punkrockgirl's Replies

It's the better of the genre. Reese Witherspoon is super likeable, but I just realized the character she plays is a total narcissist. You're right. My dad likes most of those movies. Fireproof actually makes him tear up. Fireproof. My dad who never cries at movies I've left before and came back, so you must be right. Thnx. I'll be on a few more days until Sept. starts I've heard of prisons purposefully putting rapists/child molesters in the same cell as murderers so they are injured/will be killed. Not exactly the same thing but it seems similar to what you're implying Yes. There's always some people that won't but I never met anyone that didn't. My sister's ex boyfriend did. Right in front of her. She's strong. Now she helps his family advocate for suicide awareness. Math All. Either that or Psycho Geez. I feel sorry for you That's strange. Don't think it's misogynist, just strange. Sounds like something someone a lot younger would say. I know a lot of men, ones in my life included that enjoy many classic stories with female protagonists. Take any Bronte/Austen story. Still, a girl could say the same thing. To each their own. I know the old stuff can be hard to get through, but you just have to remind yourself they were written during a different time, and therefore they're written very differently than anything we're used to. I think that makes it easier. I keep track of my books on goodreads. I've also made various physically written lists. I wasn't actually around when it was new but when I was homeschooled it would play reruns during lunch time, so I'd watch it during my lunch breaks at my grandma's house. I guess I just have fond memories of it Everybody hates this show but I remember liking it. Happy bday! Tom Hanks did have a lot of charisma back in the day and picked some great roles, but Michael J. Fox maintained that charisma that Hanks seems to be missing now. I'll be very sad about it. He's one of the first actors I really loved. Why would he? A lot of people aren't racist I'd say he did pretty well for himself considering his condition. He maintained a steady career up until he decided to leave Spin City because his disease was weighing him down.