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quartz's Replies
The stubble. It 'brings out' his hair - which isn't quite completely shaved
We never actually see it. it's possible that due to an admin error, they forgot to load it aboard the ship, and it stayed on earth. and possibly got dismantled, very carefully.
They <i>weren't</i> going on a jet plane. They were going on a rocket propelled space ship (the X-71, in fact).
I wasn't overly impressed with it. I liked the general idea. but/spoiler, the way he succeeded in the film, was to get laid. that's original.
The one thing it would have been nice if they did actually change, was the Super star destroyer crashing into DS2. It would have been nice to do some fancy CGI work rather than the plastic model with a flame thrower coming out of the surface
Vader wasn't actually in the cave on Dagobah, it was his evil twin. Luke slain him in the cave, but the original Vader was somewhere else in the galaxy. Also I think it was a hallucination, brought on by strong bio chemical emissions in the cave having an effect on Luke.
Like heights, I do not. In the clouds, have difficulty breathing, I do.
The X-wings were even more difficult to adapt to the cold than the speeders, that's why they didn't use them for the AT-AT's
Imo, superhero movies are all about the special effects. Panoramic views of cities or planets getting destroyed. Some back story about 'this guys plight for good' or 'revenge for a past wrong'. So they were designed for the big screen.
Actually that's a good reason. "We know what happens next because of the promo poster".
ya just never know.
really? I thought one of the reasons the movie did badly, is because it was obvious everything was computer generated 'set up' for everything to happen just at the right moment? (example, Limo skidding at the edge of the road gorge in the first sequence when 'one wheel' leaves the tarmac and is hanging over open air)
Or the campervan only just 'making the jump' when it has to jump over the....other gorge
Or the first take-off plane 'only just' accelerating fast enough to outrun the cracks in the runway
Or the first take-off plane only just making it underneath the falling subway train
Or the third take off plane's wings only just clearing the building
Or the....
I....there was a lot wrong with the film. Doesn't mean I didn't think it was nice eye candy. Personally I thought Anheuser was one of the sane people in the 'admin' department. The black dude (not sure of his name) was getting all cutesy 'ollywood emotional, and CA was trying to stick to protocol, and say things to President like 'prayer is lovely but you need to move your ass'. 'We monitored all communications' - well, they would need to. 'When he called a press conference, he was'. again, government procedure.
Black dude: "no we need to get as many people on as possible"
CA: "we have a procedure. Do you want to sink the entire project?"
At the end....having a mechanical background the only thing I could think of was "they would never use a mechanism like that for closing the door". They'd use some sort of hydraulic jack (think of the pneumatic actuator that makes the boot of your car go down smoothly). It wouldn't be "big gears". And also the boarding platform. No guard rails?
ah. Chiwetel Ejiofor is his name. He was in Serenity. I've never been able to figure out if he was a Brit doing a terrible American accent or an American doing a terrible Brit accent. I guess he's in the Rey Skywalker group. "Brit doing a bad Brit accent"
'You know about the Rebellion against the Empire??' (to Threepio)
shrug. Plus given that they toasted Owen and Beru
He's actually more like William Shatner
I found F 13th really, really boring. shrug..
The only difference between the first three F 13th films, seems to be in the first you get 2 seconds of a carcass at the end, in the second you get 2 seconds of a disfigured face at the end, in the third you get 3 seconds of a disfigured face at the end.
Halloween, I'll say that H 3 was one of the most pointless/tedious/dragging films I've ever watched #opinion. The scriptwriters might have agreed about this too and brought back MM and DP in number 4.
I have to say the thing I <i>did</i> like about Fri 13th, is that....that is what people did before smartphones. they actually....<i>did</i> stuff.
Good choice of words for the subject line ;)
trees, mate, far as the eye can see. and there used to be hills before they built the f#cking parking lot and a costa.