MovieChat Forums > curiousMInd101 > Replies
curiousMInd101's Replies
I’m glad you liked it! Now I see where my confusion came from — AlienSalmon and Fourlemons do look quite similar at a quick glance. My apologies again for the mix-up. But on the bright side, at least I got you to listen to the song! And if you enjoyed it, then I’d say the confusion worked out in the end — call it a happy accident
I agree. We should be venerating and celebrating ordinary people, rather than these weirdo outliers living on the fringes of society.
Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake — for some reason, I thought it was your thread.
By the way, what did you think of the song I posted on your 'Best Slow Dance Song' thread? I thought something classic from the '80s would be just the right touch.
I'm not sure. The good news is that most of the people here are older, and therefore not as riddled with ADHD, which is a plus. On the other hand, they too have been immersed in the same digital hallucination, which is gradually making them more illiterate and shortening their attention spans.
I believe yours is quite accurate. You certainly have a way of bringing out the best in people.
No, I'm not planning on leaving. I might not be around for the next couple of days, but I'll definitely drop in sometime next week. And of course, I'll be here tonight.
While it may offer some benefit to the more degenerate elements, it is, in the broader context, a detriment to society.
That makes perfect sense. He did have some core beliefs, like his standard old-school liberal values, which were very important to him, and he got upset when anyone tried to undermine them. But beyond that, he seemed to have an affinity for contemporary progressive politics. However, as you said, he was more defined by what he’s not, rather than what he is.
Yeah, I imagine it was hard pinning me down, as I like to keep people guessing. But you’ve known me long enough, and I think you’ve hit the bullseye. I could be channeling Hitler one moment and, literally, in the next sentence, I could be Mother Teresa, advocating for the poor and the downtrodden. Despite how it may appear, I do have a coherent worldview, and I try to give people bits and pieces here and there so they can piece it together for themselves. My goal here has always been to break people out of their paradigms and get them to see things from new perspectives, different vantage points, fresh frames of reference, and various lenses. To provoke, to think, to argue, to explore taboo topics, and introduce a little chaos and controversy. I wanted to take on unpopular opinions, defend them as if they were my own, and, in doing so, some of them actually became my own, to some extent. I hope it was as fun and interesting to everyone as it was to me.
I wish Skavau were here. I’d be curious to hear his thoughts — both on his alignment and mine. I bet he’d have a lot to say.
<i>"A National Socialist with a heart of gold."</i>
This will be on my tombstone. Thank you.
I think you left out chaotic good based on the pattern in the thread.
Why does mine have an asterisk next to my name?
<blockquote>Lawful good characters, also known as “crusaders,” believe in order and doing good. They are typically honest, fair, and always striving to do what is right. They believe in following laws and rules, as long as they do not con
Lawful neutral</blockquote>
I think you left a part out. You have an unfinished sentence.
Was he a race traitor?
I don't know about you, but have you ever really stopped and thought about how utterly fucked up it is that we're not allowed to discriminate, and if we do, <i>we</i> are the bad guys? Like, what the fuck happened? How did we end up here? Where did it all go so wrong?
How do you know it was a hoax? Her panic attack looks very real, and I'm speaking from experience.
Sorry I don't speak retard.
"Video unavailable
This video is not available"
That is what it says on the YouTube page from your link. Are you in a different country or using a VPN?
The rest of your post reads like schizo verbal diarrhea. Lucky for you I'm a National Socialist and in my society we have place for loonies like you. Into the asylum you go.
We need the Supreme Court to revisit that decision. Overturning it would be a monumental victory for our people.