MovieChat Forums > Politics > To those of you here who think 'woke' or...

To those of you here who think 'woke' or LGBT presence in public life is too much....

What exactly are your proposed political solutions for this? What should happen?


You idiots should be laughed out of existence and forgotten as a failed social experiment that never should've been.


For an identity one is born with?


What you suggest is so gay!


Too far. No one chooses to be gay.


Please note the two part question. "Woke" and alphabet people. Why would I reference gays as a social experiment? I didn't, I was talking about woketards. It's only a small percentage of the alphabets pushing themselves down everyone's throat anyway. Pun intended.


All you said was "you idiots". That could mean everyone there.


Only the idiots. ;)


Thankfully its idiot religious doctrine that is getting laughed out of existence.


Oh you leftists are so smart.


Oh you leftists are so smart.



That's what we call sarcasm. You're arrogant about being willfully ignorant which = stupid.


Nah. I'm arrogant from being correct all the time.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Proposed political position?

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Have fun in hell!


So you are in favour of murdering all gay people?


Of course not. I only watch porn that's girl-on-girl.


So why did you reference Leviticus as your political solution in this thread then?


Hot lesbians always get a pass.


Which means they shouldn't go to hell for this.




That "storybook" represents the dawn of the Age of Reason. You should respect it regardless of what you think about it.

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I am under no obligation to respect any book


Go live in an Islamic country with that attitude...see how long you last. Maybe the Jizya tax they impose on you won't be tooo high. 😉

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Right. That's why I don't live in an Islamic country. I don't defend them either.


My point is that 90% of the world believes in God, or a God. Atheists are the minority. Christianity shields the atheists from the other, more oppressive religions that simply will not let you 'not believe' in a God....especially not the followers of Allah.

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My point is that 90% of the world believes in God, or a God. Atheists are the minority.

In the UK, Christians are now officially a minority. Non-Religious identification is the fastest growing identification in all of Europe, and the USA and practically in every western country.

Christianity shields the atheists from the other, more oppressive religions that simply will not let you 'not believe' in a God....especially not the followers of Allah.

Except that non-religious people in the west also vastly outnumber Muslims also.




Do you believe murder is wrong?

Do you believe that stealing is wrong?

Do you believe that cheating on your spouse is wrong?

If you answer yes to any of these you can thank that little storybook that the majority of the people around you, also share those values.

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No reason to believe that rejecting murder, theft and adultery being wrong can only derive from the Bible.


Except that both North and South America's native peoples were genocidal savages that performed human sacrifices, before the Europeans showed up to create civilization. In fact, the South American people were so terrified of Europeans bringing civility and culture to them...they made White people marrying, and having White babies ILLEGAL.

Tell me, at what point in US History did White people ever ban Black people marrying or procreating with each other?

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So you think before Christianity the world didn't know that murder, rape, theft and adultery were bad and that every civilisation was inherently destructive and primitive? And do you think it just suddenly stopped after the world started becoming Christian?

Except that both North and South America's native peoples were genocidal savages that performed human sacrifices, before the Europeans showed up to create civilization. In fact, the South American people were so terrified of Europeans bringing civility and culture to them...they made White people marrying, and having White babies ILLEGAL.

This is racist and colonialist as fuck


You really need to get out more.


What's your problem?




Hence the term "majority". You do know what that word means, yes? Or do I have to explain it in caps?

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Think of all the people in the US alone that are criminals and the ones that simply don't give a shit about others. Now imagine EVERYONE IN THE WORLD being like that.

It used to be that way...then they got flooded. And they deserved it. Why do you want to bring that world back?

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Can you tell me why Scandinavia and most of Europe, despite being much more irreligious than the USA has less crime?


"dawn of the Age of Reason". That would be Classical Greece, not crazies who talk to "God".


Zeus would like to have a word with you.

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Or it could refer to the beginning of the age of enlightenment in Europe that began sometime in the 17th century.


Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.

Apparently, it’s also mentioned in verse 20:13
Now my problem is thus, if they’re going to reference Leviticus 18:22 and follow it to the letter, there are 859 verses in the book of Leviticus. Why don’t they adhere as strictly to the other 858?

Whenever I see people eating at the Ocean Basket, the perverse Pagan in me wants to scream at them, “Leviticus 11:10. You’re all DOOOOOOMED” . For the uninformed, this verse goes something along the lines of, “Thy shalt not eat at Ocean Basket for they taketh too long with thy order and the bill will be wrong-eth anyway” Okay, I lied. What it actually say’s is, “But anything in the seas or the rivers that does not have fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. So basically, this is banning Christians from eating Shell fish. Do they adhere to it? Nope. (Well, not the ones I know anyway)

Let’s look at some more laws from Leviticus:

Leviticus 19:28 reads, "You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord." So, no tattoos. All those crucifixes and “Jesus Saves” tattoos will have to go guys!

Leviticus 19:27 reads "You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard” No round bowled haircuts? So the Beatles and the Monkees will be going to hell then? Leviticus 11:7-8 reads “And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you” This means NO pork roasts, no bacon and sorry people, no Ham ‘n Cheese toasties!

Leviticus 15: 1-3 “The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When any man has a bodily discharge, the discharge is unclean. Whether it continues flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring about uncleanness” Yuck. Sorry boys. You’ll have to cancel that subscription to FHM.


Get rid of Christianity and no one will be eating bacon...

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I'm queer and I believe it's all bullshit. But those are Jewish laws from the Torah. Christ threw all that out. But Paul reestablished only the ban on homosexuality.

It's disingenuous to compare eating lobster to anal sex. Lol.


Atheists aren't exactly the smartest folks... I mean, they're atheists lol.

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Funny to hear kosher Jews call lobster the cockroach of the sea though.


A cockroach so delicious they tricked people into paying a premium for it!

It used to be prison food. 🤣🦞

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I really think the rabbi is just being a spoil sport.


I dunno man.
I'm too tired to think right now.
I'll let you know when I woke up.


What's an example of someone thinking 'woke' or LGBT presence in public being too much? What specifically are the LGBT people doing that provoked their complaints, and what are their actual complaints?

Also, what is a "political" solution?


I don't think there is much of a problem in terms of what the state should do. The question is to the social reactionaries here who constantly complain about LGBT people and culture.

Also, what is a "political" solution?

Laws passed.


What's an example of someone thinking 'woke' or LGBT presence in public being too much?

Basically anything that reminds the bigots that LBGT people exist.
like mentioning their same sex partner
being at a lbgt parade
asking to be called she when born a he
wearing womens clothes
talking to children - in case they contaminte / groom / rape them

I'm guessing that by "political solution" the OP was looking for something other than the absurd responses so far suggested like
"burn in hell"
" laughed out of existence "
"forgotten as a failed social experiment"
"they shall surely be put to death"

I'd really like to hear a sensible idea from them.


So many refuse to make clear exactly what they seem to want, and hint towards.


Basically anything that reminds the bigots that LBGT people exist.
like mentioning their same sex partner


being at a lbgt parade


asking to be called she when born a he

Hmm. If they ask me to, I would, just out of niceness. But if they tell me to because they call it the truth, we gotta talk.

wearing womens clothes

You mean MEN in women's clothes?
So long as they save it for drag shows. NO CHILDREN.

talking to children - in case they contaminte / groom / rape them

So long as they dress appropriately in front of those children. And don't teach them stupid sh:t.


Oh JFC. Gay is not necessarily woke. And we're not trying to impose anything on you. We just want the freedom to live our own lives without discrimination from you.

We're here. We're queer. Get used to it. We're not asking anything from you but to be left alone.

Remember as well. Like 99% of us are happy with our own birth gender. Trans is a separate issue. And frankly, most gays and lesbians have a real problem with believing trannies can choose their own sex.

The solution? Separate the 'T' from the LGB and you've addressed the problem. It's a separate issue. Stop mucking things up.


"We just want the freedom to live our own lives without discrimination from you."

Ya don't say.


Hell yeah. Now will the OP please explain why my relationship with my partner is any threat to him?

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's referring to the gender confusion of the trannie crowd. But most gays, lesbians and bisexuals are as sick of this transgender nonsense as he is.


I never said you were a threat to me. This is an open question to the many members here do seem to have a problem with all LGBT, or if you prefer LGB and T people.


Okay, thank you, my friend. I misread your intent.

Still, I think there is an important point here that many heterosexuals do not like the attempt to change the concept of gender. Most LGB people love gender!!! That's our whole point. I see homosexuality as a celebration of gender.

The problem is transgender theory and this idea that biological sex is a social construct. It is not.


Most LGB people, or people who use "LGB" as a separate community to the trans-movement *reject* gender, and self-describe as gender-critical.


The political movement supports transgender theory. Your average gay man or lesbian does not. Check out an online gay forum like Datalounge and you'll see what I mean. There is downright hostility to transgenders.

Even feminists are highly critical of this idea that a man in a dress understands what it means to be a woman in our patriarchal society.


The op is on your side with all this dingus!


The LGB folks need to be as loud as possible or they will lump you in with the Pedos've been warned. LGB silence on these issues is going to have a very undesired outcome towards the community.

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The LGBT hacks have already lumped us in with asexuals. I have a real problem with that. Our movement is about the freedom to have consensual sex and love with the partner of our choice. It's NOT a denial of the basic sex drive and attraction to others. Asexuality is a form of sociopathy. What fool is attracted to no one?

Pedophilia is rape. The majority of queer people will never accept that. We've already banned NAMBLA and the pedos from our movement. We're not silent about the protection of children from sexual predators. We've been very clear on that.


I hear you and I understand, believe it or not. I can fully understand how gay people who just want to live their own lives and not push it down everyone else's throat would be put off by some of the activism that goes on. The problem is, "LGBTQ" whatever is not a label we created it. The L's, G's, B's, T's and Q's created it. They decided to lump themselves all together. Probably for the sake of political power more than shared ideology. So if something is going on in 'that' community that you disagree with, YOU need to do something about it. You guys have to have the balls to stand up to the lunacy that's going on within that community, like targeting children with drag shows. Just like it's up to women to speak out against this bullshit with men competing with women in sports, because they think they look cute in a skirt. YOUR voice will have more power than a straight white male. Though because we get blamed for everything anyway, it's easy for us to speak out but fewer people listen, because we're evil, so they say.


u homos first wanted to get married which is no big deal. now u want the "freedom" to groom little kids with ur propaganda... the muslims extremists seem to deal with gays better the "west"


Are you endorsing what the "muslim extremists" do to LGBT people?


the ones who want to groom children deserve a worse faith. I dont endorsed what they do but I understand it now. U gotta keep the gays in there place. If you treat them as equals they take it to the extreme expecting access to orphan children. Kids rights are more important than gay rights. the "West" is selling these poor kids down the river and bending over backwards to accommodate these fags. the muslims extremists were right all along it turns out it turns out...


So you are outright openly in favour of murdering all gay people?

Did I get that right?


no not murdering all gay people. I dont agree with murdering any gay people really. all I am saying is I understand where those muslims are coming from. They dont kill all the gays just the openly gay ones they know about. There are still gays living and lurking in the shadows. They belong in the shadows doing there stuff privately not promoting there degenerate lifestyle openly to kiddos like they are getting away with here. I dont favor or promote what the muslims do, but now after seeing what the homos are getting away with here I understand them and no long judge them for their barbaric practices. We are the bigger barbarians letting them adopt kiddos and whatnot


Of course "knowing about a gay person" means literally just that. In order to gay people to survive in those areas, they have to hide their existence. This is like saying "You can murder, just don't get caught!" to murderers. So it is tantamount to criminalising being homosexual.

They belong in the shadows doing there stuff privately not promoting there degenerate lifestyle openly to kiddos like they are getting away with here. I dont favor or promote what the muslims do but now after seeing what the homos are getting away with here understand them and no long judge them for their barbaric practices. We are the bigger barbarians letting them adopt kiddos and whatnot

What do you mean "belong in the shadows"? Gay people shouldn't be allowed to exist in the west publicly?


I used to think they should be "equal" back when I was naive and younger. All they wanted to do was get married and cheat on their taxes I thought. Now I see how wrong I was all along. Its like that old saying, "give a finger, lose a whole hand". Homos have gone too far and lost my support...


So how should they not be equal? What should be taken away from them by law?


They really shouldnt even be allowed to be married now that I think about it. Marriage and the tax benefits exist to promote children and procreation. Gays getting married is a dumb pointless freedom they dont really need or deserve...


So anything else other than marriage?


they shouldn't be allowed to promote faggotry to children in schools. This should be a serious crime with serious consequences


Anything else?


yes make a gay only safe space somewhere is the outskirts of North Dakota where they can be as gay as they want around there own kind. We will tolerate the quite non annoying ones in society but the super fabulous ultra twinks will be sent away to this farm in North Dakota to live out there gay lives. More civilized then what muslims do. We will keep em in there place and in fear away from our kiddos without resorting to violence


So you're literally in favour of segregation?

You do realise you're coming across as akin to a Nazi, but instead of the "Jewish Problem", it's the "Homosexual problem"?


but we do have a homosexual problem. Have u seen the trannies reading to kids or the gays adopting poor parentless orphans?!? this country is being destroyed from within...


Again, you are coming across as a nazi.

Why don't you just move to Russia?


I will one day. My dad is Serbian and I am entitled to Serb Citizenship which comes with a visa free passport to Russia. It seems better than McMurica. Christian nation with hot skinny girls instead of all the lard whales that call McMurica home


So why should you get to dictate how people in the west should live when your opinion is in the minority?


the tides are turning bud. u homos have gone too far and the majority is getting tired of this stuff


I await evidence please

And I'm not homosexual. But if I was, you're saying the state should persecute me and force me to live on a reservation?


sure i was kinda joking but it really isnt a bad idea the more i think about it


So why shouldn't I consider you akin to a fascist?


That is exactly how I feel. I was all for gay rights back in the 2000's and a huge liberal, but once we achieved that, I was like great, we did it. But now they want more. Now it's not enough to just support their rights, now you have to worship and venerate them and affirm their identity. Like WTF? I'm not down with that. I can respect you and stand in solidarity with you, but it doesn't mean that I have to like you. If you want your identity affirmed then go elsewhere, I am not your ally.
The only place of disagreement that we might have is that I would say that it's not the alphabet people per se who are the problem, it's the advocates and allies for alphabet people, who may even be straight themselves, that are the most insufferable of degenerates. In other words, it's the Wokerati that is the problem, not individual gay people, or even trans people, many of whom just want to live their lives and not draw attention to themselves.


That is the kind of bullshit liberal, hysterical hyperbole that has no place in serious debate.


He literally told me that he wants to send gay people in the US to reservations.


It's liberal lunatics like you that need to be not "re-educated" but educated. Can't re-educate someone who was never educated in the first place. Indoctrination is not education.


That is not what he said. He said that all gay people should be rounded up and sent to live on reservations.


If you think it's only the "extremists" that toss people off buildings in Muslim countries, I have news for you...

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Islamic extremism, as we understand it, is normal in Islamic countries - by our standards, a significant percentage of the population of Gulf countries are extremists.


For LGBT people who just want to live their life like everybody else and not stand out, I propose we do nothing but encourage this. As for those who subscribe to the dogma of wokeness, a more forceful approach is required. Throughout history, it has been demonstrated that entire ideologies and their followers can be effectively ostracized from our cultural landscape, such as with the Nazis, socialists, and communists after the 1940s.
As a socialist myself, I do not advocate for the removal of socialist ideas from our collective memory, but strategically speaking, it is feasible to employ various methods to counteract pernicious ideologies.

To rid ourselves of the cancerous woke ideology and its proponents, we must utilize every social mechanism available. By withholding positions of influence in any company, organization, or institution, we can effectively relegate such individuals to a marginalized state.
For those already embedded, we must apply pressure, coercion, bullying, and perhaps even resort to blackmail, to make them feel unwelcome, and encourage their departure. By utilizing such tactics, we can push the Wokerati and their pernicious ideology to the fringes of society, where it belongs.


"Cancel culture is great when it's against views I like"


Such is Popper's Paradox. These woke degenerates often employ this argument to silence the speech of people they don't like in order to "protect democracy" from the intolerant. I'm simply taking the same paradox and applying it to them, since I believe they are the intolerant ones and therefore should not be tolerated as per the paradox. Sorry, them's the breaks. Karma is bitch.

Act like a bitch, get smacked like a bitch.


I don't know of anything that's happened to anyone via 'cancel culture' that comes anywhere close to what you seem to want to happen. Your position is borderline Scientology-tier fair game in application.

Any thoughts on the user in this thread who wants to move all gay people onto encampments?


I am not talking about cancel culture. I am talking about the purging of them and their pernicious ideology from the cultural landscape as it was done to the Nazis. Do you think it was justified to do to Nazi ideology? If so, then it is justified to do the same to the Wokerati, for they are just as dangerous to our society as the Nazis, not in terms of exterminating people like the Nazis, but with respect to censorship and the encroachment on our liberty.


The Nazis were persecuted by the state in many cases. Is that what you're proposing for "woke" people? What level of "woke" affiliation must one have, exactly in order to be purged?


I'm not talking about the state, I'm talking about societal pressure. I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.
Let me break this down for you by giving you a simple example. Suppose I have a co worker that constantly lectures people about their white privilege and berates anyone who doesn't use the correct pronouns. I am not calling for this person to be arrested or fined. What I am proposing is that everyone in the work place start treating this person with disrespect. Create a hostile work environment for this person. Whenever there is a get together, this person is excluded. Whenever there is a promotion, this person is denied. When they are having a bad day, you make it worse. You isolate them, ostracize them, and make them feel unwelcome. At the very least they will learn to keep their fucking mouth shut, and ideally they will be so broken down that they will leave themselves because of this hostile environment.
This same strategy should be then replicated everywhere. From academia to the entertainment industry to the media to the work place.
Was that clear enough for you?

Please don't pretend like you don't know what "woke" means or what a "woke person" is. Don't gaslight people.


Because in post-WW2 Europe being publicly Nazi or white supremacist *was* and *is* criminalised by many states. It's not just social pressure involved here.

What I am proposing is that everyone in the work place start treating this person with disrespect. Create a hostile work environment for this person. Whenever there is a get together, this person is excluded. Whenever there is a promotion, this person is denied. When they are having a bad day, you make it worse. You isolate them, ostracize them, and make them feel unwelcome. At the very least they will learn to keep their fucking mouth shut, and ideally they will be so broken down that they will leave themselves because of this hostile environment.

The problem here isn't their ideology but their behaviour. You have proposed or suggested that TV shows or films that have 'woke' themes are also, or should also be victims of this industry or societal response.

And yes, I assume there are layers here. Would you claim, say, Severance is as 'woke' as Euphoria or Velma?


I don't know why you keep bringing up the state. I already told you that I don't want the state involved in cultural matters.

The problem here isn't their ideology but their behaviour. You have proposed or suggested that TV shows or films that have 'woke' themes are also, or should also be victims of this industry or societal response.

Their behavior stems from their ideology. Would you hire a worker who has swastika tattoos all over his body — is a known white supremacist who advocates for the extermination of Jews and black people — even though they don't say any Nazi shit at work and are friendly?

Yes I want this ideology purged from TV and movies. However, I don't want to do this through censorship, instead I just want to purge the Wokies who generate this garbage from the mainstream. They can still exist, and still write, and produce independent movies, but for the most part they would be excluded from the mainstream and so their message would no longer be widely spread.


Their behavior stems from their ideology. Would you hire a worker who has swastika tattoos all over his body — is a known white supremacist who advocates for the extermination of Jews and black people — even though they don't say any Nazi shit at work and are friendly?

So does this outlandish description describe Ben Stiller, and Severance?

Yes I want this ideology purged from TV and movies. However, I don't want to do this through censorship, instead I just want to purge the Wokies who generate this garbage from the mainstream. They can still exist, and still write, and produce independent movies, but for the most part they would be excluded from the mainstream and so their message would no longer be widely spread.

See all I hear is that you don't want any gay people in TV or film anywhere ever.


So does this outlandish description describe Ben Stiller, and Severance?

See all I hear is that you don't want any gay people in TV or film anywhere ever.

That's because you're deaf. You have a confirmation bias and only hear what you want to hear.

I'm okay with gay people as long as they are not forced into most TV shows or shoehorned into the story where it doesn't feel natural. I just want there to be shows that exclude gay people and minorities in addition to shows that are inclusive. That has always been what I want. I want both exclusive and inclusive shows/movies not just inclusive like we have now.
Do you grok what I'm saying or are you still confused?


I once saw you call Severance woke though because of Irving.

I'm okay with gay people as long as they are not forced into most TV shows or shoehorned into the story where it doesn't feel natural. I just want there to be shows that exclude gay people and minorities in addition to shows that are inclusive. That has always been what I want. I want both exclusive and inclusive shows/movies not just inclusive like we have now.

Objectively defined being "forced" into a show where it isn't natural. Was Irving forced? Would it be less forced if he wasn't gay? The only situation where it would be natural for the entire wider cast to be white in a US-based show if it it took place in certain states where mostly everyone is white.

Or if it was set in Eastern Europe, or Finland or Korea or Japan (for the entire cast to be one race).


I once saw you call Severance woke though because of Irving.

I wouldn't call it that woke. You can make the argument that it is woke if you think Irving was made gay simply to check a diversity box, if that is the case, then that would be woke. If however, he was gay simply because that is how the writer envisioned the character of Irving from the beginning then it wouldn't be considered woke. Since the relationship between Irving and Burt Goodman (Christopher Walken) makes sense for the story, I am going to be charitable and say that it was a character driven decision and not a box checking decision.
The only situation where it would be natural for the entire wider cast to be white in a US-based show if it it took place in certain states where mostly everyone is white.

That is correct for the most part. But you also have to take into consideration that people like to stick with their own, so even in diverse cities you have people who self segregate in both neighborhoods and friend groups. In this case you would only see diversity in the work place or in school. However even in school there are groups that self segregate. So if I was making a show or movie, I want that to be reflected.

As I have told you on numerous occasions, this is no longer allowed in shows/movies. You would not be able to make a show about a coming of age story about 4 straight white kids growing up in Iowa in a mostly white neighborhood. If you had such a story, the production company would force one of them to be a minority or a queer or something, these days probably both.
I simply want show creators to be able to tell that kind of story instead of forcing everything to have the cultural sensibilities of a group of college students in New York where everybody is diverse.


I wouldn't call it that woke. You can make the argument that it is woke if you think Irving was made gay simply to check a diversity box, if that is the case, then that would be woke. If however, he was gay simply because that is how the writer envisioned the character of Irving from the beginning then it wouldn't be considered woke. Since the relationship between Irving and Burt Goodman (Christopher Walken) makes sense for the story, I am going to be charitable and say that it was a character driven decision and not a box checking decision.

Christopher Walken could've just been substituted for a woman though. Or perhaps instead Ms. Cobel could've been flirting with a Ms Graner of security. How do you objectively judge this stuff?

As I have told you on numerous occasions, this is no longer allowed in shows/movies. You would not be able to make a show about a coming of age story about 4 straight white kids growing up in Iowa in a mostly white neighborhood. If you had such a story, the production company would force one of them to be a minority or a queer or something, these days probably both.

Have there even been any notable shows or films even set in white USA in the last 5 years?

Also I'd like some data that people self-segregate in the USA to the point that they literally only meaningfully interact entirely with their own race.


Christopher Walken could've just been substituted for a woman though. Or perhaps instead Ms. Cobel could've been flirting with a Ms Graner of security. How do you objectively judge this stuff?

That was my thinking as well initially. That is why I'm on the fence with respect to whether it is woke or not. I'm leaning towards not in order to be charitable to this great show.
In terms of Christopher Walken's character, maybe the reason you had Christopher Walken is because he's Christopher Walken. It was a good get. Perhaps if he wasn't available they would have went with a conventional relationship between a man and a woman. It's possible that it was done for the benefit of Christopher Walken. But, I don't know, it could go either way.

You can objectively judge this stuff but it is difficult with limited information. Sometimes it is so blatant that you'd have to be a fool not see it. It is also objective, because even if you don't know for sure, the creators of the show do, so there is an answer, you just might not be aware of it.
Have there even been any notable shows or films even set in white USA in the last 5 years?

I don't know of any, and that's the problem. Back in the day you had movies like Stand by Me or even Lost Boys, which I don't think had a single minority in the entire cast. I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one, but I don't remember seeing any. Movies like that would be considered sacrilegious today. They would never be allowed to be made.
Also I'd like some data that people self-segregate in the USA to the point that they literally only meaningfully interact entirely with their own race.

Well, you're going to have to find that on your own. I can only speak from personal experience. I grew up in Chicago. I went to a public elementary school that was mostly black and Mexican kids. Everyone was pretty segregated. Our class was all white.


In terms of Christopher Walken's character, maybe the reason you had Christopher Walken is because he's Christopher Walken. It was a good get. Perhaps if he wasn't available they would have went with a conventional relationship between a man and a woman. It's possible that it was done for the benefit of Christopher Walken. But, I don't know, it could go either way.

Why can't a gay relationship be in a show or film because sometimes people are just gay in life, and that's all there is to it?

I don't know of any, and that's the problem. Back in the day you had movies like Stand by Me or even Lost Boys, which I don't think had a single minority in the entire cast. I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one, but I don't remember seeing any. Movies like that would be considered sacrilegious today. They would never be allowed to be made.

Just chucked in some keywords on IMDB. These look 99% white based on cast.

Also, isn't Yellowstone primarily white?

Also, a detail, but I don't even think black-centered TV shows are 100% black.


Why can't a gay relationship be in a show or film because sometimes people are just gay in life, and that's all there is to it?

There can.

I never heard of any of the movies you posted. Half of them were made for TV movies, the other half were where the main cast consisted of only one or two people. I mostly get my movies from a single website that shows new releases, so my selection may be skewed by that. Though I don't think the site has any bias to show multi racial movies, I think they just pick the most popular ones. A lot of movies that I have been seeing lately, like a lot a lot, has been shoehorning interracial couples or interracial children into stories. This is because like the movies you showed above, their main cast is only made up of 2 people or less, so if you want to shoehorn diversity into such a movie, your only option is to have the couple be an interracial couple. And if it's a a single parent and a child, they will make the child of a different race to imply that the other parent was of a different race. The most recent example of this is The Last of Us.

As for Yellowstone, the cast is mostly white. They do have a black guy who is one of the cowboys, he's part of the supporting cast. But then again, Yellowstone is the exception to the rule. One of the reasons it is so popular is precisely because it is an anti-woke show.
Also, a detail, but I don't even think black-centered TV shows are 100% black.

Yeah, not anymore. But there used to be. There should be all black shows like there used to be in the 90's. I want to be able to see movies that are focused on a specific culture and not have it be polluted by other cultures.


As for Yellowstone, the cast is mostly white. They do have a black guy who is one of the cowboys, he's part of the supporting cast. But then again, Yellowstone is the exception to the rule. One of the reasons it is so popular is precisely because it is an anti-woke show.

This seems a bit [citation needed]. Not being woke doesn't mean you're necessarily "anti-woke". It's also just ripe for a particular older demographic, like most police procedurals effortlessly get big numbers despite being basic bitch.

But also wouldn't that also include 1923 and the other spinoffs I can't remember?

I never heard of any of the movies you posted. Half of them were made for TV movies, the other half were where the main cast consisted of only one or two people. I mostly get my movies from a single website that shows new releases, so my selection may be skewed by that. Though I don't think the site has any bias to show multi racial movies, I think they just pick the most popular ones.

Sure, they're obscure - and incomplete, as IMDB operates on a keyword system that requires people to add keywords. So no doubt there are a lot of modern tv/films missing "iowa", "vermont", "wyoming" tags etc.

Yeah, not anymore. But there used to be. There should be all black shows like there used to be in the 90's. I want to be able to see movies that are focused on a specific culture and not have it be polluted by other cultures.

I think it might be disingenuous then to frame this as a specific anti-white thing if TV and movies in USA are averse to presenting a wholly monoracial cast.


I haven't watched 1923, but I have heard that 1883, unlike Yellowstone, is really woke, shoehorning in contemporary politics into a 19th century setting. I don't know how bad it is but I'm planning to watch it soon, so I'll see.

I think it might be disingenuous then to frame this as a specific anti-white thing if TV and movies in USA are averse to presenting a wholly monoracial cast.

It is a mostly anti-white thing, but once you implement diversity standards then those standards will apply to all black casts as well, and so they end up being collateral damage.


It is a mostly anti-white thing, but once you implement diversity standards then those standards will apply to all black casts as well, and so they end up being collateral damage.

Again, there are very likely more modern TV shows and films that have a wholly or almost wholly white cast than you know.

Are they popular? Probably not, but that goes for most shows in general. The older days you're referring to where white people only shows were much more common, there was much less minorities in TV entirely. They're now integrated across the acting field.


Well, all I'm asking for is for us to return to those times. I prefer the way it used to be.


Why? Why should we return to the times where minorities were heavily *underrepresented* in media?

You would actually be suggesting positive discrimination in favour of white people for this to happen now.


Because it would be awesome.

You would actually be suggesting positive discrimination in favour of white people for this to happen now.

Couldn't care less. If returning back to before 2015 is positive discrimination, then so be it. The ends justify the means.


Because it would be awesome.


Couldn't care less. If returning back to before 2015 is positive discrimination, then so be it. The ends justify the means.

Why is it inherently better if white people are demographically overrepresented in TV or film in relation to their actual demographics? And by saying this you lose all moral grounds to complain about contemporary representation, and the idea as accused of positive discrimination in favour of ethnic minorities.


Because I like it. The same way I like Vanilla ice cream.

It's inherently better if white people are overrepresented (assuming they were "overrepresented ") because that is the way it was pre 2015 and that is the way it should be now. Why? Because I prefer it that way.
This is not about morality, this is not a debate, this is not about fairness, rather it's a matter of subjective values and preferences, much like one's preference for chocolate or vanilla ice cream. And If enough people share my tastes, we can bring it to fruition; all that is required is the willpower to make it happen


Because I like it. The same way I like Vanilla ice cream.

This is narcissistic.

So your objection to modern TV and film isn't really based on any grand ethical or creative complaint about the direction of modern TV, it's just "I like it when there's more white people".

Which I can honestly only interpret as racism. You want some TV shows where the cast is prominently or exclusively white? Okay. But white people already dominate in casts in USA. So what you would want, based on this, would be simply to shuffle people around - and move white people into specific shows. But no, apparently you also want less minorities *across the board*.

There are trends in modern TV I don't like either, but I realise it's not all about me.


This is narcissistic

It is what it is. Them's the breaks.
So your objection to modern TV and film isn't really based on any grand ethical or creative complaint about the direction of modern TV, it's just "I like it when there's more white people".

It's a creative complaint about the direction of modern TV and it's primarily about forced diversity.
Which I can honestly only interpret as racism.

Interpret it however you'd like. It doesn't mean anything to me.
You want some TV shows where the cast is prominently or exclusively white? Okay. But white people already dominate in casts in USA. So what you would want, based on this, would be simply to shuffle people around - and move white people into specific shows. But no, apparently you also want less minorities *across the board*.

I don't think that going back to pre 2015 television has any of the implications that you stated, but if it is the way you say it is, then so be it. I don't care what the implications are, my focus lies solely on the end product.


It is what it is. Them's the breaks.

So ultimately, undressing all of your points - there is no argument. You see more black people in TV. You frown. You want it to go back to how it was 5-10 years ago (at least).

It's a creative complaint about the direction of modern TV and it's primarily about forced diversity.

Except you also want "forced diversity" (or the opposite I guess) - just in favour of white people.

I don't think that going back to pre 2015 television has any of the implications that you stated, but if it is the way you say it is, then so be it. I don't care what the implications are, my focus lies solely on the end product.

You've specifically said that you want minorities to be on TV at a rate *less* than their presence in the population.


So ultimately, undressing all of your points - there is no argument. You see more black people in TV. You frown. You want it to go back to how it was 5-10 years ago (at least).

The argument is obvious; The argument is that it is a matter of subjective taste.
It's not just about black people. It's everything, from the style, to the subject matter, to the way people speak, and the way they look. In addition to that, it is about minorities and people of the alphabet being shoehorned into everything as opposed to having some shows (the majority of shows) that are exclusively one race (not necessarily white). Or are exclusively about straight cis people.
Except you also want "forced diversity" (or the opposite I guess) - just in favour of white people.

No, because I want it to be like before 2015, and before 2015 there was no forced diversity. Just diversity.
You've specifically said that you want minorities to be on TV at a rate *less* than their presence in the population.

I specifically said that I want television to be the way it was before 2015, if that means less minorities then that is what I mean. If that means more Chinese people, then that is what I mean. If that means less women and more men, then that is what I mean.
See what I mean?


The argument is obvious; The argument is that it is a matter of subjective taste.
It's not just about black people. It's everything, from the style, to the subject matter, to the way people speak, and the way they look. In addition to that, it is about minorities and people of the alphabet being shoehorned into everything as opposed to having some shows (the majority of shows) that are exclusively one race (not necessarily white). Or are exclusively about straight cis people.

I am not even sure that the "majority of shows" even in the early 2010s were exclusively only starring one race. I think you'd have to go back to the 90s for that.

Why do you even want the "majority of shows" to be monoracial anyway?

I specifically said that I want television to be the way it was before 2015, if that means less minorities then that is what I mean. If that means more Chinese people, then that is what I mean. If that means less women and more men, then that is what I mean.

So in practice, what's the difference between a wokester who wants 20% of people on TV and movies to be black (higher than their demographics) vs. you who wants it to be 90% white?


Why do you even want the "majority of shows" to be monoracial anyway?

Because many shows/movies that I grew up with were that way, and I miss that. In a word, nostalgia.

Both myself and the Wokester hold differing opinions on the presentation of media. My preference leans towards lesser diversity, whereas they want more. I believe that there should be no forced diversity (no mandatory guidelines), while the Wokester stands for representation through set standards. I prefer less minority representation (because that is what I grew up with), whereas the wokester advocates for increased representation of marginalized communities because they have a progressive ideology and agenda. While we have differing views on the presentation of media, we are similar in that we are both culture warriors fighting on opposing sides of the war.


So why is your specific worldview more ethical here? Why should I not just view you as a reactionary mirror (and for really absurd reasons too... "nostalgia")

And again, I feel like you're misrepresenting 2010-15 TV shows in terms of racial dynamics.


Ethical? LOL
What do ethics have to do with this?
This is a war for the soul of the entertainment industry.

Why should I not just view you as a reactionary mirror

View me however you'd like. It doesn't mean anything to me.
and for really absurd reasons too... "nostalgia"

Absurd? How is that?
We are talking about entertainment, you know, that thing that is all about evoking your emotions. Emotions like nostalgia.
Think McFly, Think!
I feel like you're misrepresenting 2010-15 TV shows in terms of racial dynamics.

I only bring up that period because that is the last time when things were good in my opinion.
If you're looking for my favorite period it would probably be the 00's and the 90's for movies. And 1999-2010 for TV shows.


This is a war for the soul of the entertainment industry.

You speak about the 'woke' in emotionally charged, visceral language. Responses peppered with indignation, hatred and anger with how they've supposed taken over the entertainment industry. As if this is a righteous crusade.

And it turns out the only reason you want to change TV and film is because "nostalgia" and you personally liked it prior to 2015. Your language doesn't match with your motives.

View me however you'd like. It doesn't mean anything to me.

It might be better asked: How aren't you just a reactionary mirror?

How is it even remotely about the "soul" of the entertainment industry if it's just about that? This is like someone who loves 80's music wanting to somehow change popular music by social pressure so it more matched that period, but presenting it as some sort of righteous goal.

If you're looking for my favorite period it would probably be the 00's and the 90's for movies. And 1999-2010 for TV shows.

And even then it would be disingenuous, I think to suggest that the noughties were almost all white-only TV shows.


You speak about the 'woke' in emotionally charged, visceral language. Responses peppered with indignation, hatred and anger with how they've supposed taken over the entertainment industry. As if this is a righteous crusade.
And it turns out the only reason you want to change TV and film is because "nostalgia" and you personally liked it prior to 2015. Your language doesn't match with your motives.

These are not mutually exclusive.
I had a love for how movies/shows used to be, they meant a lot to me. Then a horde of woke degenerate vandals came in and destroyed what I cherished most. Now I want to purge these subhuman vandals from society. Seems pretty cogent to me.
How aren't you just a reactionary mirror?

If my opinions and goals make me that in your opinion, then so be it. It doesn't mean anything to me. I don't care if it makes me a racist, a reactionary, a narcissist, or a monster. Whatever the label, I will wear it, as long as I get the result I want.
How is it even remotely about the "soul" of the entertainment industry if it's just about that? This is like someone who loves 80's music wanting to somehow change popular music by social pressure so it more matched that period, but presenting it as some sort of righteous goal.

It is exactly like that. That would be another example of battling for the soul of an art form, in this case music. Purging people from the industry and the culture who bombard us with shit music is a righteous cause.
And even then it would be disingenuous, I think to suggest that the noughties were almost all white-only TV shows.

I'm not suggesting that. I'm suggesting that for me that was the last acceptable period. A period that I sill enjoyed. Even if I had a preference for less minorities, that level of minorities was fine by me.


movies/shows used to be, they meant a lot to me. Then a horde of woke degenerate vandals came in and destroyed what I cherished most. Now I want to purge these subhuman vandals from society. Seems pretty cogent to me.

What makes the changes "degenerate", exactly? There have been a massive amount of high quality TV shows since 2015.

If my opinions and goals make me that in your opinion, then so be it. It doesn't mean anything to me. I don't care if it makes me a racist, a reactionary, a narcissist, or a monster. Whatever the label, I will wear it, as long as I get the result I want.

I'm not asking you this from *my perspective*, but *your perspective*. Why is your worldview in this instance, your vision for entertainment, more moral or higher quality than 'woke people'?

Why should that kind of TV be exiled? Should House of the Dragon, which you've lambasted, despite it's high reputation, be excommunicated? Euphoria (easily one of the highest rated teen shows of all time)? Sex Education? Many of the LGBT romance shows like Heartstopper and Young Royals? The Handmaids Tale? Glow?

It is exactly like that. That would be another example of battling for the soul of an art form, in this case music. Purging people from the industry and the culture who bombard us with shit music is a righteous cause.

What makes modern TV in this case "shit"? And you can't use "because too many minorities" as an answer, because you'd then have to justify what about there being "too many minorities" represents an obvious deprecation of quality. Your premise is that the current levels of representation is bad, but you haven't argued on common ground as to *why*. The only context I would agree with you is when minorities are inserted in historically inaccurate contexts. But most of those shows get hammered for that anyway.


What makes the changes "degenerate", exactly?

Degererate: To decline or deteriorate from a previous state of moral or social excellence: In this sense, to "degenerate" means to fall from a higher or better state to a lower or worse state.
Identity politics, forced diversity, the demotion and denigration of straight white men, etc. is a degeneration of movies/shows.
There have been a massive amount of high quality TV shows since 2015.

Yes, there were some. But not nearly to the level and quality of the Golden Age of Television (1999-2015).
Why is your worldview in this instance, your vision for entertainment, more moral or higher quality than 'woke people'?

Morality has nothing to do with it. There is no objective standard here that I am appealing to. It is a matter of subjective values and preferences,
Why should that kind of TV be exiled? Should House of the Dragon, which you've lambasted, despite it's high reputation, be excommunicated? Euphoria (easily one of the highest rated teen shows of all time)? Sex Education? Many of the LGBT romance shows like Heartstopper and Young Royals? The Handmaids Tale?

I'm not asking for the exile of the shows. The ones that were created get to stay. I'm advocating for the exile of the people who make those shows, or people who contribute to making these shows woke.
By getting rid of these people the shows that will be produced will have a different flavor. Shows like Euphoria might never be made, which is fine by me, even though I watch it and like it. Shows like HotD would still be made exactly the way it is except it would have no minorities in it since it is a show about a race of people who are supposed to be albino white.
What makes modern TV in this case "shit"?

As I said in a previous post: "Everything, from the style, to the subject matter, to the way people speak, and the way they look."


Identity politics, forced diversity, the demotion and denigration of straight white men, etc. is a degeneration of movies/shows.

And how has denigration of straight white men become the norm in TV shows? Other than like, Velma, which was universally panned.

Yes, there were some. But not nearly to the level and quality of the Golden Age of Television (1999-2015).

Zero way you can objectively quantify this.

I'm not asking for the exile of the shows. The ones that were created get to stay. I'm advocating for the exile of the people who make those shows, or people who contribute to making these shows woke.
By getting rid of these people the shows that will be produced will have a different flavor. Shows like Euphoria might never be made, which is fine by me, even though I watch it and like it. Shows like HotD would still be made exactly the way it is except it would have no minorities in it since it is a show about a race of people who are supposed to be albino white.

So why shouldn't shows like Euphoria be made? Or Gay romance shows?


And how has denigration of straight white men become the norm in TV shows? Other than like, Velma, which was universally panned.

I don't mean just explicitly, I also mean in movies like The Matrix Resurrections, where the straight white male lead has to take a step back and let the powerful women take center stage. Another example is Terminator: Dark Fate where John Connor is killed off right in the beginning and forgotten about and then replaced by a Latina women who takes the spotlight.
Zero way you can objectively quantify this.

I don't know how many times I have to tell you that we're not talking about some objective fact, but rather subjective opinion. Maybe if I continue saying it, it will eventually sink in. What do you think? Do you think it will sink in, or will you keep on asking the same incessant questions?
So why shouldn't shows like Euphoria be made? Or Gay romance shows?

They can be made, but the people who make them would no longer be in the mainstream, so we would still have them but they would be rare. Just like all white casts are rare today. I want to flip that. Less of the former and more of the latter.


I don't mean just explicitly, I also mean in movies like The Matrix Resurrections, where the straight white male lead has to take a step back and let the powerful women take center stage. Another example is Terminator: Dark Fate where John Connor is killed off right in the beginning and forgotten about and then replaced by a Latina women who takes the spotlight.

Both relatively poorly rated movies.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that we're not talking about some objective fact, but rather subjective opinion. Maybe if I continue saying it, it will eventually sink in. What do you think? Do you think it will sink in, or will you keep on asking the same incessant questions?

Then to demand that the entertainment industry change to represent your own personal preferences is unbelievably selfish and narcissistic - and has nothing really to do with any particular ethical objection about 'wokeness' per se.
They can be made, but the people who make them would no longer be in the mainstream, so we would still have them but they would be rare. Just like all white casts are rare today. I want to flip that. Less of the former and more of the latter.

Why shouldn't they be "in the mainstream" exactly? And "all-white casts" have been rare in serialised TV for decades, even in the "golden age" as you refer to it.


Then to demand that the entertainment industry change to represent your own personal preferences is unbelievably selfish and narcissistic - and has nothing really to do with any particular ethical objection about 'wokeness' per se.

Now you're getting it. It is just as narcissistic to impose standards based on woke ideology.
All I want to do is to roll all of that back. Why? Because I prefer it that way. Is it selfish? Maybe, but a whole lot of people agree with me. Liberals only make up like 24% of the US population and The Wokerati are a smaller subset of liberals. It is reasonable to assume that non-liberals are probably not woke, and would prefer the same kind of media that I'm advocating for.
Why shouldn't they be "in the mainstream" exactly?

Because I say so.
And "all-white casts" have been rare in serialised TV for decades, even in the "golden age" as you refer to it.

Correct. And I want to reverse that trend. It doesn't have to be as prevalent as it was in the 80's and it doesn't have to be as much as post 2006, so lets split the difference and say that it should be about the level as it was in the 90's. It could be something like the Sopranos where all of the cast is white, but there are still minorities. Sopranos was good. That seems about right.


Now you're getting it. It is just as narcissistic to impose standards based on woke ideology.

Who is "imposing standards"? People are just making shows you don't like, or setting up plot themes you don't like.

Because I prefer it that way. Is it selfish? Maybe, but a whole lot of people agree with me. Liberals only make up like 24% of the US population and The Wokerati are a smaller subset of liberals. It is reasonable to assume that non-liberals are probably not woke, and would prefer the same kind of media that I'm advocating for.

Then why don't they make it - if they have the numbers. And your interpretation of the data assumes that ONLY Liberals like "woke" TV shows. And significantly misunderstands that most people don't watch most TV in general. Very few shows gain a majority of the population audience, over time. Based on anecdotal experience, a lot of older-type conservative-leaning viewers just watch network police procedurals or dad-TV and have never had much interest in keeping up with TV or film, and won't really watch anything.

Because I say so.

And why should you get to decide that? What if Netflix, in your brave new world commissioned an LGBT romance TV show?
Correct. And I want to reverse that trend. It doesn't have to be as prevalent as it was in the 80's and it doesn't have to be as much as post 2006, so lets split the difference and say that it should be about the level as it was in the 90's. It could be something like the Sopranos where all of the cast is white, but there are still minorities. That seems about right.

And why is that right?

What's the argument to suggest that production companies and networks should be openly racist towards non-white people by deliberately excluding them?


Who is "imposing standards"? People are just making shows you don't like, or setting up plot themes you don't like.
Then why don't they make it - if they have the numbers

Because they were pushed out of the industry. The Wokerati maybe small but they have taken over the levers of power in Hollywood and outside of Hollywood in HR departments of many companies and of course academia.
And why should you get to decide that?

Why not me?
What if Netflix, in your brave new world commissioned an LGBT romance TV show?

Then we would have an LGBT romance show. In my brave new world, hopefully they would be far and few between.
And why is that right?

Because I say so.
What's the argument to suggest that production companies and networks should be openly racist towards non-white people by deliberately excluding them?

They shouldn't be excluding them. They should just not include them in everything. In my brave new world (or old brave new world as it were), there would be all white shows, all black shows, and mixed shows. Many choices for everyone. There would no longer be only mixed shows.


This is just for award ceremonies. Most films are too obscure or niche to ever be considered for this anyway.
Because they were pushed out of the industry. The Wokerati maybe small but they have taken over the levers of power in Hollywood and outside of Hollywood in HR departments of many companies and of course academia.

And the 'right' or 'conservative' can't produce parallel production studios? They have enough money to pump out hundreds of internet TV shows in studios, run news networks etc.
Why not me?

Why should anyone individually get to dictate how all TV and film is? Should I get to dictate it?
Then we would have an LGBT romance show. In my brave new world, hopefully they would be far and few between.

I mean you overstate how common they are now in terms of shows like Heartstopper and Young Royals.
Because I say so.

This is petulant. This is literally just you going "nuh uh".
They shouldn't be excluding them. They should just not include them in everything. In my brave new world (or old brave new world as it were), there would be all white shows, all black shows, and mixed shows. Many choices for everyone. There would no longer be only mixed shows.

You've said that the level of representation of ethnic minorities should be *under* their prevalence in the general population - which would likely necessitate actors being turned down purely because they aren't white.

And no, you speak as if you want choices to diminish for progressives (as it were).


This is just for award ceremonies. Most films are too obscure or niche to ever be considered for this anyway.

It's but one example of the industry imposing diversity, inclusion, equity (D.I.E) standards. These standards are being imposed everywhere, even beyond just Hollywood. Many companies across the board have similar standards. In the entertainment industry the result is that media is woke.
And the 'right' or 'conservative' can't produce parallel production studios? They have enough money to pump out hundreds of internet TV shows in studios, run news networks etc.

I believe the right is trying to do that. However, the right is also a minority. What we need is for the silent majority to rise up and create a parallel industry, but it's not as easy as it sounds. There are many obstacles to doing that. The current players would use their power to stamp that out. There were many studios back in the day, and a huge diversity of movies. Now everything has been absorbed by just a handful of corporations. That's why there is so little choice.
Why should anyone individually get to dictate how all TV and film is? Should I get to dictate it?

Not individually. People of like minds should get together and make it happen. You can be a part of it, or you can be on the other side with the degenerates.
This is petulant. This is literally just you going "nuh uh".

No, this is literally me telling you why things should be the way I want them to be. Like any advocate worth their salt, I'm on a mission to reshape reality. And why shouldn't I be? After all, there are plenty of people out there who share my traditionalist views.
And no, you speak as if you want choices to diminish for progressives (as it were).

Fuck progressives.


It's but one example of the industry imposing diversity, inclusion, equity (D.I.E) standards. These standards are being imposed everywhere, even beyond just Hollywood. Many companies across the board have similar standards. In the entertainment industry the result is that media is woke.

And that's up to companies. They're choosing to do that. No-one is imposing anything on them.

I believe the right is trying to do that. However, the right is also a minority. What we need is for the silent majority to rise up and create a parallel industry, but it's not as easy as it sounds.

There's tons of choice in modern entertainment. In the 90s, most TV was just mostly shitty police/legal/medical procedurals and sitcoms. The acting was generally worse, the budgets were poorer, it was overall crappy. It improved a fair amount in the 00s (mostly due to HBO and AMC) but it wasn't until streaming services established themselves that TV properly diversified.

Also, streaming has splintered - not merged. Part of the criticism of the modern streaming environment is that there are too many companies, not too few. No monopolies.

Plus foreign productions have exploded in quality and accessibility now.

Not individually. People of like minds should get together and make it happen. You can be a part of it, or you can be on the other side with the degenerates.

And what makes them "degenerate"? And I don't pick a side here. I just want quality TV. I don't care about the demographics.

No, this is literally me telling you why things should be the way I want them to be. Like any advocate worth their salt, I'm on a mission to reshape reality. And why shouldn't I be? After all, there are plenty of people out there who share my traditionalist views.

Didn't you deny being a traditionalist to me?

Fuck progressives.

So "choice for me but not for thee" is it


And that's up to companies. They're choosing to do that. No-one is imposing anything on them.
No, it's not companies, it's one company (BlackRock) with a woke agenda using their power to impose their ideology on other companies.
And what makes them "degenerate"?

I already explained it twice, but here we go again, maybe this time it will stick: ...their style, their message, the way they speak, and the way they look. In addition to that, the fact that they shoehorn minorities and people of the alphabet into everything.
Didn't you deny being a traditionalist to me?

No, I am far left on economics, libertarian on civil liberties (freedom of speech, guns, and the right to privacy). I'm moderate on social issues, for example I am for abortion and gay right (equality under the law), but I believe in traditional family values and traditional gender roles. While I am a moderate by normal standards, I would probably be considered conservative on social issues by Wokies.
So "choice for me but not for thee" is it

No, choice for everyone but progressives, if by progressives we mean the Wokerati. The Wokerait are not human beings so rights don't apply to them.
They are not entitled to a choice.


No, it's not companies, it's one company (BlackRock) with a woke agenda using their power to impose their ideology on other companies.

Where does this say Blackrock is imposing standards for the cast of TV shows and films?
I already explained it twice, but here we go again, maybe this time it will stick: ...their style, their message, the way they speak, and the way they look. In addition to that, the fact that they shoehorn minorities and people of the alphabet into everything.

What about "how they speak"? Referring to anything specific here? This is just vague. What shows are you referring to?

I believe in traditional family values and traditional gender roles. While I am a moderate by normal standards, I would probably be considered conservative on social issues by Wokies.

Opinions on people who don't adhere to 'gender norms' but aren't trans?

No, choice for everyone but progressives, if by progressives we mean the Wokerati. The Wokerait are not human beings so rights don't apply to them.

This is the literal language of fascism. Dehumanising an ideological opponent. If you reject them as human, then I assume you think they're fair game and can be treated anyway possible?


Where does this say Blackrock is imposing standards for the cast of TV shows and films?

I was rebutting your assertion that companies are free to do as they want. As that article shows, that clearly is not the case. The point is that a similar thing is happening across the board, movie studios included. Naturally it will seep into media and be reflected on screen.
What about "how they speak"? Referring to anything specific here? This is just vague. What shows are you referring to?

Yes it's vague. It's not something you define, it's something that you know when you see it, not unlike Wittgenstein's example of the definition of a "game." While it is difficult to offer a precise definition of what constitutes a game, the concept is universally recognized.
There are subcultures for example and they all have their own language, their jargon, their slang. There is a certain way of speaking that is recognizable as liberal or conservative or woke. And in the media, a lot of the characters that are written speak like someone who's woke.
Opinions on people who don't adhere to 'gender norms' but aren't trans?

I find people who don't adhere to gender norms to be repulsive. I generally want to avoid them. I prefer not see or hear from them or about them.
This is the literal language of fascism. Dehumanising an ideological opponent. If you reject them as human, then I assume you think they're fair game and can be treated anyway possible?
Don't take everything so seriously. Are you an autist? You kind of sound like you're on the spectrum.


I was rebutting your assertion that companies are free to do as they want. As that article shows, that clearly is not the case. The point is that a similar thing is happening across the board, movie studios included. Naturally it will seep into media and be reflected on screen.

Again, you have to demonstrate that companies are being pressured into it by outside companies rather than over time adopting practices themselves.

I find people who don't adhere to gender norms to be repulsive. I generally want to avoid them. I prefer not see or hear from them or about them.

So is being a tomboy "repulsive" or "woke", exactly?

Or a feminine man?

Is this woman wrong: - is this woke? Is it against gender norms for women to be in metal? Or this woman: (timestamped)? Or this black metal female vocalist

The 80's was well known for 'gender-bending' aesthetics throughout the gothic, punk, and glam scenes.

Don't take everything so seriously. Are you an autist? You kind of sound like you're on the spectrum.

So you don't really think they're not human (or not to be treated as such)?


Again, you have to demonstrate that companies are being pressured into it by outside companies rather than over time adopting practices themselves.

The article I gave you demonstrates that. I mean, do you not understand how it works? It's not like someone says "you need to do this", instead they offer guidelines. It's your "choice" if you want to implement them or not. If however you fail to implement them then Blackrock will not invest in your company, so you will do it, because it is profitable.
So is being a tomboy "repulsive" or "woke", exactly?
Or a feminine man?

Personally I find some tomboys to be ok, but others repulsive.
As for feminine man, I wouldn't go as far as calling them repulsive, but I do find them comically weird.
Is this woman wrong: - is this woke? Is it against gender norms for women to be in metal? Or this woman: (timestamped)? Or this black metal female vocalist

In my opinion none of that is woke, just terrible repulsive music that I would prefer never to hear again.
The 80's was well known for 'gender-bending' aesthetics throughout the gothic, punk, and glam scenes.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that in the 80's
So you don't really think they're not human (or not to be treated as such)?

No, of course not, I just think that we should set up an advanced AI system that combs through the internet, identifies every woke retard, so we can locate them, round them all up and exile them to an island somewhere in the eastern Indian Ocean.


The article I gave you demonstrates that. I mean, do you not understand how it works? It's not like someone says "you need to do this", instead they offer guidelines. It's your "choice" if you want to implement them or not. If however you fail to implement them then Blackrock will not invest in your company, so you will do it, because it is profitable.

For board members.

In my opinion none of that is woke, just terrible repulsive music that I would prefer never to hear again.

But those women are clearly not adhering to their sex stereotypes. Is that a bad thing? Should they be ostracised, "cancelled"?

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that in the 80's

This is a weirdly prudish mentality. Why does it matter to you that people like to dress-up or act in a way that is not stereotypical?

Also, the global popularity of Eurovision must annoy you


But those women are clearly not adhering to their sex stereotypes. Is that a bad thing? Should they be ostracised, "cancelled"?

They're close enough. They look like relatively normal women to me, a little weird, but acceptable. In my brave new world it is unlikely that they would get sent to a gulag. Maybe just a reeducation camp.
This is a weirdly prudish mentality. Why does it matter to you that people like to dress-up or act in a way that is not stereotypical?

Tell me, what do you find repulsive? How would you feel if that which you find repulsive was something that became a part of your daily existence? Would it bother you? Would you ignore it? Would you complain about it? Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

You also never answered the question of whether you are an autist? Are you an autist?


They're close enough. They look like relatively normal women to me, a little weird, but acceptable. In my brave new world it is unlikely that they would get sent to a gulag. Maybe just a reeducation camp.

I mean memes aside (I assume), women doing harsh vocals in extreme metal is not really feminine - so why would you excuse them by your logic?

Tell me, what do you find repulsive? How would you feel if that which you find repulsive was something that became a part of your daily existence? Would it bother you? Would you ignore it? Would you complain about it? Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I have no idea why you find people dressing in sex stereotype subversive ways repulsive. And I can't think of anything in terms of attire, or aesthetics that people might wear that I would find repulsive.

And no, I'm not autistic.


I mean memes aside (I assume), women doing harsh vocals in extreme metal is not really feminine - so why would you excuse them by your logic?

I'm feeling merciful. I'll let them slide.
I have no idea why you find people dressing in sex stereotype subversive ways repulsive. And I can't think of anything in terms of attire, or aesthetics that people might wear that I would find repulsive.

There is no rhyme or reason to it. We can't help what we find repulsive. I don't like cockroaches, I don't know why, perhaps it's an evolutionary thing. I don't know why I find gender-bending repulsive, I just do.

And no, I'm not autistic

Hmm, you come across like an autist. Perhaps you have OCD?
You have that kind obsessive focus and persistence that I associate with autists and people who have obsessive and compulsive tendencies.
It's nothing to be ashamed of. I have OCD. That is how I am able to sit on this site for 24 hours straight writing to fellow Moviechatters.


I'm feeling merciful. I'll let them slide.

Legit question: Why?

There is no rhyme or reason to it. We can't help what we find repulsive. I don't like cockroaches, I don't know why, perhaps it's an evolutionary thing. I don't know why I find gender-bending repulsive, I just do.

And have you considered this is a "you" problem, rather than other people's? I definitely don't think most of society gives a fuck about people dressing up or presenting in ways that subvert sex standards. Other than Christian fundies or Muslims.


Legit question: Why?

Because the first one looked kind of attractive. So she gets a pass. The second was meh, but not repulsive. The third one I would prefer never to see or hear again, but I don't think she should be disappeared because she produces terrible music.

And have you considered this is a "you" problem, rather than other people's? I definitely don't think most of society gives a fuck about people dressing up or presenting in ways that subvert sex standards. Other than Christian fundies or Muslims.

I've considered it. If it was just me then it would be a "me" problem. I don't think it's only me though. And I don't think it's only the Christians and Muslims either. I suspect that it would be like more than half of the US. And if the majority of people have a problem with you then it becomes a "you" problem.


Because the first one looked kind of attractive. So she gets a pass. The second was meh, but not repulsive. The third one I would prefer never to see or hear again, but I don't think she should be disappeared because she produces terrible music.

I assume your objection to this is not based on "do i find them attractive". They're not behaving in stereotypical feminine ways.

I've considered it. If it was just me then it would be a "me" problem. I don't think it's only me though. And I don't think it's only the Christians and Muslims either. I suspect that it would be like more than half of the US. And if the majority of people have a problem with you then it becomes a "you" problem.

Zero evidence for this whatsoever. There's no real evidence for any societal "disgust" in wider western culture for women who don't conform to feminine stereotypes, or even men who aren't masculine. Also, it's only going to be fundie Christians.

And have you heard of tyranny of the majority?


I assume your objection to this is not based on "do i find them attractive". They're not behaving in stereotypical feminine ways.

No but it factored into my decision of whether they should be sent to a gulag. Being attractive helped her case. She was spared.
Zero evidence for this whatsoever. There's no real evidence for any societal "disgust" in wider western culture for women who don't conform to feminine stereotypes, or even men who aren't masculine. Also, it's only going to be fundie Christians.

Can you provide evidence that contradicts my claim?
And have you heard of tyranny of the majority?

I've heard of it. Never was in favor of it before, but maybe I was wrong.


No but it factored into my decision of whether they should be sent to a gulag. Being attractive helped her case. She was spared.

I genuinely want to know if you think there is something wrong with women engaging in a traditionally masculine activity such as metal

Can you provide evidence that contradicts my claim?

No. But you're just assuming that it's the case. Given the rich success of popular musicians and celebrities that defy sex norms, I'd wager no-one cares.


I genuinely want to know if you think there is something wrong with women engaging in a traditionally masculine activity such as metal

Nope. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
But you're just assuming that it's the case. Given the rich success of popular musicians and celebrities that defy sex norms, I'd wager no-one cares.

I have some reasons for assuming it. To me it seams reasonable to assume that people who are not woke liberals would probably be repulsed by it. I don't know for sure, but that is my impression. If only 24% of the country can be considered liberal, then the majority of people would probably find gender-bending off-putting.
Do you have any contradicting evidence that gives me a reason to change my mind?


Nope. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

From your perspective: Why?

I have some reasons for assuming it. To me it seams reasonable to assume that people who are not woke liberals would probably be repulsed by it.

Based on what? Artists and entertainers and actors that have present against their gender expectations long predate "wokeism". Many national treasures and popular actors, musicians and performers don't conform to sexual stereotypes.

I don't know for sure, but that is my impression. If only 24% of the country can be considered liberal, then the majority of people would probably find gender-bending off-putting.

Since when does not identifying as liberal mean you finding gender-bending "off-putting"? Also 24% being self-identified as Liberal doesn't mean 76% are conservative - nor conservative to the point of being reactionary. By your logic abortion should be objected by the majority in the USA, because most people are not liberal by identification - but this is not true.

Do you have any contradicting evidence that gives me a reason to change my mind?

The history of modern popular culture. And that you're operating from a presupposition that suggests the average American is some victorian prude. By your logic, most Americans should also find any and all depictions of the occult/satan in culture to be "repulsive".

In addition, here's a more relevant polling question:

The old "liberal" vs. "conservative" polling classifiers in US vernacular often could imply economic positions, not social positions.


From your perspective: Why?

No real reason. I just didn't get that visceral negative reaction when I saw the video. I could have, but I didn't. Perhaps you could provide some other examples, then we could pinpoint exactly where the boundaries are. That way we could determine who belongs in the gulag.
Based on what? Artists and entertainers and actors that have present against their gender expectations long predate "wokeism". Many national treasures and popular actors, musicians and performers don't conform to sexual stereotypes.

I think that individuals tend to approach the acceptance of gender bending on a case by case basis, often taking into consideration the artistic talent of the performer. For instance, individuals may generally disapprove of gender bending, yet may still admire artists like David Bowie due to his exceptional musical abilities. This can be extrapolated to various other musicians, actors, and performers. However, if a non-celebrity were to engage in gender bending behavior in a public space, their actions might not be so well-received. It depends on the context.
In addition, here's a more relevant polling question:

The old "liberal" vs. "conservative" polling classifiers in US vernacular often could imply economic positions, not social positions.

I am unsure about the intended meaning of the article you shared. I hold socially liberal views on many topics such as abortion, gay marriage, and LGBT rights, and I'm even a fan of David Bowie, yet I still personally find the concept of gender-bending to be repulsive. It would not surprise me if the majority of people in the United States shared this sentiment.


No real reason. I just didn't get that visceral negative reaction when I saw the video. I could have, but I didn't.

My point is that I thought you were suggesting that women should only do and behave in 'feminine' ways and men, similarly, in 'masculine' ways.

I think that individuals tend to approach the acceptance of gender bending on a case by case basis, often taking into consideration the artistic talent of the performer. For instance, individuals may generally disapprove of gender bending, yet may still admire artists like David Bowie due to his exceptional musical abilities. This can be extrapolated to various other musicians, actors, and performers. However, if a non-celebrity were to engage in gender bending behavior in a public space, their actions might not be so well-received. It depends on the context.

I still hold that most people do not care about gender-bending.

I am unsure about the intended meaning of the article you shared. I hold socially liberal views on many topics such as abortion, gay marriage, and LGBT rights, and I'm even a fan of David Bowie, yet I still personally find the concept of gender-bending to be repulsive. It would not surprise me if the majority of people in the United States shared this sentiment.

Define "gender-bending" though. Is just a woman into gothic rock and who has an eccentric, dark fashion sense "gender-bending"? Is a man who has long hair "gender-bending"? Is a woman who doesn't wear make-up "gender-bending"? Is man who does, "gender-bending"?

Your "look at how few Liberals are polling data!" is a general tag that could refer to people who identify as such for economic reasons, where as I've given you polling based on social attitudes.
By your logic of how you read polling data, most Americans should also be against occult/satanism aesthetics.


My point is that I thought you were suggesting that women should only do and behave in 'feminine' ways and men, similarly, in 'masculine' ways.

Yes, that would be my preference. This is more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule.
I can be flexible here.
I still hold that most people do not care about gender-bending.

I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, but based on my experience, I believe otherwise.
Define "gender-bending" though. Is just a woman into gothic rock and who has an eccentric, dark fashion sense "gender-bending"? Is a man who has long hair "gender-bending"? Is a woman who doesn't wear make-up "gender-bending"? Is man who does, "gender-bending"?.

Define "game".

I can only give you examples:,1013,2595,2595/x,80/2174190/image.jpg,d_placeholder_them.png,fl_progressive,g_face,h_450,q_80,w_800/v1541610162/them_jacob-tobia-explains-the-history-of-the-word-genderqueer.jpg
These are all excellent candidates for the gulag, at the very least a reeducation camp.


Yes, that would be my preference. This is more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule.

So you're okay with women in metal? Is there something wrong, in your mind, if a woman is primarily into 'masculine' hobbies?

Define "game".

I mean I gave some specific examples here: women not wearing makeup, men with long hair, (or women with shaved hair)

I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong, but based on my experience, I believe otherwise.

Do you therefore think that most Americans are against satanic/occult/dark aesthetics based on your same reading of the opinion polling?

These are all excellent candidates for the gulag, at the very least a reeducation camp.

These just look tacky. The objection from many here wouldn't necessarily be "men should be short back and sides, gruff" or "women should wear skirts". It's just they look a bit stupid. It has nothing to do with trying to be masculine or feminine.


So you're okay with women in metal?

I'm okay with women in metal.
Is there something wrong, in your mind, if a woman is primarily into 'masculine' hobbies?

I believe it's perfectly fine, and even admirable, to have women who take an interest in traditionally masculine hobbies.
I mean I gave some specific examples here: women not wearing makeup, men with long hair, (or women with shaved hair)

Women with shaved heads are excellent candidates for reeducation camps.
Do you therefore think that most Americans are against satanic/occult/dark aesthetics based on your same reading of the opinion polling?

I don't know for sure. I would say that they are probably not down with anything satanic, but are probably indifferent to the occult and dark aesthetics
These just look tacky. The objection from many here wouldn't necessarily be "men should be short back and sides, gruff" or "women should wear skirts". It's just they look a bit stupid. It has nothing to do with trying to be masculine or feminine.

More women should wear skirts.
As for the degenerates in the pictures above, they will be sent to the gulag and receive one bowl of gruel per day.


I'm okay with women in metal.

Seems inconsistent.

Women with shaved heads are excellent candidates for reeducation camps.


I don't know for sure. I would say that they are probably not down with anything satanic, but are probably indifferent to the occult and dark aesthetics

Why would someone make the distinction if they're averse to satanist aesthetics?

Anyway I'm done here as it's clear you're otherwise just not bothering to be serious.


Seems inconsistent.

How so?
[Women with shaved heads are excellent candidates for reeducation camps.]

Because they look like degenerates and degenerates belong in gulags and/or reeducation camps.
Why would someone make the distinction if they're averse to satanist aesthetics?

People have eclectic and nuanced views about a lot of things. While some people might not make a distinction, others would for all sorts of reasons.
Anyway I'm done here as it's clear you're otherwise just not bothering to be serious.
I am being serious, but I'm also being playful. It's my jocular nature.
But suit yourself.


How so?

Because Metal is a historically fundamentally masculine artform and you've said you're against women doing that sort of thing, or you did initially.

If you unironically think women with shaved heads should be in gulags or "re-education camps" I frankly don't want to talk to you.


Because Metal is a historically fundamentally masculine artform and you've said you're against women doing that sort of thing, or you did initially.

I don't have a problem with women doing masculine things, it's more about how they look. It's more about aesthetics.
If you unironically think women with shaved heads should be in gulags or "re-education camps"...

No, just ironcially. But seriously, a little bit of reeducation wouldn't hurt.
...I frankly don't want to talk to you.

Suit yourself. No one is coercing you into engaging in discourse with me. You initiated the conversation, and like Noam Chomsky I adhere to the principle of responding to every remark, inquiry, and objection that comes my way. I don't run away from anyone. I won't stop until you stop.

And my name's not Frank.


You know a lot of black women have shaved hair or cut very short, right?[email protected]

So why should you get to dictate how people look?


You know a lot of black women have shaved hair or cut very short, right?[email protected]

Ugghghh! Forget the reeducation camp, this one is going straight to the gulag. And no bowl of gruel for her/him/Xim/Xer/they/them.
So why should you get to dictate how people look?

Why shouldn't I. I have the right to criticize anyone and everyone, and advocate for them to be put into a reeducation camp. And in a Democracy, if I convince enough people, they will be sent to one.
Do you not believe in Democracy.


Yeah, we're done. I hope to never talk to you again.


Go hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first.
