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DestroFirefly (51)


You know you have seen Scarface to many times when....... They lost the ability You know you have seen Predator too many times when.... Mystical experience The obfuscation of reality Electrical storm View all posts >


Hahahahaha By God you two won't concede the last word at any cost! HAHAH Not only can't you read between the lines (Libyans fighting among themselves) but you take as gospel mainstream propaganda bastion the BBC and questionable rags like the Guardian. A no fly zone doesn't stop missiles getting launched by from sea with enough accuracy to land on a penny. The invasion of Iraq was not a "mistake" quite the opposite. It is utterly ludicrous to call it a mistake. It was calculated, it was planned and it cost hundreds of thousands of lives. And who cares if they offered Saddam 48hrs? He was never going to agree and even if he did he would have been hounded and taken in. All the while leaving the gold and oil wide open. Same outcome, so a meaningless gesture to only impress the weak-minded - like you. "The Afghanistan war was justified since the Taliban allowed the training camps that led to 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. The US should have stayed in Afghanistan since Afghanistan is a shithole again." Afghanistan was a shithole then, it is a shithole now and it will be a shithole till the last days of this dying planet. This planet once had a bright future. But you ruined it. Your stupidity and ignorance is so colossal and sanity-shattering it can split entire worlds asunder. "I just want people to rely on journalists from reputable institutions for political information." Such as? Why is it hard if not impossible for you to entertain the possibility that the US - once again - are the cause of this conflict? Does the hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq in a war for WMD's not make you wonder? Does the Afghanistan debacle not make you wonder? Does the Syrian conflicts not make you wonder? Does the Libyan conflicts not make you wonder? What about the fact that they have all but perpetually been at war since their inception A drop in the ocean on a worldwide scale. At least with Space X they are genuinely achieving the technological advancement of the the human race. There may only be a small window to preserve the future of the human race outside of planet earth. If that boat is missed we could all be doomed. Space X strive towards avoiding that fate. Now stop pretending you care one iota about CO2 emissions you just want to moan about Musk. Dismissed Dry your eyes. There is a deleted scene you could check out between Doc and his girlfriend. En Vino Veritas I think it tries to imply that once the cup is in Donovan's hands he is bewitched.... He is bewitched by thoughts of power, greed and glory. He is so seduced that the rational part of his mind is not active. It's also crucial for the plot rather than him getting some faceless monkey in first to sample the different cups. View all replies >