MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

Yeah this, when your soul gets swallowed by the hotel you appear in the picture. He’ll be back, there’s just too much love for Kev and it’s only really Me Too feminists and other cancel-weirdos who hate the guy. Some edgy director will cast him in something before long. I’d love to see him work with Fincher again. Hell, I’ve lost interest in anything by Flanagan. The guy’s not a storyteller, he’s a stringalong shyster and a fluff merchant. Agreed, there was no consistency, just lots of ideas farted out amongst endless filler which never come together. The show is basically an exercise in stringing you along. Rather misleading title, then. Not very. Strings you along with some cool mysteries that don’t amount to much. Well made but ultimately falls apart. Quite woke, too. It’s on 8.6 but deserves 6.8 max. Sort of. As it goes along it’s good but a big part of that are intriguing mysteries… which don’t really amount to much in the end, making the whole slog rather pointless. As a horror it’s fairly tame and has a 6th Sense PG-13 wholesomeness about it. This ain’t no Ari Aster project. It’s definitely overrated at 8.6, it’s more like 6.8 Yep. All amounting to very little unfortunately. I had exactly the same experience. All those mysteries that kept me coming back ended up either being plot holes, or your obvious first thought, or a nonsensical character inconsistency. Flanagan can write and direct great moments and string you along but he’s not a great storyteller. More of my thoughts on this here… I actually thought it was Henry Thomas but with some very convincing prosthetics and makeup, they really looked alike with the beaming blue eyes and small, high button noses. Only their jawlines looked clearly different but I put that down to a prosthetic jowl. Great casting and both actors nailed it. Playwatch and Bayboy Notice the actor also plays Newman in Andrew Davis' follow up film The Fugitive.