no no no no no
you dont understand
ANYTHING could hurt ANYBODY now days*. you cant go around policing everything you ever say ever for fear of offending or hurting someone.... thus, this entire thread: That's on YOU. No one else.
If you gonna be hurt, learn to cope. get better at living, learn to deal and cope when their parents failed to teach that.
"If you're ((not YOU, just generalizing)) gonna be offended or triggered, that is YOUR problem, not the other people."
The prime example is COMEDY: don't like it? leave. dont try to keep all the other people from enjoying it.
It's not up to the comedian to TONE POLICE every word he uses.... it is up to YOU to PROTECT YOUSELF from these bad words.
This is pretty much one of the biggest problems in America today: wussy little kiddies with no spine, cant take anything. Good luck in the next war. Your therapy won't repel the invading army.
((Again, not YOU, sslssg, I am speaking in generalities when saying 'Your' and I think you are bright enough I don't have to disclaimer that))
* This means you must ban ALL WORDS and communication to avoid a situation. That's insane.