MovieChat Forums > National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) Discussion > What are your best and worst Christmas b...

What are your best and worst Christmas bonuses?

I've never seen such a thing...


I've only had two so I guess they are easy to rank. The best was a turkey. The worst was a gift certificate for a car wash the car wash place later would not honor.


You're assuming I get a Christmas bonus! 

My job does give us a holiday party with food and prizes, plus lots of food through out the month with potlucks etc. But no actual BONUS to speak of.



Same for my husband, Lady. They get a supper and draw prices but he has rarely won. One year he got to take home the center pieces which were mainly candy. Another year a gift card to a sporting store which we gave to a nephew who loves sports. This year he won a little money which went to pay for groceries. Lol But the money was appreciated.

Just how much of a bonus would Clark get to put in a pool and fly family out? That's a lot of money!!!!!


Draw prizes not prices


Any bonus is a great thing - can't say I've ever gotten a bad one. Just got a several thousand dollar bonus from the company, which they gave us as an early surprise so we'd have it before the holidays, and that was just the nicest thing ever!

The year iPads came out, we all received one. It wasn't as much compared to other years, but iPads were brand new and it was just super cool!


Best bonus actually came this year, our VP gave us a $1600 bonus based on the company's stock performance. Never did that before. The same week, he retired. I have this visual of the board looking at the cost sheets, calling him in, and "suggesting" he retire now, lol.

Worst bonus: About 15 years ago, my supervisor called us in to a Christmas meeting to hand out our bonus gift: a calendar...for the year that was ending (not kidding)


I can't really think of my best one (which should say something about that), but I certainly recall my worst one.

My direct supervisor, who had about 10 people reporting to her, gave us each a $5 gift card to Dunkin' Donuts. Yes $5! Not even enough for two cups of coffee. Which, to us, meant she spent a whopping $50 for her ENTIRE TEAM. Still remember that some 12 years later.


I get $14,000 every year for my bonus just from one client. That is the most you can gift without paying taxes on it.

My worst was a T-shirt after 15 years from a place I worked part time but brought in the most business.

... End of line.


Best is where I work now...$5000 last year. $6000 this year.

Worst was $250 from my first job I got out of college. It was a physical check they gave me which I thought was awesome since I thought maybe it would be tax free....Nope, Company owner claimed it on my Stub and then it lowered my Tax return that year.
