parkerbot's Replies

Say what you will, never forget this story: I am reminded of a lyric from Roger Waters - pity that it seems to have some truth to it: <i>If it wasn't for the Nips</i> <i>Being so good at building ships</i> <i>The yards would still be open on the Clyde</i> <i>And it can't be much fun for them</i> <i>Beneath the rising sun</i> <i>With all their kids committing suicide</i> The only thing I'm jealous of is fourlemons singing voice. She sings like an angel. An angel drawn by Andy's kid. Ones and zeros but close enough. Was it difficult for you to find the DVD? Just curious, how did you view Tomorrowland? I believe I saw it in the theatres and then on blu-ray, but it was difficult to find, I ended up finding a previously viewed copy at Giant Tiger of all places. An underrated little gem in my opinion. Ask Keelai what country they're from and see what happens. Was it all over a DUI charge? I'm going to adopt an additional religion so I can pray twice as hard for you. I too thought he was a bad choice at the time - man, was I wrong. I also thought the Green Goblin looked stupid in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie based on a still I had seen. The samonajoes' mind virus is strong with this one. We will pray for you. And then you ask, how does an unfunny show last that long without some kind of assistance? That fact that far superior shows like SCTV, Kids in the Hall, Mad TV, In Living Color have faded while they remain, says something and I don't think it's good. That deserves a face palm from a fake human: He can't even do a proper face palm. Zero interest in anything they had to offer. They could have reanimated Elvis and I still would not have watched it. What are the words? Don't leave us hanging bro. It's been a while since I had so much interest in not watching something. If someone were to say that show was funded by an evil mind control agency, I wouldn't dismiss the idea right away. They did something similar with pandas as well. A for effort. F for fraud. <i>What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?</i> <i>"Robin, get in the car."</i> They finally popped? No, I'm not proud of myself.