MovieChat Forums > Politics > the harsh realities of Hamas faced by Is...

the harsh realities of Hamas faced by Israel

‘Hamas’ is an acronym for ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’. They are defined by their strict adherence to Islam in every aspect. It’s their understanding that the entire land of Israel is Muslim holy land that is required to be under the complete control of Muslims and they don’t have the right or privilege to give up the fight for the land until every last inch is retaken. And besides being under the full control of Muslims they also believe that the land must specifically be ruled over by strict Muslim theocracy. This is why Israel can’t make a peace agreement with Hamas. Any peace agreement with Hamas would just empower Hamas to continue its war against Israel.

Hamas are enormous hypocrites. Despite all their complaints about Israeli occupation they don’t actually have a general problem with occupation. In fact, they want Muslims to conquer and occupy the entire world. In December last year one of the Hamas leaders in Gaza, Mahmoud al-Zahar, said that retaking Palestine would only be the first step towards Muslim global conquest. Hamas are called fundamentalist Muslims because they want to get back to the fundamentals at Islam’s roots. A major part of that was trying to conquer the whole world, resulting in the Muslim occupation of millions of square miles of land during Islam’s first century of existence. Hamas sees these jihad conquests as the perfect ideal for them to emulate. Thus, Hamas sees non-Muslim occupation of Muslim land as bad and Muslim occupation of non-Muslim land as good.

Hamas are fanatically anti-Jewish. They have expressed their hatred of Jews in general on numerous occasions and even blame the Jews for far flung events in history far outside the Mideast such as the French Revolution. The very existence of Jews in the land of Israel under the rule of Hamas would be unthinkable. Hamas wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to accommodate the presence of Jews under its rule if it ever got into power even if it wanted to.

Even aside from their hatred of Jews, Hamas are violently intolerant. These are people who will murder their sister because she was raped, which in their view brings dishonor to their family. They will murder their brother because he committed apostasy and converted from Islam to another religion. They would murder anyone who committed blasphemy against the prophet Mohammed or who destroyed a Koran.


In fact, they want Muslims to conquer and occupy the entire world. In December last year one of the Hamas leaders in Gaza, Mahmoud al-Zahar, said that retaking Palestine would only be the first step towards global conquest.

I don't know why pro-Israel people aren't using this. I keep hearing pro-Palestine people bring up something similar the Israeli Defence Minister said. This would be a great response.


No one actually believes ANYONE is capable of global conquest so when we hear it, we laugh them off as a crazy person, or like Trump saying he surrounds himself with the best people.


When Hamas talks about global conquest they're referring to Muslims as a whole conquering the world. Even if Muslims can't conquer the entire world they try to conquer the non-Muslims in the immediate vicinity where they live whenever they can.


Everyone has dreams.


And you’ll notice from 911 to women & children being raped, murdered, and burned alive, no Muslims offer any criticism.


Yes, unfortunately it must be noted that supporters of terrorist Hamas are better at propaganda. ☻


Yeah, the people who control the American media and Hollywood are so bad at propaganda. Yikes.


JFZ (1426) 19 minutes ago
Yeah, the people who control the American media and Hollywood are so bad at propaganda. Yikes.

You're just an annoying extremist. OP JFZ



If these "people" "control" the U.S. news media and Hollywood then how could they be so bad at propaganda? Wouldn't the lack of such propaganda indicate that no one actually has any such "control"?


They're not bad at it. Your lack of understanding sarcasm means you must have severe autism, so here's a pic for you.


your posting history leads me to believe that you were not being sarcastic


I hope you enjoyed the pic. Here's another one.


I'm still not seeing any evidence that you were being sarcastic. Are you responding here with full awareness of the things that you've said about Jews?


You want evidence for sarcasm? Is that what your asking? Nothing could more autistic.


Are you saying that all of those other statements you made about Jews were just sarcasm too? No matter how much you claim you were just being sarcastic here the actual credibility of the claim really hinges on the meaning of all your other statements about Jews.


No it doesn't. You may want it to, because you're in full cope mode, but reality and your warped mind (that doesnt have a sarcasm detector for one statement), have a massive disconnect.


Actually, it does. You couldn't explain to me how it doesn't even if your very life depended on it. You have a long record of statements about Jews that speaks for itself. No reasonable person could possibly deny that.


You couldn't explain to me how it doesn't even if your very life depended on it.

how it doesn't even? wtf. You are seriously retarded.


The fact that it's taken a terrorist attack for Palestinians to come out in support of themselves in this manner is concerning.


Palestinians in Berlin 'came out' often before.

Several hundred people demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday,
with slogans like "Death to the Jews!" and "Death to Israel" April 10, 2023

Just a few took it serious. ☻


I'm aware, but that's why I specified "in this manner". This is the most anyone has come out like this in decades.


Ok, if you say "in this manor" or "in this manner" what do you mean now exactly?
The terroristic attack by Hamas you couldn't have meant with "this manner" cause you distinguished them from other Palestinians.


Damn, I meant "manner", not "manor". I don't know how I made that mistake.

Anyway, on social media, I have seen an endless barrage on people leaving Palestine flags on posts that have nothing to do with Palestine. I have never seen this before a few weeks ago. Because this was a terrorist attack, it would have been best for Palestinians to lay off protesting for a little while because it looks like they're supporting Hamas. It would be like if a country was against the the American government and then applauding the Al-Qaeda attacks on 9/11 and not denouncing it.


You made that mistake to confuse a poor foreigner...just kidding.

Well, Hamas is the government in Gaza.
There weren't any elections for a while, which is somewhat reminiscent of another era in another country, but I don't want to prove Godwin's law now. *ahem*
Most of the 'loud' Palestinians support Hamas, while it's always difficult to figure out what the silent ones think.


Palestinians should have protested about their alleged government in the same way that Egypt did a few years ago.


In a way you said it much better before:

"It would be like if a country was against the American government and then applauding the Al-Qaeda attacks on 9/11 and not denouncing it."


Are there not enough Palestinians willing to destroy Hamas & other religious fundamentalist groups in the region? I'd assume the US & Israel would be willing to arm & fund such a group but if 20 years in Afghanistan taught us anything it's that the people have to want it. Afghans had a chance to form a more representative government but they chose the Taliban in the end.

Why not try the 2 State Solution? Where does each side stand on that at present?
I can imagine Israel might be nervous about forming a Palestinian state nextdoor that might be hostile from the start. But at this point might as well try something new bc nothing has changed.

I'm glad we got the fuck out of Afghanistan (never should have went). I care about US servicemen lives. Most if not all the Israelis and Israeli-Americans I've met have been good/cool people to whom I can relate. I guess you could say I care about their lives also and therefore wonder if they should get out of a hopeless situation too. Though maybe Israel's continued existence is incomparable to the US occupation of Afghanistan.


But they won't try to tell me men can get pregnant like the Joos


Perhaps the real reason the elites want to eliminate oil usage is to cut the Middle East off at the knees.

A century of receiving trillions in wealth for doing nothing, and what have they given the world? Dubai, a disgusting city built on slavery that only the ultra rich can enjoy.
