KiwiJim's Replies

Not my job. It’s a casual observation, I did respond to a thread saying that the new Planet of The Apes movie should be released in black history month, but there’s nastier stuff that’s easy to find. Like that guy calling for the obliteration of Jews, stuff like that. I have no skin in that game, but the tolerance of hate speech here is certainly unique. Are they wrong? There are heaps of clips from his show available on YouTube, you should check them out man, he has a very funny relaxed interview style and he’s really smart and witty. Happy birthday Norton you legend But it’s funny, you should take note. … and she can’t silence trans activists, and trans activists can’t silence right wing protesters, and right wing protesters can’t silence BLM protesters, and… and aren’t you sick to fucking death of all this nonsense squabbling? Drama!! STELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Revolver Yes, it’s a wonderful film. The Exorcist I only waited 8 years to stream it, I was that keen. It was decent, not all that scary, but entertaining. Looks like Tilda on crack. She’s striking onscreen and always chooses interesting roles. No Does your original post warrant it? “I have loads of threads with no replies” No! I won’t believe it. No offence here seagull, just marveling at your wit and class. I preferred his cousin, Palatablepelvis Your username is genius. I wish I’d thought of it first. Oh and yeah, poor men.