MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > My unpopular opinion. Do you agree?

My unpopular opinion. Do you agree?

There should be a room in a prison with two security guards and one doctor. If you are a victim of rape or are the family of someone who was murdered, you are allowed to have a beat down of the murderer/rapist. The security guards are there to prevent you from killing the prisoner or taking any head shots. After the beatdown, the prisoner will begin their sentence.


Foolish. No, in a nation with guaranteed rights it would be unconstitutional. That's tantamount to the state torturing prisoners. You can't have that in a nation of laws.


I've heard of prisons purposefully putting rapists/child molesters in the same cell as murderers so they are injured/will be killed. Not exactly the same thing but it seems similar to what you're implying


Sounds good to me.


No I don't agree. Isn't there a thing where the family, or people close to the victim get to make a statement to the criminal? Like Jeffrey Dahmer for instance - family members were allowed to make a statement prior to him serving his sentence. Isn't it like that in all cases? This may not be good enough but it will have to do because more violence solves nothing. Say what you have to say to the criminal and then get rid of him. The court has already decided what the punishment is.


Sometimes more violence does solve problems. WWI and WWII.


And who pays for their dental work, special toilet to poop, physical therapy and so on?

How about we let the inmates do what inmates do best to such people?


I don't care about their dental work or physical therapy. Their victims had to worry about those same issue for things that were done to them.


But we end up paying for it if they linger.


You also end up paying for people who stay in prison.


Not if people like Christopher Scarver do us favours.


I don't agree. Too much potential for abuse and it mars the dignity that is supposed to be part of the justice system, which will lead to disrespect for the law. Well, more disrespect.


I agree with you, but I think that many organisations (eg. Amnesty International and states unions (European Union etc.) could be very critical. I think that country, which decided for this solution, could have serious problems in international relations with other countries.

Sorry for my English, my grammar isn't perfect :-)


Your English is fine. I understood all of it.


They wouldn't like it but I think we have a moral obligation to put those organizations out of business as they support the offenders rather than the victims.


I think that might actually reduce violent crime. You would not want to be beaten by the father of the woman you raped or killed.


That's one of the reasons I'm in favour of it.
