MovieChat Forums > fourniera65

fourniera65 (155)


Do you think Whip caused the damage? No Protection Detail? So was the Investment Fake?? SPOILER IF YOU HAVENT SEEN MOVIE I find Steven the Villain in the movie How did each person Vote you think? Nothing would have happened to Shelley lol SPOILER What if Banjo and Sullivan did not try to fight? Movie Mistake I noticed.... SPOILER IF READ..Why Did Godzilla? They could have ended the game faster View all posts >


Replaying 17 years later to this lol. But it wouldn't have made much a difference. Carter was looking at the Studio which Patty and Drake were charging $1000 rent for and a $1500 security deposit. Carter offered Drake $2000 right there....Had Drake accepted it would have covered the security deposit and half the first months rent...So it would have given Patty and Drake a little $$$, but Carter still would have done his same antics which caused Patty and Drake to be in Debt and lose the building (Force the other tenants out, put the cockroaches in, get Drake to punch him, etc) So nothing really would have changed. Drake and Patty would just have had at least $2000 from Carter. They were hired by the real Carter Hayes....So Michael Keaton did the same thing to Carter Hayes as Patty and Drake and the real Carter Hayes hired those guys to hurt Hayes as revenge. Carter knew this would happen and used it to get Carter Hayes building. They explain it....Part of it was Drake not knowing what he was doing. He waived Carter filling out an application in exchange for Personal References, enough of the references checked out where Drake let him sign a lease; However instead of requiring Cash/Check at the signing he believed Carter that he would get a wire of the $$$ (Dumb Mistake on Drakes part). So Carter now has a signed lease and Drake tells he can't move in/get keys until he has the $$$, but as we see when Patty finds Carter in the Apartment early in the morning; He just lets himself in and then locks himself in and changes the locks. Once he does that it turns into Civil issue of a Carter says vs Drake says so police can't help and it has to go through the court system...Since this was 1990 there wasn't as much tech as there is now to show proof of payment, lease, etc. Batman would probably threaten him but realize Hayes isn't worth a beat down. Bruce Wayne would just buy the property from the Bank to help out Patty and Drake. You must not work somewhere that gives Bonuses....While Clark did overreact and lose his cool, he was use to receiving a Christmas bonus as it was part of his compensation/benefits/salary. 12% of my compensation is yearly bonus, if I didn't receive it I would be pissed and also have to plan how to pay certain things. Clark also probably knew how well the company was doing and realized his boss was being cheap. I'd be livid too, but yes he did overreact. Probably 20K...Clarks Deposit was $7500 which I am going to guess was half...I know that if I wanted home improvements done have had to drop about half and then I was able to pay the other half after the work was done. So my guess is 20K Bonus. He hoped it be 15K after Taxes His down payment was $7500 not $2700...He tells his Co Worker he had to put a $7500 Deposit down if he wanted to lock in them building the pool when winter was over. Best is where I work now...$5000 last year. $6000 this year. Worst was $250 from my first job I got out of college. It was a physical check they gave me which I thought was awesome since I thought maybe it would be tax free....Nope, Company owner claimed it on my Stub and then it lowered my Tax return that year. Dude Yes lol if you work for an actual good company or are in a high role. I just got my Christmas Bonus a few days ago. $6000. Up from $5000 the year before. Took me 6 years and two bad companies of working in the corporate world before I got with a company and role that gave us nice benefits. Clark also has been with his company 17 years so it's very realistic. Apollo was and would have always been a better fighter, but that doesn't always guarantee a win....Rocky had more heart, determination and strength. No matter what Apollo, Clubber, Drago, Tommy, Dixon, etc throws at Rocky. He always gets back up and refuses to quit. He has a heart that won't stop, Apollo didn't have that. As seen in Rocky 4 when he wants to keep fighting Drago and Dies. Had Apollo fought Clubber he may have won, or Clubber may have KO him. Rocky's skills may take all 15 rounds to KO you, but unlike all his opponents he will always out do you in getting up when down and hurt. And that is why he will always win. View all replies >