet stuff flike this happens:


>And yet stuff flike this happens:


Employment law. She wasn't prosecuted for this.

Interestingly, a lot of Americans seem to hold the position that an employer should have the right to fire anyone for any reason. I assume you do not hold to this then?

As for your bible search, is there a particular incident you're referring to here? You just did a google search.


I copied the URL on the site but for some reason it only posted the Google search. I had to do a Google search because I forgot the guy's name, but I found it on another site that allows me to copy the link.


A force statement added: "It appears that the officer has misinterpreted the Public Order Act and we have apologised to the cafe owner for any distress we may have caused."

It said the constabulary respected all religious views but said, "we have no issues with the professionalism or courtesy shown by the officer".



Dimitrie Stoica was arrested for making a TikTok video in which he pretended that right-wing rioters were chasing him. Though he claimed the video was a joke, Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Shooter stated,

“As has been made clear by forces across the country, any criminal actions relating to the disorder, whether they be in person or online, will be dealt with quickly and robustly. Whether it is spreading misinformation or being involved in disorder the message is clear — as a service we are ready to respond and deal with any situation robustly.”

a 55-year-old woman was arrested for a social media post she shared that claimed the suspect was “was an asylum seeker who came to the UK by boat last year and was on an MI6 watch list.”

“If this is true,” she stated, “then all hell is about to break loose.”

There's another example I'm trying to find where a man put a photo up on Facebook with a picture of Muslims on the street that said something like "This is England?" and got arrested for it.


a 55-year-old woman was arrested for a social media post she shared that claimed the suspect was “was an asylum seeker who came to the UK by boat last year and was on an MI6 watch list.”

Dimitrie Stoica was arrested for making a TikTok video in which he pretended that right-wing rioters were chasing him.

Which fake news was clearly an attempt to provoke. You will note that in the latter instance it was a 'Lefty' who was prosecuted. All you have done is shown that the UK law is being operated even-handedly.


All you have done is shown that the UK law is being operated even-handedly.

I didn't state otherwise. Arresting people for free speech (and even parody) shouldn't exist unless it is inciting violence.


Which in the UK has been the case a lot recently (or for actual violence) - as nearly a thousand overwhelmingly right wingers have discovered. However the 'it was just a joke' excuse doesn't impress judges much.


There will always be outlier cases. That does not mean the whole of the UK is without freedom of expression. One notes too that many employers these days include in their contracts an expectation of how their workers generally should represent themselves and their views on social media.

There are two issues here, one of freedom of speech and (more relevant to the topic of this thread) the idea that white and black treatment can involve double standards. Here, as your link tells us:

" Webb’s wider claim that her sacking itself was unfair and the result of racial discrimination against her on account of her white skin was dismissed as being wholly without merit."


I think I would complain too depending on how loud it is. it'd be like hearing sirens 5 times a day for 3 days straight. Why can't they just do the show in a more distant airfield instead? I'm NOT in favor of banning it though as it'd be akin to banning Pride parades which promote degeneracy. Oh and thank of the refugees from other cultures which may prohibit that kind of stuff hoho.


They don't want to ban it for the loudness, they want to ban it because the sound reminds them of the warzone they left. I only heard it once from my house so it's not like they're doing it day in and day out.
