Great 2 minutes explanation of why 9/11 was something completely different than the narrative they force fed us.
shareThey used explosives for the controlled demolition but they also used energy weapons to strike the buildings.
shareIs this one of the wacky Republican dogma policies you're obliged to believe if your conservative?
or just one you've picked at random?
I'll be interested to see which of the moviechat regulars go with this bullshit
Have you ever tried using at least five minutes of common sense or critical thinking?
shareWhat's the "common sense" behind believing that a fucking laser was used to take down the Twin Towers on 9/11?
Fucking hell you have genuine serious mental health problems
of course.
I'm applying the "occams razor" model to the 911 events
Are you saying that anyone who "using at least five minutes of common sense or critical thinking?" will conclude that the wacko conspiracy theory that the US governwement destroyed the Twin Towers and murdered 3000 civilians is correct?
where are you on Flying saucers and Alien abductions?
Not only that, but that specifically that a laser was fired at the Twin Towers lol
shareDid you watch the OP video demonstrating and explaining that it was impossible for those planes to bring down the towers? No, of course not, truth and facts will cause your brain to hemorrhage and your fee-fees to hurt.
sharehaha amazing you're still flogging this horse.
keep going ,
Dont forget all sources are msm bullshit and use your common sense and critical thinking skills , cant go wrong that way
I notice that you evaded my question, which means that you ignored the video demonstration and the explanation. That's the type of information that you will never get from the MSM rectum.
shareI've seen videos before from conspiracy nuts playing slo-mo clips of the towers coming down , and talking about melting point of jet fuel and girders etc
... and then coming to ludicrous conclusions
I dont need to wade through another.
I'm going to use my "common sense and critical thinking" to write off the delusions of some guy on twitter as a waste of time.
You've seen it though - If theres any breakthrough news that the world needs to know that finally proves it , tell us what it is and at what point in the video it comes up.
and if you're talking about the video of the windows blowing out as "controlled demolition" , thats obviously just air pressure from collapsing floors.
So you did ignore it just as I predicted. I'm not surprised. Willful ignorance and denialism. lol
sharefine ! right !
all-fucking right ... seeing as its only two mins ...
goes watches video
...just as I predicted, a load of batshit crazy conspiracy nut bullshit
The text above the video is incomprehensible conspiracy babble
So is the content of the video
They dont even say who this guy in the uniform surrounded by flags even is.
you owe me two minutes back
did I miss anything?
also why could you not , as I requested , just tell us all what the big revelation in this video is?
because now I've been forced to watch it I still dont know
hahaha, You completely dismissed and rejected the video as a conspiracy theory without discussing, rebutting or refuting anything about it, well done on not disappointing, again.
shareand here you are resolutely refusing to discuss the video
I ask again , for the third time - which part do you want to discuss?
What are you talking about "for the third time", there was never a first.
You rejected and dismissed that video like an allergic reaction. lol
1) You've seen it though - If theres any breakthrough news that the world needs to know that finally proves it , tell us what it is and at what point in the video it comes up.
2)also why could you not , as I requested , just tell us all what the big revelation in this video is?
because now I've been forced to watch it I still dont know
3) for the third time - which part do you want to discuss?
I watched the video. It was just a guy in a uniform making general statements with nothing to back it up. A proverbial, "Trust me bro, I know what I'm talking about."
"No steel core tower has ever collapsed before or since 9/11."
How many steel core towers have been hit by planes that size or larger, at that speed, carrying that much fuel?
It doesn't have to melt steel. It only needs to soften and weaken it enough to compromise the structural integrity needed to support the hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and steel in the floors above the fire, and when those top floors start falling, there's no stopping that inertia.
These are simple concepts a child can grasp.
"It only needs to soften and weaken it"
Why is it Bullshit?? Why?? 🤔
shareBecause it is. You really think our government is smart enough to pull this off?
Signed, million man
They are smarter than the jackasses they say did it. Those guys cant even figure out remote detonation and have never done anything complex before or after, and its always in their own shithole countries.
shareJesus fucking christ. Another candidate for one of your most absolutely batshit comments.
Can I see the slightest shred of evidence that an energy weapon was used to strike the Twin Towers? How in the fuck could that not be picked up by cameras or video?
It was Aliens. I'm telling you. And the Will Smith showed up with that thing and everyone forgot.
shareYeah, I was curious what the conspiracy theorists had to say about 9/11, and many people have noted that the way the buildings fell down isn't consistent with a tall structure that was first hit by a plane and then destabilizes.
Because frankly, the twin towers were apparently built better by 70s construction companies than the CIA had hoped, and were not falling down at all, despite the planes being smashed into them at the tops, so the backup plan was to use charges that had been covertly set up inside the outer walls of the towers. People who have worked construction recognized the style immediately and said the way the towers fell was more consistent with building demolition than something caused by an airplane setting the joint on fire.
Not too sure we have energy weapons strong enough to do that. Lasers are notorious for petering out after less than a mile, and I don't think we had drones with lasers back in 2001.
The explosives brought down the 3 buildings but they still used energy weapons similar to the recent DEWs that they have been using.
shareEvidence please
shareHow do they work? And how did they fire at the buildings without anyone noticing?
shareIt depends on which technology is used.
Some laser weapons have been captured on footage but not from microwave weapons, you will only see the results.
There is a book and a 2+hr documentary by an engineer that goes into further details about the directed energy technology.
The documentary is available for free on several platforms including ‘Internet Archive’.
Research: Where did the Towers go? By Dr Judy Wood
Crazy conspiracy theorists need serious help from psychiatrists. Starting from taking their access to Internet.
share99% of what you NPCs labeled as right-wing conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.
"Conspiracy Theory" was coined by the CIA to discredit the truth.
>99% of what you NPCs labeled as right-wing conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.
Examples please.
>"Conspiracy Theory" was coined by the CIA to discredit the truth.
You think the origins of the term "conspiracy theory" come from the CIA?
Like what? That Americans were not on Moon? Or Elvis is alive and hides from public? LOL
shareMy favorite part was - "No steel building has ever collapsed before or adter 9/11".
No shit Sherlock. No Skyscraper that high was ever hit with such force of such big plane. LOL
Who is that guy? Why is he in uniform? Some ex-police officer who is now expert in Skyscrapers? Is he also expect in cats and space?
How predictable that you go for the Ad hominem attack.
3500+ architects/engineers have already confirmed and verified the information that was stated on that video.
You just posted several clowing replies on this thread about the OP source and you're still asking for a link. lol, it's no surprise that others ignore people like you. 100% predictable.
Gotcha. No source then. Just voices in your head.
OP posted some 2 minutes video shopped of a larger video of who know who and expects a serious conversation? LOL.
As predicted. More clowning.
If you were not an NPC, you would have done your own research based on the OP's video, but only people that think for themselves will do that.
Gotcha. Again - no source. Because they don't exist.
You seriously offer me to "research" conspiracy theories of crazy people? LOL
The twitter source exists, and yet, you still clowned about it even after reading the rest of the page.
Hence, proving my point, again. Clowns get no cake.
Go get help and stop reading crazy conspiracy theories.
Some crazy twitter idiot is not "source".
Everything he stated has been available from different sources for years.
Apparently, this is the first time that you came across that information from that particular source and it's too much for you to comprehend since you are a normie living in your own fantasy land.
People like you are incapable of thinking for yourself. It must be too uncomfortable and painful to think critically.
Stop. I beg you. Stop. LOL
Go get help and stop reading crazy conspiracy theories.
It must be a fantasy land in you head.
Never having to think critically about anything.
Oh look, it's a conspiracy theory, it's hurting my brain and my feelings, get it away from me, I can't take it, It's too much.
There is Critical Thinking. And there is Crazy Conspiracy Theories.
You are not Critical Thinker. You just consume all delusional crap that Crazy Conspiracy Theorists dump on you. That's why you cant link to those 3500 engineers. Because it's probably something that you cult leaders mentioned in their videos. Without proofs.
Who is Conspiracy Theorist? It's a person who has agenda and creates himself Theory on some subject. And then he tries to fit facts into that theory. Taking small parts out of context and ignoring real large fact when they dont fit in. And along the way he makes up stuff and then starts believing in them.
You just described the opposite of a critical thinker, lol.
And as a reminder, the CIA weaponized/coined "Conspiracy Theory" to discredit the truth.
The same objective that fact checkers are for, to discredit and/or obfuscate the truth.
I honestly don't know anyone IRL that actually believes that two buildings were brought down by a couple of airplanes.
I posted a few questions at the bottom of this post and I challenge you take at least one of them serious enough to think about it without dismissing it. Those are critical thinking questions.
I'm not holding my breath considering that your description of a 'critical thinker' and 'conspiracy theorist' is unmistakable from someone that is completely brainwashed.
>And as a reminder, the CIA weaponized/coined "Conspiracy Theory" to discredit the truth.
The same objective that fact checkers are for, to discredit and/or obfuscate the truth.
No evidence provided for this claim.
>I honestly don't know anyone IRL that actually believes that two buildings were brought down by a couple of airplanes.
Either you exclusively hang around with conspiracists (plausible), or you know no-one.
You don't know anyone IRL that actually believes that two buildings were brought down by a couple of airplanes because you surrounded and locked yourself in echo chamber of fellow conspiracy theorists.
This post and you is actually the first time I hear this insane theory that not planes took them out.
No, its basic common sense that two buildings that were built to withstand several planes and much more were simply brought down by fuel that melted the beams?
No airplanes hit building-7 (a well known fact), and it collapsed the same way as the twins, that was their biggest mistake.
Sure Jen. Keep living in your made up world.
share>No airplanes hit building-7 (a well known fact), and it collapsed the same way as the twins, that was their biggest mistake.
It is not a "well known fact". It is a conspiracy theory peddled by conspiracy theorists.
What happened to all the people that died on the planes that crashed into the WTC and the Pentagon?
>3500+ architects/engineers have already confirmed and verified the information that was stated on that video.
Do you just make numbers up now?
Do you ever use your brain?
shareHon, we, normal people, don't live in your made up crazy world of conspiracy theories.
It all makes sense to you since all your conspiracy theory friends say the same in your echo chamber.
But it looks ridiculous when you bring that up to real world. Thats why people laugh.
Translation: You normies live in your own fantasy world of willful ignorance and denialism because it's too painful to accept reality and to think for yourselves.
sharehon, you are like a cult member that came to real world and doesn't understand why everything is so different there and no one bows to cult leader who says aliens rule the government and earth is flat.
And when people ask for profs - you say they must go a listen to cult leader to understand it all.
It's sad, really. Go get help and stop reading crazy conspiracy theories
That's nice but I never mentioned aliens or flat earth, those are different groups of people.
This is about the impossibility that those planes took down those buildings.
Who said that? 3500 voices in your head? They are not real
shareJet Fuel is not going to cause an entire building of that size and structure to collapse exactly the same manner as they would in a controlled demolition.
You don't need 3500+ Architects and Engineers to tell you that.
Well here we are. Since you can't link to those 3500+ Engineers you mentioned, because they don't exist - now it's - "You don't need 3500+ Architects and Engineers to tell you that".
Hilarious. Now you are expert in Architect and Engineering?
I don't need to be an expert, I just use some basic common sense.
You should try it once in a while. lol
Sorry, you made a specific claim that a specific number of architects and engineers have "confirmed and verified" the video in the OP here. Can I see a source that backs this up?
share3500+ architects/engineers have already confirmed and verified the information that was stated on that video.
and yet its only basement dwelling internet conspiracy nuts who have the real story!
Despite 3500+ architects/engineers proving you right this hasnt gone mainstream?
I'd have expected headlines along the lines of
"Holy fuck - the internet weirdoes were right! the government organised the whole thing! Quick! ready the minute men!!"
Why hasnt that happened?
Because the MSM is not going to admit and advertise something in which they are complicit.
shareohhhhhh right.
They're *all* complicit! wow , that must have cost a bit .
How many people is that ? a few million ?
and not one of them has broken the silence, amazing.
That even more impressive that the millions who were in on 2020 election fraud never being discovered.
How come none of the newspapers in the other countries havent reported this breakthrough that
"3500+ architects/engineers have already confirmed and verified the information that was stated on that video."
So I watched twitter page of that Mads Palsvig whose tweet is here.
Oh Mah Gawd. Guy is cray. Like completely. No wonder. All conspiracy theorists go crazy at some point as their brains can't comprehend all those lunatic theories they make up.
All checks on conspiracy theory psycho:
- putin lover
- hates Ukraine
- nazi supporter
- conspiracies about Ukraine, Nuland, coups
- The CIA coup d'etat in the USSR in 1991 funded by a 10-year USD 250 Billion bond from Sep 12 1991 - Sep 12 2001 (all the documentation was conveniently in Tower 7). The money was spent on "regime change" bribing important members of the Duma (the Russian Parliament) Victoria Nuland style,
- George Soros
- Talmud World Order
And this is just his posts for the last 24 hours. I can't. It's like walking into psych ward.
It must be true though .
TVfan is very thorough about checking his sources and uses "Common sense and critical thinking" to work out which can be trusted.
9/11 happened as you saw it on your TVs. There was no great conspiracy behind it all. That's not to say that certain Tribes didn't gleefully exploit it for their own ends, but these constructions of intricate Rube Goldberg-esque theories about what might have happened are nonsense. It was Arab terrorists who took over 4 planes and flew 3 of them into their targets. The evidence for this is overwhelming.
shareAt least on a day like this when someone goes full cray cray and posts this sort of shit the people who are usually on opposite sides of a debate get to agree on something .
He's being sarcastic.
sharenope , read the room .
He's on your side in a lot of things - Trumps great , maga rulesz , 2020 rigged etc .
But this bullshit is a step too far , you are the only one here pushing the 911 tin hat angle , ( hmm excep the OP who is strangely silent)
You might get yourself kicked out of the Donald party for being too crazy , which would be quite a feat given the stiff competition , and the undying love you've shown , and all the election evidence you've got but not brought forward yet.
You're not reading the room, nor my posts in particular, if you think I've ever advocated for Trump's greatness, or boilerplate MAGA.
I would prefer to have him assume the Presidency next January, not because I think he's the answer to any of our problems, but because I think his mere existence helps tear the mask off the fascist left.
point taken
This is only one page of 12 with more questions, explanation, sources, documents, interviews and examples.
Are we to believe that a man in a cave with a satellite phone on dialysis penetrated the strongest military defense on the planet and bring down 3 of the strongest built buildings in the world with 2 delicate aluminum planes?
Why was there no military intervention during an actual terrorist attack?
How did Larry Silverstein have a “sudden” dermatologist appointment on Sept,11 where his office was precisely where the “plane hit”?
How did common terrorists who can’t even operate a crop duster operate a commercial airliner?
Why did the two towers turn into dust before they hit the ground?
Why did building 7 fall at free fall speed into its own footprint like a controlled demolition when it wasn’t even hit by a plane?
Twin Towers; How did the lightweight aluminum wings from the “planes” cut through the 14 inch steel beams of WTC? On the CNN footage of the airliner the plane doesn’t appear typical by design, when Boeing was approached by this question they declined. Cameras on the roofs of both WTC 1 & 2 were working all the up until 9/11?
Pentagon; Where are the engines and big components of the “Plane” that hit the Pentagon? Why out of 86 confirmed videos that could identify the plane did the FBI only release 1, that only has 5 frames? The Pentagon claimed that the “plane” was vaporized including both 6 ton titanium engines, jet fuel can vaporize titanium engines? The light poles knocked down by the “plane” faced away from the Pentagon rather than towards its trajectory? Why wasn’t the ground burnt by the “jet fuel”? Gas station across the street had full CCTV view of the attack yet FBI were there to confiscate footage within 13 minutes?
Building 7; Everyone evacuated building 7 before the first strike, coincidence? Molten steel was found in the basement of Building 7 yet wasn’t hit by a plane, NIST says this is a false claim even after 36 firemen testified to it, Building 7 was not even mentioned in the 911 commission report
ShanksVille- Flight 93 had debris scattered across 8 miles with minimum size that could be carried by hand, a 15-20 ft burnt hole in the earth is all that shows the evidence of 93, the FBI immediately confiscated the area and seized all “evidence”
Ground Zero; Amongst the greatest crime scene in American history, our government decided not to investigate but to immediately remove all evidence to be shipped to China to be melted down and recycled thus violating the law of a Crime Scene
“After a crime scene has been discovered, measures must be taken to secure and protect the scene from contamination. To maintain the integrity of the scene, law enforcement must take action to block off the surrounding area as well as keep track of who comes in and goes out” - Justice Department.
Too sudden
They took lessons
They turned to dust AS they hit the ground, or the floors below
Fires caused by 1 & 2
The beams cut the wings, not the other way round
Theyd been evacuated due to the events above them
Unprecedented events changed procedure
Excellent, the establishment approves your NPC answers, no critical thinking was required. lol
shareI'm sure there are professional psychiatrists somewhere up there that can answer to all you questions to you and your twitter buddies.
Like I said - who is Conspiracy Theorist? It's a person who has agenda and creates himself Theory on some subject. And then he tries to fit facts into that theory. Taking small parts out of context and ignoring real large facts when they dont fit in. And along the way he makes up stuff and then starts believing in them.
I'm not professional psychiatrist to try to analyze all those crazy theories that your cult members created. Not to mention it will not help. As NOTHING can make Conspiracy Theorist to change it's mind. No proofs. They will just ignore it.
Well done. Another establishment approved NPC description of a "conspiracy theorist", no critical thinking was required.
shareplease answer yes or no to the following
Alien abductions
Fake moon landings
Flat Earth
Deliberate Titanic sinking ( theres a new one for ya)
Princess Diana murdered
Oil companies bought and suprressed the engine that runs on water
There is also - William killed Princess Kate and that's why she is missing. Or she is having nervous breakdown because he cheated and is divorcing her. Crazies were completely serious about it.
There is ample evidence disproving these allegations, but for simplicity here's a lengthy examination of just about every point you made regarding American 77 and the Pentagon. The "86" videos, the light poles, the engines, they're not as you propose here.
Wait, you dismissed the 3500+ "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" but you cite a 12-year blog that convinced you otherwise?
shareWhat does the age of the blog have to do with anything? It deals with a historical event. That's like saying a book written 12 years ago about the Lincoln assassination should be discounted. First off, if you read through it, you'd see that it's been updated constantly during those intervening years, and secondly, the information contained within refutes all your claims about engines not being found (there are photos that show parts of the engines inside the Pentagon!), the state of the lamp posts, and the existence of 86 videos.
shareI did read through it.
All those things can easily be placed there for the pictures, photographs, videos and witnesses.
None of that refutes anything. It has even come to light that those videos were doctored/edited.
Things can be staged to fool and deceive.
Some people will start out on a debate and then realise they are on the wrong side and arguing for a totally ludicrous position , but will carry on anyway basically out of stubbornness and a refusal to admit they were wrong.
Sound familiar?
Theres still time to abort this ridiculous assertion!
Rather than be ridiculed for being incorrect , I think you would gain massive respect amongst the MC community for being the bigger man and able to change your mind and adapt to new evidence and information.
Some people would rather be wrong on their terms than right on yours. Not my words originally but I never forgot them.
shareShow me where an airplane hit building-7 (WTC 7).
share>Twin Towers; How did the lightweight aluminum wings from the “planes” cut through the 14 inch steel beams of WTC? On the CNN footage of the airliner the plane doesn’t appear typical by design, when Boeing was approached by this question they declined. Cameras on the roofs of both WTC 1 & 2 were working all the up until 9/11?
Why did you put "planes" in quotation marks? What were they then?
Who knows. Maybe they think it was CGI planes and all people and media who claim they were real - work for shady government and lie.
shareSpoiler Alert, the government is shady and they lie.
shareSo what happened to all the people that died on the planes that crashed into the WTC and the Pentagon?
shareooh thats a good one.
I'm sure the families of those victims will be relieved to hear TVfans news that it didnt happen.
(the Pentagon one that is , I'm not sure what he's claiming about the main two , given his theory that arabs cant fly planes)
I think he claims that they were all missiles.
shareThey were sent into another dimension or Evil Government hides then in underground prisons.
shareThis is really where the conspiracy theories fall apart. The ATC tapes from that day overwhelmingly prove that the 4 flights in question were airborne, deviated from their course, and then were visually observed by other pilots in the air flying to their targets. In the case of American 11, it was actually United 175 that was one of the first to report seeing it deviate from its assigned course and begin to head south along the Hudson corridor, just a few minutes before that flight would itself be hijacked. Above Cleveland, where United 93 was hijacked, more than one plane sharing that airspace spoke with Cleveland Center about how the flight dipped erratically at the exact moment the hijacking took place (which was broadcast to ATC over a keyed mic). These same pilots relayed to ATC the fact that the plane was then making a 180 and heading east. And there was a private plane over PA that observed UA93 flying low and rocking its wings just seconds prior to it crashing. Gopher 06, the military prop plane that was flying over DC that morning gave a real time description of AA77 doing its 360 to lose altitude and then diving into the Pentagon.
All of this is on record and can be listened to at any time.
I'm not.
Look, I'm not naive about a lot of dark shit that goes on behind the scenes. Our intelligence agencies are hives of scum and villainy. But in this case the conspiracy promoters have only theories on their side, while all the tangible evidence sits on the other side.
There has not been a single conspiracy in which our government has been involved and admitted responsibility.
At least none that I'm aware of. 911 is one of their biggest.
I posted a single page above (only one out of 12) the other 11 includes more questions, explanations, resources, etc not including anything from "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" that goes into further details, explanations and documents about it for the past 17-years from over 3500 architects and engineers that confirmed and verify what many of us suspected since 911.
My only counter to the 3500 claim - which discounts the volume of engineers and architects who would disagree - is that you can find 3500 medical "experts" who bought and sold every bit of Covid bullshit that came along, from masks, to natural immunity, to "safe and effective". I'm pretty much done with credentialism.
shareYes, but those 3500 are only for the normies. Since they always require proof and evidence for everything.
We never needed their confirmation since it's impossible for those two planes to bring down two buildings that were built to withstand much more than those planes, and the cherry on top was that building-7 was never hit by any airplanes and it still collapsed the exact same way as the other two.
Stuff is about to come out about the Saudi conspiracy ... do don't be so sure.
Including the target of the flight that was taken down by the passengers was the US Capitol.
The plane that was heading toward Washington DC was going to target the Capitol? Man, you really cracked that case.
shareShanksville was not heading towards DC.
shareSo it wasn't heading to DC, but its target was the Capitol? That doesn't make sense.
At any rate, you're mistaken if you think the flight wasn't heading toward DC. Primary radar tracking of the flight exists and it was absolutely headed in that direction.