MovieChat Forums > Politics > New report on inflation: It's even worse...

New report on inflation: It's even worse than economists predicted! Thanks Biden voters!

Economists were predicting an 8.8% inflation rate, but it's actually higher than expected at 9.1%. Another record!
Joe Biden's policies are crushing American families!
Will the American voters realize the importance of voting for POLICIES not for PERSONALITY?
Joe Biden said what he was going to do.
People were warned what would happen if his policies were enacted.
Now the predictions have come to fruition.
And Americans are not happy about it.
Maybe people should try to THINK when they go into the election booth. LOGIC is more powerful than EMOTION. THINK people; THINK!!


Wow! Biden must be pretty powerful and influential if he's causing worldwide inflation...Impressive!



"$1.9 trillion, stay-at-home checks, letting tenants live rent-free"

You're conveniently forgetting that both of these programs began during the Trump administration...


I am still waiting for my $2000 check from Biden. he said if you vote for him that he would give you money. seems like a bribe to me...


The spending, the printing of money, the idea that you can abandon fossil fuels. The open borders, no cash bail.

The Democrat are using the inflation play book and causing it with their policies.


President Biden is dealing with the chaos that Dementia Donnie created with his deficit causing policies of drunken-sailor-like spending while eliminating tax revenue to pay for it & dropping interest rates to unheard of lows. It won't be easy, but President Biden is repairing the damage that Dementia Donnie did to The USA.


Democrat no cash bail has nothing to do with trump.

The way the Democrats control the border and getting rid of remain in Mexico has nothing to do with trump.

The infrastructure package that is more human infrastructure, money going to all these weird places has nothing to do with trump.

The amount of physically printing money under Democrats is record breaking.

The Democrat idea of abandoning fossil fuels is a direct correlation to high gas.
Selling part of the nations emergency oil reserves to China is just undefendable.

It's almost at a disgraceful level.


"The amount of physically printing money under Democrats is record breaking. "

Sorry--Fat Donnie is the one who broke that record.


Your schtick is getting old...


Do you take pills??


With illegal workers


And here is the problem with the two parties. One always thinks they know all. You have to be a fool to believe what you just typed. I honestly don't even know where to start, but here we go. Trump didn't set the interest rates, wow, that one takes the cake for sure though. While he did overspend, covid played a huge factor into that, but during his presidency tax revenue kept going up, even with his tax cuts.

The Biden administration is playing this whole thing wrong, they do more finger pointing anything else. This was going to happen regardless who was President because of what the Fed is doing. Instead of being an adult, those in his administration flock to the televisions and blame oil companies and businesses instead saying this was going to happen regardless and they're doing their best. This ship will take a long time to correct course. But, Biden is totally lost. He can't even speak for crying out loud. Some intern is probably running the country.


No one, and I mean NO ONE, can take anything you say seriously.
The stupidest thing that President Biden ever said was still light years more intelligent than your ongoing mentally retarded rambling.
And anyone who thinks Stupid Bill was anything but a mediocre (and mediocre is giving Stupid Bill way too much credit) coach, is delusional about everything.


Oh god, still can't take my sports facts can you hahaha. Then on top of that, you're so mad about it you can't even admit this administration is totally lost.


Not nearly as lost as Stupid Bill was for his entire coaching career.


the most emotional president, party and supporters, screaming at others to "think logically"

LOLLL this is hilarious. thanks man for giving us a breitbart Facebook post as "your source" LOL


You couldn't have it anymore backward. Leftist.


That is funny, Che Chilone calling someone a leftist!


What's funny, is you being allowed outdoors without a helmet.


"thanks man for giving us a breitbart Facebook post as "your source" LOL"

Are you questioning the validity of the story? Because the same story has been reported by various news organizations throughout the day. So, if the Breitbart story is fake, then provide some evidence to back it up.


So, was getting rid of Trump worth having high grocery bills and having to take out a second mortgage on a full tank of gas? Was it, Biden voters?


You think the election was stolen from Trump.


Don't change the subject.


If you can't afford to buy gas, you need to find a better job than working at Walmart.


These are the same people willing to inject their children with hormone blockers and experimental drugs...what do you think their answer is going to be?


This ^. Nothing more really needs to be said about his supporters. There is something mentally wrong with them, and they cannot be helped. Taylor Caldwell wrote about these types of people back in the 1940s. She wrote that there was no amount of logic or true to life facts that would change their minds. They are what Stalin referred to as useful idiots. Sadly, they have only grown in numbers since the 1940s. There is no helping them. That's why I blocked most of them. It's bad enough dealing with them in the real world, but dealing with them on here is an option, and I opt out.


It's hilarious listening to these dumbasses talk about inflation like they aren't directly responsible.

Can't have a "Putin Price Hike" if there's no war!


Clue: inflation calculations are bullshit, it's a lot higher than 9.1%.


Amen. Gas was up 50% from Election Day to the beginning of the Ukraine fiasco. The Democrat party’s policies are directly responsible.

Day 1, they couldn’t wait to screw the American people.


Yea, it's about 20%. Figuring out the truth is as simple as looking at your receipt, debit card or credit card history from just about a year or two ago.

The Biden White house, and the media (all of the big three Fox, CNN, and MSNBC) are all complicit in this lie. I can't believe that people still get their news from those sources.


It's been a lie as long as I've been alive. My folks bitched about it during the Carter administration. The cause then was a fake oil crisis, same as now.


I was alive for that (I was born in 1975) I don't really remember much of it, but I do remember everyone being flat broke, gas lines, and gas rationing. Things got better after Carter was voted out, and Ronald Reagan got in, but it took Reagan two years to turn around the mess that he inherited from Carter.

With the exception of Bill Clinton (and for the time he was a moderate) no Democrat in my lifetime has presided over a good economy. You'd think Democrat voters would have learned by now, but they haven't, and they never will.


Like I said, 70s was a fake oil crisis, just as it is now. I'm not sure what lesson you want voters to learn? That Republicans are in collusion with foreign interests? Reagan certainly was. He had a good economy for a time but deregulation of banks caused a market crash that destroyed everyone's retirement savings. Then we had prosperity during Clinton. The tech bubble burst and I'm not sure that's anyone's fault. Little Bush, the most incompetent president of our lifetime and one of the worst of all time, had the worst economy in our lifetime. I sold stock early and kept 50% of my investment. My neighbor went from 25 service trucks to 1, with him driving and a Mexican helper during the Little Bush admin. During Obama he climbed out of bankruptcy and got back to 8 service trucks and to this day blames Obama for destroying his business, lol, cognitive dissonance. Then during Trump he crashed again, for good, and had to move out of his house. Trump had a good market for a while, but not a good economy, and then covid was bad luck magnified by incompetence. Biden has another fake oil crisis driving inflation sky high, a repeat of the 70s, and I'm sure it will magically resolve when he loses the election.


Yoiu don't know what the eff you're talking about.
Using breitbart for a source? Jeezus krist, why not Liars R Us?
If you think any of the effing Rep henchmen will ever do ANYTHING except line their own and their friends pockets then you haven't followed politics for the last century.
Short term gains for the favored and long term losses for the rest and for the future, that's what publicans are all about.


"Using breitbart for a source? Jeezus krist, why not Liars R Us?"

As I stated to another left-winger above, if the Breitbart article is not accurate then PROVE IT. Are you arguing that the inflation rate did NOT reach 9.1% in June, as the article states? PROVE IT.
I do and will continue to use Breitbart as a source because they reliable.


no one is saying that part of the report isnt true ,
its the bit you tacked on "Thanks Biden"
This is a worldwide problem , nothing to do with Biden and would be the same or worse if trump was still in .


This from someone who has daily enemas from CNN, MSDNC, CBS, etc. You're so lost.




Ooooooh! an internet tough girl!


At we are still better up than with Trump. 3.6% unemployment vs. 10% in 2020. The fastest economic expansion in history.

During the last 30 years, every Republican Presidency ended in failure and every Democratic Presidency ended successfully.

There is no logic to voting Republican.
