(SOLVED) movie or TV show from the 1980s or early 1990s where a group of bad guys attack a house with people inside
I saw this on TV about 30 years ago. It looked like something that was made relatively recently. The people inside appeared to be under the protection of law enforcement. The attack took place at night and started with a law enforcement officer sitting on the front porch getting shot in the neck with an arrow from a cross bow. The bad guys then went inside and set fire to the house. A black man inside was shot in the back. Despite being shot he went and grabbed a small black child who was either an infant or a toddler (that I assumed to be his son) and carried him over to a white man inside the house. The white man then went up to the roof of the burning house with the child. The bad guys were then all gathered outside the house and one of them shot an arrow with a cross bow at the man on the roof and he fell off the roof to the ground with the child. The man who fell was still alive and the child appeared to be okay. One of the bad guys then went and knocked the man out. The next scene showed law enforcement gathered outside the burned house the next day.