KiwiJim's Replies

Oh you have to! It’s only two seasons (14 eps) so not an overwhelming undertaking. If we were closer I’d totally lend you my DVD set. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you do get to catch it one day. Yeah I hate those newer ghost hunting shows you’re talking about. Unconvincing nonsense, I really don’t see the point of them. I’m sure you would enjoy the UK version too. Were you a fan of The Office? Ricky Gervais’ original is one of the funniest shows ever for me, but I just couldn’t get into the US remake, even though it outlived the UK version by years. Steve Carell just never made me cringe/laugh the way Ricky did. I wondered who would have the poo emoji in there first! Ha, true. Although to me it looked like a passive aggressive threat more than a promise from the start. Moderate moderation maybe?? The UK or US version? Both are quite good actually. I prefer the original but I find English sitcoms/comedies funnier in general. I know. Colour me shocked. Oh no, not the evil transgenders 😱 If I had some pearls you better believe I’d be clutching them right now. Hey Clowny, there’s a post pinned at the top of the General Discussion page. Have a read. No big words, fingers crossed you can follow it 🤞 I forecast a welfare cheque coming your way. I would say that was the intention, yes. And for me at least it succeeds spectacularly. Easily in my top 5 comedy films of all time. True, which makes the Christmas spirit sentiment that underlines it so much more sincere than some mawkish Hallmark job. “I have now updated my avatar.” Ha! Perfect 👌 😂 +1 Every scene in that film cracks me up. I still haven’t seen the sequel, can’t bring myself to because I’ve heard it sucks and I don’t want my favourite Christmas movie spoiled. The boxing scene, for old times sake Oh Cousin Eddie, by a mile. I know you’re not asking for suggestions but Marcus Skidmore from Bad Santa beats them both for me. Best Christmas sidekick ever! I feel you, this Christmas will be the first I’ve ever spent without family / my partner. I’m looking into volunteering somewhere because the thought of spending the day alone is too depressing. I will be catching up with a friend who is also away from family for dinner though. Hopefully you have someone you can at least call on Thanksgiving. If not pop back in here, as you see from the above comments there are plenty of people here who care and will be here to chat 🙂 Shit, yes I think I did. -50 woke points for me. My apologies, AmeriThey. Like Madonna or Cher.. Makes sense, he is a spectacular diva. He must be loving this thread 😂 Charming and sweet, as always. Can we guess yours? 🤔 Has to be Karen. Yeah I’m gay, but Kowalski isn’t. And we’re friends. That’s how it works outside of your bubble. The rule is under the title of GD. Can’t you read? Don’t do it Melton, I have worked in counselling with survivors of sexual abuse and that accusation is not cute or funny. It’s actually the sign of a deranged mind. If you’re talking about the time I accused you of acting like a twelve year old, well you just keep proving that I wasn’t far wrong with your immature antics. I don’t report people normally, but I won’t take that from you. Others feel the same and have already let me know that they have reported you so watch your fat mouth, ok? Lovely.