RustyShacklefurd's Posts

(SOLVED) TV movie where a man and woman have kidnapped 2 young sisters and travel around in their car (SOLVED) movie about a sailor about to be executed and he tells the story about how he helped a man rescue his bride from pirates (SOLVED) sci-fi movie or TV show where people fight each other in giant mechs (SOLVED) swords and sorcerers type movie from the 1980s or early 1990s (SOLVED) sci-fi movie from the 1980s or early 1990s where a teenage boy uses some sort of laser gun (SOLVED) kaiju/giant monster movie where a giant man fights a horned monster of equal size movie from the 1950s-1960s with a group of Asian villains led by a woman (SOLVED) movie or TV show from the 1980s or early 1990s where a group of bad guys attack a house with people inside (SOLVED) movie from the 1980s-1990s where 2 young men try to rob 2 different homes (SOLVED) movie or TV show from 1980s-1990s where a mom is attacked while getting her son from a factory or construction site leftist anti-zionism is a complete betrayal of everything the left stands for the strategy of using Recombinants against Sully's base of operations retcons what happened with Sully in the first film Will Quaritch become a good guy in one of the future sequels? Does the franchise end with humans and Na'vi sharing Pandora with each other? I loved it when Dante referred to Little Nobody as Captain America the movie's title is a lie the harsh realities of Hamas faced by Israel the movie exposed Tim Treadwell as a fraud Bane sounded like Sean Connery Israel is a necessary refuge for Jews in the theocratic, hateful and repressive Muslim world