MovieChat Forums > Politics > The obfuscation of reality

The obfuscation of reality

In Nineteen Eighty-Four the truth is constantly altered to whatever the Party sees fit, in Brave New World the truth is drowned out in a tidal wave of fripperies.

What are we faced with today seeking truth and knowledge today?

When Brexit was touted to the British people different sides unloaded onslaughts of recommendations and opinions.

Scottish independence - more opinions, declarations, "facts".

Covid was a great example. Wave upon wave of information about vaccines, health recommendations etc.

Now it's the war in Ukraine. A country up to it's neck in corruption and money laundering. Nato rapaciously expanding it's boarders, but who's to blame? Putin is the bad guy right?

So you see, regardless of the issues we face today getting to the actual truth is the trouble.

There is so much noise, propaganda and lies how is anyone actually meant to stay informed.

And of course you have zealots who - armed with a morsel of information - fight tooth and nail defending whatever narrative they have been spoon fed.

How does one get to the truth?


Now it's the war in Ukraine. A country up to it's neck in corruption and money laundering. Nato rapaciously expanding it's boarders, but who's to blame? Putin is the bad guy right?

You mean independent countries asking to join NATO?


Possibly, yet there are dozens of other narratives. Stories of dirty dealings, corruptions, so and so fourth.

I ask you this, is it likely the common man is actually provided with the facts the governments and elites possess?

If you believe not then how do you propose one elucidates ones self?


Yes, Putin is the bad guy.


Oh for Christ sake, is that the best you can do to address the point of the post?



Do we really need another pseudo-intellectual posting pro-Putin propaganda on moviechat? Easy No.

(adding one more to the ignore list)


(adding one more to the ignore list)

Don't forget to add yourself to that list.


Yeah, do me the favour, scumbag.


13 posts in and 2 of them are "Jerk!" & "Scumbag"
and this is to a guy merely daring to dis Putin, invader of Ukraine.
8 of them are duplicates shitting on another user

and your first post is some completely incomprehensible drivel about god and the supernatural .

Can we expect more in this vein ? or is there anything worth reading coming?



yeah this is clearly not a 'new' user


It's the same religious freak who got banned some months ago.


Remember him?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is completely out of order and appalling. Just because I braved the topic of religion you put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. With no evidence or justice you smear me by putting it out there I am some other user from god knows where and god knows when, all because, apparently, then mentioned religion. This is completely uncalled for, it is unwarranted and cowardly. Not to mention completely false.

If you want to have a go at me for my content that's fine, but do not resort to baseless accusations and cowardly lies.


Sure Jan.... I mean Mike.


What you done was reverse identity theft. You label me as somebody I am not. I do not know who this person is and what crimes they have committed. This puts me in a lose/lose situation where I am being smeared, lied about and I can hardly fairly defend myself.

Perhaps you can shed some light on the following:

1) Why do you get to decide what can and cannot be posted on the general discussion board despite the site guide saying anything but politics is allowed?

2) Why do you think it acceptable to label somebody as a different user without a shred of evidence?

3) Why is it okay for you to pick on someone because they posted about a topic you do not like?

4) Why are you comfortable labelling someone you DO NOT KNOW FROM ADAM a troll and a sock ensuring my time trying to enjoy these boards is cheapened right from the start?


Sure Jan.... I mean Mike.


So, despite several attempts to actually try and hash out any issues we may have in genuine parlance you have once again resorted time childish babble. Well, you have exposed yourself for just exactly what you are worth - very, very little. I will waste no more time on a wretch like you.


Sure Jan.... I mean Mike.


The guy was not innocently dissing Putin. What he done was cherry picked a tiny part of my post and completely ignored the actual point. This was disingenuous and sly, not to mention cowardly. So if somebody behaves in scummy fashion or like a jerk then they will be called out on it.

The duplicated message was clearly a computer glitch. It happens.

"and your first post is some completely incomprehensible drivel about god and the supernatural ."

Perfectly comprehensible to the many others who wanted to engage in a conversation. And what it wrong with posting about God and supernatural? These subjects have been the corners stones of debate and philosophy since time immemorial. But hey, if you don't like those subjects then you are the boss. We can all just do as YOU command?

"[Sic] or is there anything worth reading coming?"

What topics are off limits to you?

Okay God is out
Supernatural events are out?

I know, how about cat videos? Is that your thing?


"perfectly comprehensible to the many others who wanted to engage in a conversation."

how come every reply was "What are you babbling about?" then?


"how come every reply was "What are you babbling about?" then?"

Let me give you a little tip for when you are discoursing online and do not want to appear foolish.

The Golden Rule is DO NOT write something blatantly false or immediately your opponent will highlight your lie and you are exposed. It's a check mate scenario. A lie exposed is obvious for all to see and the liar is left red-faced and embarrassed.

That's you.

Why? Well quite simply you claimed every reply claimed incomprehension with my post.
However, a brief look at the thread will show us only one person had that type of quip, and another who admitted they did not understand. Sadly this says more about their IQ level than issues with my topic.
Everyone else was talking away and sharing their experiences.

So, I now have to ask you why you deliberately lied?

Perhaps you may try and wriggle out by saying it was just an exaggeration but that won't wash.

I also ask you to explain why you are unhappy when people post about religion and supernatural topics? These subjects have been the cornerstones of debate, wisdom and philosophy by intellectuals from every great civilisation the world has known. And now if the age of the internet we find you fearful and afraid to engage the deeper issues, cowardly and moronic, spineless and wretched. People like you are the death of scholarly intellective discussion. Congratulations.

You could spend centuries haunting this site and others like it, the most important conversation you could muster is banal, sneering and spiteful oneupmanship or shallow pointless fripperies for vacuous airheads.

You are intellectually redundant, a spiritual dead end, the human dregs of society.



You're a fucking retard. Save everybody some time and don't reply to a post if you have nothing useful to add.


Don't feed the trolls.


The best way to get the real story is to ignore MSM, FictionCheck websites, and Big Tech talking heads.

Look for the people they want to silence and censor...that's where you will find the truth.


> So you see, regardless of the issues we face today getting to the actual truth is the trouble.

As a first order approximation in the blink of any eye ... just assume there is an ulterior motive about anything you see in the media/press.

All media costs money, except YouTube and Social Media where people can actually express different ideas about issues. The problem there is ignorant people and propaganda operatives pretending to be real people.

In the mainstream establishment press there is always a reason for a particular story. Even the filler is just there to make on think this media outlet or normalized.

The latest worst example is what you mentioned about Ukraine. Can you imagine you live in a country and are asked democratically - do you want to participate in a war between two major superpowers to resolve global issues over power, economics and resources that will kill a huge number of your population, destroy your country and your history, cause millions of your fellow citizens to have to uproot themselves and travel to another country where they will have to do shit jobs for shit wages, while those who stay will face joblessness, shortages in food and energy and maybe missile attacks? Who would want to do that? Who would vote for that.

In fact who in America when told the truth about the operations in Ukraine would even want to do that to another country if given a say about it? Very few I think.

This is proof that we do not have a democracy, and all the institutions that might restore what democracy we did have or build new democratic institutions are attacked and weakened, and in fact the very concept of democracy is spun as socialism/communism/fascism ... whatever -ism is the worst and can get tracting among the most ignorant.

Just assume that the public sphere is just as corrupted in America as what we are told it is in Russia, China or the rest of the world.


"Just assume that the public sphere is just as corrupted in America as what we are told it is in Russia, China or the rest of the world."

If not more so, pal.


Based on what?


A litany of sin.


Could you be more specific, please?



The US has a long litany of sin under it's belt. Apparent paragon's of world order, justice and peace they are however rotting on the inside. The US has layers of problems to face in many, many different areas.

They are not the only country with serious issues. Few if any, are above reproach, however one at a time.

We are dealing with systemic corruption, greed, rapacious foreign policy, bribery, profligacy and countless other brands of degeneracy.

Let's take a closer look through the years at just some concerning issues regarding the US:

1) The Banana wars - The butchery, dehumanisation and mass murder of the Haitian people.

2) Prison business - Prisons are businesses and care little to tackle recidivism, rife with corruption.

3) Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraq's - A war sold to the public under a pack of lies about WMD's.

4) City upon city are rife with drug addicts who roam the streets like zombies crazed on heroine, meth and other even nastier deadly substances. Nothing or precious little is done to tackle these glaring situations.

5) The war rape of Okinawan women.

6) War on Terror and the subsequent illegal torture and humiliations thereafter.

7) The Afghanistan debacle.

8) A list as long as your arm of federal political scandals over the years

9) The Philippine American war

10) The massacres of the Native Americans

Obviously this list could go on all day. But I trust ten will suffice.


Are we comparing that with the USSR who managed the Holodomor, the Great Purges, the annexation of the Baltics and the puppeting of the bulk of Eastern Europe? Along with the many environmental disasters over its period, and that it was a totalitarian one-party state?

(4) Like USSR and Russia doesn't have societal ills


(7) USSR had its own "Afghanistan Debacle"

(8) So only US has political scandals?

Not even mentioning the Russian Empire or contemporary Russia


Look, the initial comment "If not more" was a ponderance not a statement of fact. I am not going to get caught in the position of trying to defend the Russian government(s). No way.

Suffice to say they all have a lot to answer for. If you are truly interested in the who has the most sins under their belt then you made a good case for Russia. However you would really need to look at ALL the evidence year in and year out and it would be a massive undertaking. You would weigh up the nuclear bombs, the numbers of native Americans dead, the Iraqi's and so on and then weight up the other side. A thankless arduous task I am sure you would agree. Certainly one I am not going to participate in full hog.

Also I may add, despite US having skeletons in their closet I fear what it would be like if China, Russia or the likes of Iran were the dominant world superpower. But just because you are the best of a hypothetical bad bunch doesn't make you good.


Also I may add, despite US having skeletons in their closet I fear what it would be like if China, Russia or the likes of Iran were the dominant world superpower. But just because you are the best of a hypothetical bad bunch doesn't make you good.

This was my only point - that it's absurd to suggest that it's somehow worse than Russia, China etc. That the US has a long history of shit is partially because it has been a primarily uncontested superpower for some time. I can't imagine the scale of atrocity that Russia, China or Iran would've caused if they were uncontested there.


Yes, I agree with that wholeheartedly.


> Scholars agree that the majority of the rapes were committed by Soviet occupation troops.[1]

I bet.


Were you born yesterday?
Or were you taught UNcritical race theory history


US has a history, but the notion that it's inherently more corrupt than Russia and China is dodgy to say the least.

US is a superpower, and it's done a lot of shit - but I can't imagine for one second the world would be better if Russia was the primary global power, or China.


Be careful, I did not say the US was more corrupt than Russia or China.
All I can say for certain is the the US is more espansionist and violent militarily.

> I can't imagine for one second the world would be better if Russia was the primary global power, or China.

While I tend to see that the same as you ... there are two points about that. One is that I would not trust our US indoctrinated minds. I think you are selling short the unconscious programming we get from our media that always make Russians out to be criminal villains, and the insrutable Chinese is a long, long history when it was the US who treated Chinese as inconsequential non-citizens as we have historically done with all our non-White immigrants and slaves. It was not a crime to kill a "Chinaman" or Mexican or Black in the US.

We are programmed to see our system as the be-all end-all system that is perfect and self-correcting, when it has really been self-corrupting.

The US is the only country has has it so easy. We have a low population and a whole continent of virgin resources with no enemies.

You have to look at the history of both Russia and China to at least admit the possibility that there systems are just as good as ours - obviously not as rich and "free" ( at least in the past ) but they are less unequal and have made more progress than the US for their average citizens.

In fact, when you look at it the Chinese take life a lot more seriously than the US does. Here is a probably very boring and detailed video that talks about the future of mining and its consequences on responding to global warming, and it explains the Chinese strategies for 20 years now, compared to the US market driven BS, and why violence and aggression may be the only option for the US/West.

You see the need for a system that is serious in terms of its growth and survival while taking is responsibilities to its people seriously, i.e. China, to the US who manipulates Americans via the market.

The biggest problem with the US is that it lies to itself and at this point cannot face the truth or the world or put itself on an equal footing with other countries.


All I can say for certain is the the US is more espansionist and violent militarily.

Compared to whom? Imperial Russia? USSR? Modern Russia? I would argue you could make the case that both USSR and Modern Russia are more expansionist, they just lacked the capacity to do anything about it.

USA simply had the position of being the worlds foremost military power, able to project force over the globe in the 20th century. I imagine it would have been way worse if instead, the USSR became the world's global power.

While I tend to see that the same as you ... there are two points about that. One is that I would not trust our US indoctrinated minds. I think you are selling short the unconscious programming we get from our media that always make Russians out to be criminal villains, and the insrutable Chinese is a long, long history when it was the US who treated Chinese as inconsequential non-citizens as we have historically done with all our non-White immigrants and slaves. It was not a crime to kill a "Chinaman" or Mexican or Black in the US.

Saying that the actual states of Russia (one formerly a totalitarian communist one-party state, and now a rashist autocratic democracy) and China (a one party totalitarian state capitalist state) would behave in an uglier way now to contemporary USA is not the same as suggesting the people there are worse. An empowered Russia right now would've likely annexed the entire Baltics, and Ukraine. Possibly puppeted most of its neighbours, and sought to reverse Kosovan independence. China would've invaded and annexed Taiwan and used their global strength to impose censorship globally (they do this already).


Look to see what they're censoring and you'll get an idea.


^^ This
