MovieChat Forums > Politics > What are some past incidents in which De...

What are some past incidents in which Dems tried to set up an opponent or cheat?

Any good examples apart from Trump?


Hillary rigging the 2016 primaries is the first one that comes to mind.


She most certainly did. They even admit it, lol.


I await evidence of fraud in the 2016 Democrat primaries


Now you post this and I see no Liberals running in here to defend this?? Now why is that??


Because deep down, they know it is true.


Because it's just a claim with zero supporting evidence? Yes, the DNC didn't like Sanders and preferred Clinton and the apparatus functioned in her favour. There's no evidence they rigged any votes though.


Yes, the DNC didn't like Sanders and preferred Clinton and the apparatus functioned in her favour.

hahaha, did you just make a speculative inference based on circumstantial evidence?! lmao


It was never ever a secret that the DNC didn't like Sanders. But this doesn't mean they rigged the votes.

Labour didn't like Corbyn. The Conservatives in the UK (the parliamentary party) didn't like Liz Truss.


How did she rig the primaries?


>>>How did she rig the primaries?<<<

Really? You didn't know about this?

There's plenty of info on the web about it. Hillary was pre-selected all the way back to 2013 to be the nominee, Bernie (and a few others) got screwed pretty good, which is one reason why Bernie's supporters threw a mini-riot at the DNC convention or wherever it was. You really don't remember this? Hillary was even fed the debate questions before the day of the debates.

They pulled all kinds of shit to make sure Hillbot was the nominee. You can google it...


>There's plenty of info on the web about it. Hillary was pre-selected all the way back to 2013 to be the nominee, Bernie (and a few others) got screwed pretty good, which is one reason why Bernie's supporters threw a mini-riot at the DNC convention or wherever it was. You really don't remember this? Hillary was even fed the debate questions before the day of the debates.

When I ask "how was it rigged" I am specifically asking in terms of **FRAUD**. Ie: Did the Dems falsify how Dem primary voters voted?

Everyone knows the DNC preferred Hillary and that she had the weight of the DNC establishment behind her.


You would have a had time convincing anyone that giving a presidential nominee the debate questions in advance is "NOT" defrauding votes and swaying public opinion to one side.

Come on, dude...

If the RNC or Fox News did that for Trump, the left would shit their pants over it.


>You would have a had time convincing anyone that giving a presidential nominee the debate questions in advance is "NOT" defrauding votes and swaying public opinion to one side.

That's unfair conduct and a question for the Democrats in how they run their party. Political parties have the right to fair, or unfair internal selections for nominations. The Republicans just outright shut down all primaries in many states for Trump in 2020, as well as a big chunk of the states being "winner takes all or most" in terms of how they assign delegates.


>>>That's unfair conduct and a question for the Democrats in how they run their things. <<<

That's a nice way to put it, but the DNC got sued over this. Donors didn't find it very amusing.

Here's an interesting article on it.

At least the RNC didn't let it get to this point...


The RNC flat-out just doesn't care about how weird and imbalanced its primaries are. The media narrative around the DNCs clear preference probably, in the end, hurt Hillary more than it could've helped.

An unfair election doesn't necessarily mean "rigged"


>>>An unfair election doesn't necessarily mean "rigged"<<<

Even the courts admitted it was rigged but they concluded that it wasn't actually against the law. So, the voters got screwed by the DNC.

And just so you know, "rigged" doesn't always involve voting machines, harvesting, dead votes etc.. and whatnot...

>>>The media narrative around the DNCs clear preference probably, in the end, hurt Hillary more than it could've helped.<<<

I might agree with you on that one. But it was an interesting moment in politics. This was her second attempt to get the nomination, many felt she should have been selected instead of Barack but this time, they made sure no one would beat her. It really was a cakewalk for Hillary.

Although, I didn't mind her so much, she might have been a decent president. She certainly had the experience to take on the job but the way it went down, I am glad she lost.


So, what you're saying is you like the taste of Hillary's cunt.


"That's unfair conduct and a question for the Democrats in how they run their party."

Just say "cheating", because that's what it was. Pure and simple. Just like "undocumented immigrants" are "illegal immigrants". Pure and simple.


The DNC was having a primary debate in Flint, MI - do you really think it was a surprise there was going to be a question about what they would do about Flint's water supply?

Yes, it was bad for Donna Brazille to say anything to one candidate about any questions that might be asked but did this really give HRC any advantage? Was Bernie unprepared to respond about Flint's water?


Are you actually defending what the DNC did?

In fact, you think Bernie should have known better, huh? lol...

It made it easier for Hill to have answers already prepared for each question, and it showed too, her answers sounded so much better than Bernie's. And the Flint water situation was not the only question.

Again, flip this around and give Trump the questions, the left would be screaming bloody murder. They would demand he be disqualified from the presidential election.


First, it was Donna Brazille, not "the DNC". It was wrong and in not defending her. But it didn't swing the primary. Now people voted for Hillary than for Bernie and more for Biden than for Bernie. That's the way it was.

I don't think that in 2016 or 2020 Bernie was the better candidate. He wasn't going to win in the USA with the self- applied label of "socialist", a Brooklyn accent and Jewish heritage. That just turns off to much of the country, sad to say. He seems like Mr Clean but he's never had the right wing oligopoly campaigning against him and smearing him. Can you imagine the "Honeymoon in the USSR" ads that would have run!

And it he had been elected, he would not have gotten the big, progressive legislation passed that Biden did.


For someone who loves to crawl up Trump's ass, I would've thought you knew why she rigged the primaries??


When were the votes rigged?


A video was provided and once again, you ignored it, so forget it..tvfan provided it


What video did he provide? He hasn't given a link to anything in a long time.


You know damn well if you or any other person had even just a speck of evidence to prove the 2020 election was rigged you would provide it. So why now are you not providing evidence? You're so stupid that you have no idea how stupid you really are. So let's end this nonsense. Provide proof of your claims or shut the fuck up! As usual I'm sure you will run away like the little pussy you are.


A while back, I provided him with a video of a DNC primary candidate admitting that they rig the primaries and he went straight for the ad-hominem offensive against the person that admitted it.


Could you post it again?


"A while back"
lol , whats happened to it ?
is the video no longer available?

or are you refusuing 'on principle' to give the link again?


Can someone provide a link that proves the 2016 election was hijacked?


no because it wasnt and nobody thinks that.
despite Your collection of 9 out of context hilary tweets

however all 80 million of you deluded Trump supporters believe the lie he repeats daily that 2020 was fixed.
despite neither him nor anyone else ever having a shred of evidence


hahaha, what happened to your claim that you are capable of doing your own research?

[–] moviechatterer (11842) 20 hours ago
I don’t require others to provide any evidence because I’m capable of doing my own research

Yes , so are we .


well , research into " 2020 being rigged delusion " is fairly easy

research into shit you made up that nobodys ever heard of and probablty didnt happen,
" DNC primary candidate admitting that they rig the primaries"
is impossible - so how about you just give the link again ?


Read up on what Obama did to keep Sarah Palin from winning the Republican presidential nomination. Take a look into Hillary vs. Obama back in 2007-2008, when both were competing for the presidential nomination. Also look into what the Dems did to get Bernie Sanders out of the 2016 race (they bribed him with his own private jet). They pretty much don't actually care about following the rules for campaigning for an elected office, they CHOOSE who gets to win from the get go and then change the results behind the scenes to suit the chosen candidate, and all the while they fake making it look like their people were genuinely competing for votes. I also suspect they were behind the Uniparty choosing a loser like Mitt Romney to "compete" against Obama in 2012, when the election's results had been decided a year in advance, but they made it look like Romney was going to be the Right's champion, when in fact he was just playing a part and an easy opponent for Obama to "defeat" in the race.


I don't have any reason to believe any of what you wrote is true but are some of those politicians capable of corrupt misdeeds? Yeah, it's not outside the realm of possibility. But Bernie taking a bribe in the form of a private jet? GTF outta here.



- Because it is too painful for me to face and accept the truth, I will not believe you.

- Having been brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing a false narrative, I will not research anything you wrote because it is my ideal narrative that makes me feel better.

- When I question things outside the main narrative, I ignore common sense, deductive reasoning, and critical thinking because I find it easier to accept things as they are.

- According to my opinion, every source should be questioned, especially those that confirm our own biases, but this applies only to those who think independently, which I am not since I am an NPC who goes along with the main narrative.


AmericaGirl made a bunch of claims, some of them utterly absurd and offered no evidence whatsoever for any of them.

Should we just assume that whatever someone claims is automatically true despite the complete absence of any evidence whatsoever?


Only the NPCs on this forum are constantly begging for evidence, proof, and links.

I don’t require others to provide any evidence because I’m capable of doing my own research if/when there is doubt or if it is something that I don’t already know.

Should we just assume that whatever someone claims is automatically true despite the complete absence of any evidence whatsoever?

Apparently; the four points I made above went over your head.


>I don’t require others to provide any evidence because I’m capable of doing my own research if/when there is doubt or if it is something that I don’t already know.

It's literal horseshit. You (or anyone else) makes claims, you back them up. It's not on other people to disprove a negative.

A quick google, for instance shows zero results for the claim that the DNC bribed Sanders with a private jet to get him to back out.


No one is asking you or any other leftoid-NPC to disprove anything. Take it or leave it. Cope with it.


This is a public forum and I can reply to who the fuck I want. I will always ask people to back up ridiculous claims with evidence.

I'm left with the conclusion that AmeriGirl is a conspiracy theorist nutter, like yourself of course.


Than don't bitch and whine when dozens of your questions are ignored and are left unanswered.


When will you grow some balls and show your proof that the 2020 election was rigged? I'm not expecting anything from a nutless wonder like you since every time someone challenges you about your evidence which you claim to have you run away like the little pussy you are!


I am still waiting for someone to provide the cold hard facts the 2016 election was hijacked.


The always demand for the 2020 results but they never provide them for the 2016.


And don't "bitch and whine" when I ask you for evidence.

I'm not going to stop and let your claims be unchallenged.


Cope and seethe.


The same to you. I continue to await evidence for your many claims.

And I haven't forgotten about your indirect defence of the Nazis.


I don’t require others to provide any evidence because I’m capable of doing my own research

Yes , so are we .
when I researched if Trumps claim that 2020 was fixed the result was a resounding "no" from hundreds of different sources .
Its a total landslide

the pure onslaught of rebuttals , and proven court cases is amazing .
You'd have to be crazy to believe otherwise.

You've got some secret evidence that no other media outlet , or indeed law enforcement , knows about so I think you have to share it .

saying "go look it up" in the face of a million documents saying the opposite doesent help really.


What false narrative was I brainwashed into believing?

The DNC did screw over Bernie in favor of Hillary & neoliberalism.

There were no sources presented here so nothing for me to question.


Nowadays, you don't need evidence, regardless of whether you are on the left or right. You just say things that you hope people will believe. It's called gaslighting.


tvfan is a big fan of gaslighting and accusing others of doing it.


you don't need evidence

You need common sense above all else since people lie and fabricate evidence.


Exactly, I have been saying this for years. Nancy spread the false narrative for 2 years that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. The Durham Report revealed that all the evidence was fake.


In fairness to the Clinton/Sanders situation, which seems to be what most people remember, Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat but a left-wing Independent. He was certainly given a platform, but lost possibly due to the superdelegates breaking for Hillary. But he was behind anyhow! These unelected delegates are anti-democratic in nature, so I'd like to see their voting power removed in future primaries. I'd also like an repeal of Citizen's United which benefits the GOP demogogues far more.

It's hard for me to disagree with Sanders being somewhat of a pariah by the DNC. He didn't run in Vermont as a Democrat. The idea that a candidate is going to platform on "democratic socialism" in this country was not a winning strategy and is not even accurate. It's the goal of the DNC to constuct a winning platform. My take was that he was only seeking to remove the ammunition of the right-wing who were claiming Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as, like, something from the Bolsheviks. I'll entertain an argument for anyone who disagrees and thinks he actually wanted the federal government to seize the means of production, distribution and exchange while limiting private ownership, but I think that's a pretty far leap.

Hillary Clinton would have made an outstanding president, and appeals to me far more as a centrist. She would have definitely reacted early to COVID-19 and prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths while it remained isolated to the Pacific Northwest. The American People would still have a certain moral integrity that sort of disintegrated under Trump's leadership. How are we supposed to react as a population when the elected Chief Executive tells us to drink disinfectant? Everyone is so mean now. People are influenced by leaders, lets be real about it all. Tact and diplomacy matter. There is no reason for the right-wing to avoid embracing a conservative stalwart, who can convey optimitism and hope for America as a shining city-on-a-hill, as Ronald Reagan did.

Politics is a dirty business, and perhaps Hillary Clinton or others were shady about things as they were trying to pave their road to victory. There's no shame in accepting that and even expecting that. But Trump was a different animal. Corrupt. Evil. It was never about governence for him, but rather promoting his brand and personality on a world stage.


you republicans are no better


Those are RINOs.


Both Parties are corrupt and radical why i turned indepedent voter and why i support RFK Jr he supports both sides WAKE UP


RFK Jr is still a leftist regardless that he is running as an Independent.
