MovieChat Forums > curiousMInd101 > Replies
curiousMInd101's Replies
Don’t be an asshole. I said I treat the Politics board like a gladiator arena, where I engage in virtual bloodsports. My goal there is to be provocative and stir up fights — I enjoy it because, in real life, I tend to be more diplomatic when discussing my controversial views.
And no, I’m not an ass-kisser — far from it. It’s just that Semi and I have become good friends, and BloodShot is a friend too. I don’t like seeing my friends fighting unnecessarily. Outside of Politics, I may be nice and polite, but don’t mistake my kindness for weakness or ass-kissing.
Nah, it’s hard to be a White Nationalist without things getting heated, so I reserve that for the Politics board, which I treat like a gladiator arena. There, I’m a gladiator. I come for blood and hack my opponents to pieces for the crowd’s amusement. But once the battle is done, I try to help my opponent heal so we can fight again. Here in GD, though, I’m not looking for heated discussions. I prefer peace, compromise, and diplomacy.
Spending the last couple of months defending the White Nationalist, radical conservative position, I’ve naturally come to align with some of their politics and have no problem discussing it. But I still believe those discussions are best done in an unfiltered and uncensored environment, and Politics is the best place for that.
That’s really disappointing to hear. I’ve gotten to know Semi well over the last couple of months, and I can tell you, he really is a good person. I just wish you two could see past any disagreements and put it behind you. Believe me, I know how easy it is to get into fights on message boards — even here in GD. It’s tough to pick up on body language and other social cues, and things can get lost in translation. A minor complaint or off-color remark, said when someone’s in a particular mood, can quickly escalate. You get judged for what you said in the heat of the moment, and on top of that, you end up reading into it yourself if you’re already in an ungenerous mood.
Come on, you know the kind of intense bloodsports I engage in on the Politics board, and despite all that, I’ve still managed to find mutual respect with people who disagree with me. If I can do it, then surely someone like you — who’s genuinely a nice guy most of the time — can too. All I’m trying to say is that I like both of you a lot, and I hope you can work this out. That’s just my 2¢.
Well, my endorsement may not mean much to you, but Bloodshot and I go way back. He knows me beyond my Politics persona — where I argue from a reactionary White Nationalist perspective in provocative way and deliberately push boundaries. Outside of that, I’m much warmer, friendlier, and more understanding. In the real world, I often find myself playing the diplomat rather than the incendiary political radical. So yeah, I figured my endorsement might carry some weight.
No, in a merit-based society, minorities have virtually no chance of competing. As for women, they can hold their own in some areas but not in others — but that’s irrelevant because I don’t want them in the workforce to begin with. I want to bring back the Good Ol’ Boys Club — no women, no minorities.
I don’t mind the Democrats being in power — as long as we shift the Overton window so far to the right that they resemble what they were in the 1930s. And how do you know people weren’t happy? I’m sure degenerates and minorities weren’t — but I don’t care about them. I care about the straight White men who were the core of American society — the majority and the norm.
Semi is a good person and a good friend. Why don’t you two get along? This is the GD board, not Politics — no bloodsports here, no need for bad blood.
I see you’re still into Anna Kendrick. Can’t say I blame you, Kowalski — I’m a sucker for that cute, quirky thing she does too.
My thoughts exactly.
I am a National Socialist, meaning I am far right on social and cultural issues while advocating for leftist economic policies. I support a socially conservative, racially homogeneous White welfare state — a society that cares for its poor, its elderly, and its disabled. A society that protects workers' rights, provides universal healthcare, and ensures a Universal Basic Dividend. A nation that encourages family formation by offering benefits such as family planning, maternity and paternity leave, and financial incentives for raising children.
However, this society would not tolerate degeneracy or subversive propaganda aimed at eroding social norms and family bonds — no LGBTQ propaganda, no gender ideology, no feminism. It would be a society rooted in traditional values, a heteronormative White homogeneous patriarchal society. I am as anti-woke as they come. Wokeness is the ideology of the cultural left (not the economic left), and I am diametrically opposed to it. This does not mean that I would let my White brothers and sisters go hungry or homeless simply because they are too sick to work.
You don’t know her situation. She may have mental health struggles that prevent her from holding a job. She may be in chronic pain — I don’t know, and I don’t care. That’s her business. What I do care about is that she can’t work and needs assistance to eat. I want to live in a country where she doesn’t have to suffer for that.
As for Kyle — fuck him. I only shared his video to highlight the woman’s reaction; I couldn’t care less about his commentary. He occasionally has good takes, and back in the day, he was great, but now he’s just another Democrat shill with TDS. I take everything he says with a grain of salt.
That's because the mainstream media is the primary driver of woke diversity cancer. All they do is push woke propaganda.
I do love the classics.
See, now isn't this more interesting than the usual left vs. right, Trump bad, Trump good paradigm?
Got to keep things interesting.
I like turtles
I like turtles
Of course. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t show up when my buddy needs me?
Can I be Red, you know, 'cause I'm Irish?
Lady in Red - Chris De Burgh
♫<i>I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright, mhm-hmm
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes
I have been blind
The lady in red
Is dancing with me, cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me
It's where I want to be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I'll never forget the way you look tonight...</i>♬
No, I got that part — I looked it up. I just don’t understand the rest of his post. It’s like he’s having a manic episode.