MovieChat Forums > Politics > FEMINISM: what is not equal?

FEMINISM: what is not equal?

[yes, putting THIS into politics, because, you know..... "people"]

What is left to EQUALIZE?

What CAN'T you do these days?

Two things I can think of off the top of my head are, men need to become shorter, and weaker to make everything equal.

Other than that, what is feminism fighting for? Equal PAY? Debunked so many times already, not even worth mentioning.
Did some man get picked over a woman for a job? Guess what: that happens to men ALL.THE.TIME. That's called reality.

So, what's left?
We'll work on breeding shorter, weaker men with genetics going forward...


aaaand queue the echo chamber in 123..


nothing interesting to add?
why post at all?

oh that's right....


Countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan for example.


serious question: so.... for example... America is supposed to correct the rest of the world's inequalities?
please expand on this a little.

While agree bad things happen elsewhere, I don't feel it is up to us/me - where I am - to correct other cultures/countries... any more than I would want them trying to correct us into their ways.


It's just a way to play people off people.

Who wants men and women working and fighting with each other?

Heaven forbid the curtain should be lifted and the real villains of this world be exposed.


I hear feminism wants "equality".... what isn't EQUAL now or available?


You'll never get a good answer.

Just like you'll never get a good answer as to why abortion hasn't been settled - it's a good distraction to keep the people at each other's throats while corporate scumbags loot their way to their next 500 million dollar yacht or private island.


Oh i don't know...I think you gave a pretty good answer!


Yes and yes.




So, what's left?
We'll work on breeding shorter, weaker men with genetics going forward...

That will never happen, that would require women to breed with shorter men, and they don’t want that, they want a man to be taller than them in heels.


Ha that's true. I guess women don't really want equality. They need to step up to help equalize



seems like feminism is POINTLESS at this stage in the world, yes?

HUMAN rights in Saudi and Afgan are not feminism


Do you think that things today are equal - more equal than in the past? Like when women couldn't vote, or more recently, couldn't get credit or even open bank accounts?

That's why feminism is needed.


I do think things are equal today. Not sure what is left to equalize?

I'm asking, What is left to EQUALIZE?


Well, they don't want to go back. As for new goals, top priorities seem to be keeping the government from controlling their bodies and stopping society from protecting men who rape and brutalized them. Many would like more women in top corporate positions.

But, you know these things and just want to play dumb.


"stopping society from protecting men who rape and brutalized them."

Which society is protecting those type of men? The world as a whole or specifically USA?




certain levels of life exist and happen whether we LIKE it or WISH it or not.
for example: laws
Laws exist. Laws will ALWAYS be broken. We can make a zillion new laws, they will never stop being broken.
So, LAWS make equality a reality? We can stop sexual assualts? hmmmm interesting. Why has no one ever thought of trying that before?

Top corporate positions.... really? Can you point out the current laws that explicitly restricts women from holding these positions? I know plenty of top tier women apparently breaking that restrictive law.
Or, is this about Equal OUTCOME (insane, non-reality) over Equal OPPORTUNITY (Real life)?

Not really playing DUMB, asking for specific things that are currently BLOCKED from women. People asking for EQUAL NUMBERS in employment are insane. Jobs must be earned, not equalised. Do you want a doctor in the bottom 10% doing your heart surgery because he/she was a certain sex or color? Because that would be insane.

Still waiting for answers.

Where's all the real feminists to answer when asked?


Not everything can be changed with laws. Feminists want to change society. The fact that you think having more women heading corporations means less competent people is an example of belief that is unfounded and what feminists want to change


"you think having more women heading corporations means less competent people"

How EXACTLY did you get that takeaway from what I said? I said nothing remotely close to that, nor some hidden meaning. I said I know many women in top positions.

Are you asking for equal numbers instead of equal qualifications? Because I'm not saying women or men are less qualified. It's a general statement, I didnt want to have to detail out: do you want the bottom 10% WOMEN or MAN, to be your doctor? IE Lets say someone LESS QUALIFIED gets job to EQUALIZE things... because... why? To EQUAL the number of sexes out? Or blakcs, whites, whatever.

The women I've known WERE equally qualified and earned the position with skill and perserverence just like men. They aren't even feminists and some how didn't feel held back. Weird.

If feminism feels pecked at by reading words and interpreting them incorrectly, that's on them, not me.


Doctors, CEOS, you seem to think women are inferior at these things. I don't want to have a surgeon in the bottom 10% whether they are a man or a woman.


You skipped the "how exactly" part. I guess we're done. Oh well.


I said feminists would like to see more women in CEO pairings than they're are now.

You played the straw man of "equal numbers" and then posed the claim that would entail being operated on by the bottom 10%.

So excise me for your logical fallacies.

By the way, you do realize that there is always a bottom 10% of surgeons in practice at any moment, right? Do you care if they are men?

I worked in a department of orthopedic surgery, years ago, that prides itself on having the highest % of women and minority surgeons in the country. It was an intensional thing, hiring and training those under-represented populations. It was also one of the most highly recognized ortho surgical departments in the country.


This AAALLLLLLL circles back to women's choices. Shockingly, there is not a high percentage of women SEEKING Ceo jobs.

Feminists would like to see more women in ceo jobs.... ok... where are they? many women are simply not interested in this high stress position. The ones that are, sometimes get there.
Many men are also not interested. Some men interested don't get there. Tough. This is life. Just because the numbers are not high enough for someone's personal wish list, didn't mean reality has to change into fantasy land for them.

On another note, belive it or not, I appreciate you speaking up and bringing out these points. It is what I was asking about.

Feminist WISHING for more CEOs is the same as me demanding more male nurses... the interest simply isn't there.


"Shockingly, there is not a high percentage of women SEEKING Ceo jobs."

I don't suppose you can back that up with anything.


backed up with facts, and reality.

review these VERY BASIC charts.
There is literally nothing keeping women (or men) from selecting these varied job types... and yet... here they are: INEQUALITY of job population based on gender interests based on real census datas. Women can do anything they choose now. This is how they choose.

OR does all this reveal true sexual descrimination... in that more men are NOT ALLOWED to be receptionists and secretaries?


What does that have to do with women who want to be CEOs?


it shows how the sexes CHOOSE types of jobs. I suggested not many women were that interested in CEO.

for example, in both stats, CHILD CARE workers are dominated by women over men. because, more women CHOOSE that postion, less men choose it.
It's the CHOICE.

Don't you think both graphs depict how the sexes differ in choices? Or is SEXISM keeping women out of STORE PERSON and CHEFS, as well as keeping men from NURSING and RECEPTION?

It's the sexes choices


It shows the kind of jobs they can get, not the kind of jobs they desire or aspire to. It actually shows the sex bias in our society. How much do the jobs at the top of the chat compare with those at the bottom?

You aren't very bright, are you?


We're done.


Women have more rights than men in the US.


The left has always focused on tearing people down rather that bringing people up. It why they are constantly attacking the country. Burning its flag. Criticizing the constitution, holidays, traditions, people.


Seriously though, how dumb are they that they can't see how bad this stuff is???


Feminism has won in the USA.

Women have more rights than men.


What is a right that women have that men don't have?


All the reproductive rights.

Please, name one reproductive right a man holds over a woman...


This may have something to do with the fact that women can give birth, and men cannot.


So what? You still need a man to create a baby...

Women have more rights than men.


So what rights should men have here that would equalise this?


I'm not a commie, I don't believe everything needs to be equal. Equality doesn't exist in nature.


Okay, lets rephrase it: Where men and women are the same, they have equal rights, equal opportunity access.


Men and women are not the same.

Women have far more advantages in society than men do.

Woman have far more access to higher society than men do.

Women have more rights than men do.

Woman have more advantages and better access to jobs than men do.


>Men and women are not the same.

I didn't say they were. I said *where they are the same*, they have equal rights, equal opportunity access.

>Woman have far more access to higher society than men do.

>Woman have more advantages and better access to jobs than men do.

Got any actual data to back this one up as a rule?


What are the reproductive rights that a woman has?


All of them.


Just name one, sweetie.


- aborting HIS baby
- KEEPING his baby
- child $upport money forced
- full custody with full blocking the father (often, not always)

- false rape accuastions
- caliming sexual harrasment in the workplace or anywhere

..... maybe we should start EQUALIZING those, huh?


Don't forget all the family court advantages... no fault divorce.

Your wife can go around fucking the entire neighborhood, divorce you, take all your shit, take your kids, and get away with it scot-free.


Yes! good point. The list is pretty long, really.

info-police don't want to face all these realities that exist in real life.


If you were a better man, you'd get treated better in court than you have.


Weird flex. I've never been in court, never been divorced, have a great gf.... resort to personal attack means you ran out of argument. Oh well. Thanks for trying.


You sounded like you were speaking from personal experience


Not remotely. But I have eyes and can think for myself.

One does not have to experience EVERYTHING to discuss it.


Paper rights are probably fairly close to even. But in practice, male job and school applicants and divorce court dads will tell you that women have a big leg up on men when it comes to favoritism.



STIIIILLLL waiting on the live feminists to step in here and share the true issues.
Because I'm not seeing it.

I don't beleive they will because when they look at it, there is nothing else wrong. Just anecdotal instances.

Guys have given and given them all the freedoms they poosibly could. And now 1/4 of women are on mental health meds, the others are unhappy and bitching about it online.
What the hell else do they want???


The right to not work as construction workers, loggers, miners, soldiers in the front, open-sea fishermen etc.


Men have those rights, too.


All women have that right. Some men don't have it. If no men refuse to work as loggers, miners etc., they will have to face forced work.


Who in the US is forced to work as a construction worker or a logger???


No one but as I wrote earlier if men refuse to perform those jobs, then some of them (prisoners, outlaws, outcasts, debtors etc.) will be forced to perform them.


