MovieChat Forums > sadpopcorn > Replies
sadpopcorn's Replies
Well the ending closed with with Schmidt and CO, that's she going to be a star and then the film abruptly ended.
I thought should WOULD be a star and overcome the machine.
As for Alaska, it was the rank choice voting system that they have in place that doomed her candidacy.
She's an interesting figure. I remember her VP acceptance speech.
Tea Party and Maga are opposite figures.
I just always expected her to become something bigger than what she is now...which appears to be non-existent.
All great points!
Thank you!
The hearings will interesting.
Is it worth paying $9.99 on Amazon to purchase it or just rent it for $5.99?
No. But it's always a good idea to campaign on those issues.
I agree.
This movie was cool as hell.
The costumes, the sets, the make-up ...
My you have anything positive to say about his legacy?
How sad.
I know your comment is from 21 years ago...but being on the ocean floor in a airplane is just terrifying.
And also not possible.
Personally, I've never seen a live television program since 2011 [actually, I'm lying it might even go back in the late 1990's.]
So interesting to see these numbers.
I might have seen parts of "American Idol", "Who Want's to be a Millionaire" and "Lost".
I know I watched the pilot and the next episode of "LOST".
The only thing I am certain of is watching the last episode of Seinfeld with the family.
And then watching the first, second or third episode of "George and Leo".
Obviously, "George and Leo" is on zero radar, but I always liked Bob Newhart.
So that is why I watched those episodes.
Other than a live television event (the elections, 9/11, the super bowl)
I think the Nielsen ratings systems have been crooked for decades.
Any by decades, I mean way before the 1980's.
But that plays into the narrative and back into the conspiracy.
After 30 minutes were gone from the debate. He actually did pretty well.
The "alley cat" comment was a sting. I thought, anyway.
It's interesting, because if you watch the debate on YouTube after 30's a complete 360 from the media narrative.
All they had to do was take out their iphone and 'secretly' leak video or audio.
And they had 4 year of 6 years to do it.
On a plane.
In a car.
The debate is notable because it's so early.
Why is there a debate a June?
People are laughing at this movie.
So sad.
Yeah...I spent a few years working at Walmart, I think I know a little bit of what is going on here.
I kind of know like what's going on here.
This was my like big moment in life.
So try and not troll.
Thanks guys! And gals!
We'll see what happens after all of this.
Anyway, he's fat rat bastard.
Matt Gatez.
Not my daughter on the celling.
You know what's I'm going to do?
I'm going to get a broom and try and (don't freak out) poke her!