Why is it so important for the alphabet people to have other women around them while they go to the bathroom? I don’t get it, just go piss and go about your business. If being around men makes you uncomfortable well women being around you might make them uncomfortable, so why not just have separate bathrooms for the alphabet people? Again just go do your business and go about your day, needing other people around you to share the experience is just abnormal and weird
I have to explain to my daughter why some sick grown man is wearing a dress and a wig standing next to her in the womens bathroom. It scares her, she doesnt understand it and neither do I. Just because you dont have young kids doesnt mean the rest of us dont.
Exactly , and what’s truly outrageous is the alphabet people are willing to inflict the same discomfort on real women in the bathroom that they claim men are inflicting on them in the men’s room. I don’t think they have good intentions, I think they are some pretty selfish people, and I think that if a little girl gets raped by an alphabet person in the bathroom that’s fine with them as long as they get to perpetuate their fantasies. Just saying “why do you care so much” is preposterous. Doubt Yatzo would ever ask that to a trans activist and if it’s not a big deal then good, problem solved, alphabet people can just go back to the men’s room.
That’s fine with me if we make a bathroom just for alphabet people but the thing is from what I’ve seen that’s not good enough, they need to be in the women’s room so they feel validated.
[–] Blade13 (787) 2 days ago
"I have to explain to my daughter why some sick grown man is wearing a dress and a wig STANDING NEXT TO HER in the womens bathroom."
He said in the bathroom, not in the stall while going to the bathroom. Do sinks in public restrooms typically have individual, closed door stalls in dumbshitville where you're from?
The same reason why you care so much that I care. I’m also sure there are many things you care about that don’t directly affect your life. But to answer your question: I care about the truth (trans women are not women) and there have been incidents where girls were raped by alphabet people in the bathroom and there should not be a single instance where something like that has happened.
It's another stop on the slippery slope. This wouldn't even have been a discussion back in 2010 people would have simply said, "no that's perverted". Give into this and they will come up with something even more retarded to force upon non degenerates.
It's horrendously stupid. You should see all the "all gender" restrooms we have in CA, mostly in major institutions that have to bow to the state feds. Smaller, older businesses can still fly under the radar and have "men" and "women's" bathrooms separate.
The biggest issue with bathrooms labeled like this, (aside from women being attacked by fake "trans women,") is the signs cause confusion in a number of ways.
There was an incident where a friend of mine had been taking care of her elderly mom, where the mom fell down and hurt herself at a hospital with "all gender" restrooms, because the stupid nurse at the blood lab insisted on a urine sample, despite my friend's mom never needing to give one at the other blood lab before (this wasn't their usual hospital). She hit the emergency button, and it was a solid 5 minutes before anybody showed up, and guess who the first person was? A black man who looked like an EMT. My friend was extremely outraged and refused to let such a person near her compromised mom. She claims that she roared through the crack in the door, "I need a WOMAN!" And she yelled a few other things (which could be heard all the way out into the waiting room) while the black guy ran off in terror. It was 5 more minutes before the entire staff of the ER finally showed up, and it was my friend who had to turn the emergency alarm off, not one of them, and she screamed her head off at them over how incompetent they were and how much she hated her life having to do senior care for her mom. Finally the staff pulled their heads out of their asses and took over care of my friend's mom, and a security guard later got to hear the whole story from my friend on what happened.
So the hospital was understaffed (this was during the Scamdemic, by the way) and couldn't even figure out who to send to the bathroom to aid an elderly woman and her daughter, because of confusing signs like that.
This sounds so true. What is this country coming to when we let black men do the things that white men should be doing? I don't blame your friend's outrage. I can almost hear her cry for help-- "I need a [white] woman!" What a travesty!
Not at all, they are freaking out over not being able to choose what bathroom they go into as they are so insecure with their selves that they need to be in the women’s room for validation. I’m just pointing out that they claim they are victims for being told they need to be in a bathroom with people that make them uncomfortable yet under their plan by their own logic they would make other people uncomfortable
Also I reread my post and I was very calm and very reasonable. I’m also confused as to how anyone could possibly interpret it as “freaking out”.
And if it’s not a big deal then why can’t the male alphabet people just go to the men’s room?
I did it in response to the alphabet people pitching a fit about it. Had it not been for the fact that the alphabet people made such a big deal about the bathroom I never would have made this thread.
He can't. All he can do is try to gaslight you and pretend that YOU'RE the one making an issue of this, when for... EVER, no one was confused about what bathroom to use, until the modern lefty.
No one is confused about which bathroom to use. Bigots like yourself need to mind your business and stop legislating useless bathroom laws against the LGBTQ community.
I think you know exactly what alphabet people are. You people will not shut up about how oppressed they are that they don’t get to choose whatever bathroom they want.
Well the alphabet people and the left are the ones who opened up this can of childishness by attempting to require me to acknowledge all of these ridiculous pronouns
Whats the ratio of threads here on moviechat like this one from people such of yourself versus threads from "alphabet people pitching a fit about it" ?
If the alphabet people don’t think it’s a big deal then they should just go to the men’s room, but they don’t want to, that’s why it’s being discussed.
“Why don’t care” is not an argument btw, it’s a childish cop out , also the alphabet people have no need to “pitch a fit”, they’ve pretty much gotten everything they want and anyone who disagrees with them is shamed into submission.
Easy for you to say. But male-born transgender people don’t lose the well known male pattern of criminality simply by dressing and declaring themselves as female. And the list of sexual incidents against girls and women in bathrooms and changing rooms by trans women is nearly endless and growing.
Please give me evidence of this great number of crimes committed in bathrooms by trans women. I don't want anecdotal incidents. Give me statistics.
Also, you are wrong on the biology. When trans women take androgen blockers, or get irchectomies, and get women's hormones they do lose their male tendency toward violence.
Irrelevant. If Louden County Virginia hadn’t allowed a boy in the girls restroom there would have been one less rape victim. Or was her rape a necessary loss for the fight for alphabet peoples rights?
Also by being against rape in the girls bathroom doesn’t mean you are for rape in the boys bathroom.
Not relevant in the slightest. The girl who was raped in the bathroom by a boy would not have been raped had it not been for these insane alphabet people bathroom privileges. The fact that rape happens elsewhere doesn’t change the fact that she was raped to perpetuate a political agenda. You’re deflecting and I’m not letting you send me down that rabbit hole.
Do you not understand how moronic you sound? A girl was raped by a boy in the girls bathroom and you’re response is “but but but people get raped in other places”. If that had been your daughter I doubt you would have been like “I’m sorry you were raped sweetie but you have to understand that these alphabet people are finally getting the right to go to whatever bathroom they want to so things like this are going to happen every now and then, I’m sure you’ll get over it and see what a big step this is for the rights of alphabet people”.
Did you even read the article you posted. It contradicts everything you claim. It says the gender identity of the attacker has nothing to do with the assault - he isn't trans. It says that the attacker did not wear a skirt in order to gain access to the girls bathroom. And it says the school didn't even have a policy for allowing trans kids to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.
Yet, you try to take advantage of this poor girl's rape for your political agenda.
He shouldn’t have been in the girls bathroom, had it not been for the alphabet people agenda that girl wouldn’t have been raped
Also the article said the gender identity had little to do with the attack according to the documents. How do we know the documents are accurate? Transgender policies raped an innocent child.
As soon as Trump regains Office, this nonsense of males going in female bathrooms and locker rooms comes to a screeching halt along with alot of other things Joe Biden has managed to ruin America with..
One can only hope, unfortunately it is going to take a long time to recover from the damage Brandon has inflicted on us. Plus I don’t have a lot of faith that the judicial system in New York is going to not weaponize the justice system against Trump.
If they attempt to send this man to prison, which he won't, but let's entertain the idea for a moment they did and succeeded?? He'd win in November right off the bat and I suppose 1/2 the prison would be sectioned off for his Oval Office.. It definitely would be a 1st of it's kind in Presidential History
10 years ago I never thought the left would stoop this low but here we are. This is what happens on Banana Republic’s not the United Stars . It’s embarrassing. And what’s even more pathetic is these Trump haters claiming it’s about the rule of law. What a joke.
Because being the same sex creates redundancy and reduces sexual invasiveness, and so helps to mitigate the problem of not having complete separation of personal boundaries. That's why using the same shower room as other men is easier than using a stall in the women's side, since there's no fear of getting caught, less to hide, and still enough respect for each other.
In any case, you gonna answer the original question, or what?
That has already been established by their actions and even by their words, and that fact should have long been a given by now.
Trans women choose the women's restroom and reject the other, SPECIFICALLY because of who goes in there. Not to just get the damn job done and get out fast.
Same for sports and scholarships too. They violate boundaries and fairness, and take what they want based on who it should have been for. They won't settle for whatever else is available.
And you know that. The fact that you seem to fight for it proves it.
In your little mind, you pretend to know things that you don't know.
Why you think that Trans women use the woman's room because they need other women present, rather then because they DON'T want men present? Isn't that why we even assign bathrooms - so that the opposite sex isn't present?
This is why your question isn't worth answering. It is based on a false premise.
Why you think that Trans women use the woman's room because they need other women present, rather then because they DON'T want men present? Isn't that why we even assign bathrooms - so that the opposite sex isn't present?
LMAO wow. Talk about a self-defeating statement.
Not to mention, you probably didn't even read the rest of what I said.
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What is it about a public men's washroom that gives you privacy that would not be available in a women's restroom. It seems to me that women's rooms are more private then men's
Funny how you use words like “cis” gender which I don’t like yet you pitched a fit over me saying “alphabet people”. Respect in the eyes of the left only goes one way apparently.
Why does it matter to you? It has no impact on your life therefore you’re obsessing over this. And I’m a man, I have a Y chromosome so I use the men’s room.
By asking a question? A question which only came up because the alphabet people and the left were obsessing over it. If it’s not a big deal then why can’t the alphabet people go to the men’s room?
Also that is such a pathetic debate tactic, “uhhhhh why do you care so much”. I’ve seen you on here freaking out over things that don’t affect you yet you never once asked yourself “why do you care so much”. Also since you bothered replying to me that would mean you are obsessing over this just as much as you think I am.
I know, that was the point of my OP, the alphabet people obsessing over bathrooms is bizarre. And you obsessing over people “obsessing” over bathrooms is also bizarre.