curiousMInd101's Replies

How do you know it was a hoax? Her panic attack looks very real, and I'm speaking from experience. Sorry I don't speak retard. "Video unavailable This video is not available" That is what it says on the YouTube page from your link. Are you in a different country or using a VPN? The rest of your post reads like schizo verbal diarrhea. Lucky for you I'm a National Socialist and in my society we have place for loonies like you. Into the asylum you go. We need the Supreme Court to revisit that decision. Overturning it would be a monumental victory for our people. I agree. If you have a phone and it's a choice between internet and food, then of course you choose food. There's no reason to assume she has internet — she likely just used her phone to record herself and upload the video. I’m a computer guy, so I need the internet, but most younger people, especially those on a budget, do just fine with only a phone. And honestly, I don’t know anyone under 60 who still has cable. Netflix? Sure. But cable? No. Me personally I don't have either. I'm an old school pirate. I get all my media from PirateBay. As for the responsibility of the government, I believe its job is to provide a secure and stable society. When inequality, homelessness, and poverty get out of hand, crime and unrest follow — threatening national security from both foreign and domestic enemies. An unstable society — especially one weakened by economic disparity — becomes vulnerable to internal threats, such as tyranny, and external threats looking to exploit its weakness. A nation must be strong and prosperous. Ensuring that every citizen has food and a home is, to me, the bare minimum a government should provide. But then again, I’m a National Socialist. I believe the best society is a socially conservative, racially homogeneous White patriarchal state — a conservative welfare state. That I could support. Go Trump! It really is disgusting when you lay it all out like that — so much degeneracy. This is exactly why I’m a National Socialist. In a National Socialist society, this kind of filth wouldn’t be tolerated. And any cultural Marxists trying to subvert family values and social norms would simply be disappeared — never to be seen or heard from again. That’s right — states should decide. But even states shouldn’t have the authority to define marriage. Marriage is a religious ceremony, and only churches should determine what it means. The Bible is crystal clear that queers aren’t kosher, as the Jews might say. The only role the state should have is in recognizing civil unions. If queers want a civil union, that’s their business — but that’s not marriage. And the more I look back, the more disgusted I am at Wall Street’s colored mascot. He was truly one of the worst presidents of our time. We’re still trying to recover from the damage that bastard inflicted. Having internet — and certainly having a phone — is as essential as electricity or running water. You can't expect anyone today not to have them. Even homeless people have phones, and there are organizations that distribute prepaid ones to those who truly can't afford them. Remember Obama phones? As for absentee fathers, that's part of the degeneracy I'm talking about. It's not just blacks and women I criticize — White men who abandon their kids are degenerates too. Marriage has lost all meaning, and we need to change that. But that's why feminism has to go. This whole notion of the "independent woman" is exactly why so many men don’t stick around. The whole system is broken. And yes, it is Uncle Sam’s job to ensure a civilized, safe, and functional society. A society where people are unemployed, hungry, and homeless is not a mark of civilization — it's a failure. Kash Patel is a rapper? 'Lil Pajeet? And as I’ve said a hundred times, that’s why I don’t support Trump. He’s not a National Socialist — he’s a Republican. That means he holds some conservative views I agree with and others I don’t. That's a great point about the uplifting aspect — that’s exactly what was missing from Dexter: New Blood. Like you said, it was just bleak. And I think you’ve nailed why this new series works despite the entirely new cast. Beyond the great acting, it’s simply a fun show. It feels good to watch. I too believe in strong social programs... Just not diversity or equality. It’s this awful new model they started around 2015. Dexter used to have 12 episodes, as did most Showtime shows. HBO shows had 13, and FX had 14-15. That was the Golden Age of Television — everything was great. But then they started cutting down to 10 episodes, and eventually 8, sometimes even as low as 6. People rightfully complained, and now the standard is somewhere between 8-10, which still isn’t ideal. It should be 12-13. That’s the sweet spot. More than that, and the writers don’t have enough time to craft the story as well as they could. Any fewer, and you don’t get enough time to really immerse yourself in the narrative. Ideally, you want a show that releases an episode a week, giving you at least 3 months to live with it. That’s when it becomes part of your weekly life, part of the cultural landscape. It’s what gets people talking and brings them together. Sounds like evasion to me. When are you going to be in Chicago? If you're in town, PM me. We can meet in person. No, a coward is someone who keeps their true thoughts to themselves, out of fear for the consequences. But I don’t have that fear. I don’t shy away from speaking my mind — ever. I thrive on disagreement and conflict, but that doesn’t mean I go out of my way to be an asshole about it. You see, it’s not enough for me to simply share my controversial views; I want the person to understand why I think the way I do, and hopefully, to convince them that I’m right. I can’t do that if I’m just being a prick. That’s where the diplomacy comes in. The only real coward here is you. It sounds to me like you’re trying to stir up drama and pour fuel on the fire — all from behind a keyboard. But we can fix all that lickety-split. Why don’t you come to Chicago so I can say all this to your face? I’ll meet you anywhere in public. You choose the time and place, tell me where to find you, or I’ll tell you how to find me. That way, we can talk man to man and sort out our differences in person. But we both know you’ll never do that, because deep down, you know you’re just a little bitch. Don’t be an asshole. I said I treat the Politics board like a gladiator arena, where I engage in virtual bloodsports. My goal there is to be provocative and stir up fights — I enjoy it because, in real life, I tend to be more diplomatic when discussing my controversial views. And no, I’m not an ass-kisser — far from it. It’s just that Semi and I have become good friends, and BloodShot is a friend too. I don’t like seeing my friends fighting unnecessarily. Outside of Politics, I may be nice and polite, but don’t mistake my kindness for weakness or ass-kissing. Nah, it’s hard to be a White Nationalist without things getting heated, so I reserve that for the Politics board, which I treat like a gladiator arena. There, I’m a gladiator. I come for blood and hack my opponents to pieces for the crowd’s amusement. But once the battle is done, I try to help my opponent heal so we can fight again. Here in GD, though, I’m not looking for heated discussions. I prefer peace, compromise, and diplomacy. Spending the last couple of months defending the White Nationalist, radical conservative position, I’ve naturally come to align with some of their politics and have no problem discussing it. But I still believe those discussions are best done in an unfiltered and uncensored environment, and Politics is the best place for that. That’s really disappointing to hear. I’ve gotten to know Semi well over the last couple of months, and I can tell you, he really is a good person. I just wish you two could see past any disagreements and put it behind you. Believe me, I know how easy it is to get into fights on message boards — even here in GD. It’s tough to pick up on body language and other social cues, and things can get lost in translation. A minor complaint or off-color remark, said when someone’s in a particular mood, can quickly escalate. You get judged for what you said in the heat of the moment, and on top of that, you end up reading into it yourself if you’re already in an ungenerous mood. Come on, you know the kind of intense bloodsports I engage in on the Politics board, and despite all that, I’ve still managed to find mutual respect with people who disagree with me. If I can do it, then surely someone like you — who’s genuinely a nice guy most of the time — can too. All I’m trying to say is that I like both of you a lot, and I hope you can work this out. That’s just my 2¢. Well, my endorsement may not mean much to you, but Bloodshot and I go way back. He knows me beyond my Politics persona — where I argue from a reactionary White Nationalist perspective in provocative way and deliberately push boundaries. Outside of that, I’m much warmer, friendlier, and more understanding. In the real world, I often find myself playing the diplomat rather than the incendiary political radical. So yeah, I figured my endorsement might carry some weight. No, in a merit-based society, minorities have virtually no chance of competing. As for women, they can hold their own in some areas but not in others — but that’s irrelevant because I don’t want them in the workforce to begin with. I want to bring back the Good Ol’ Boys Club — no women, no minorities.