Goodgirl1980's Replies

I just told you in my last post I'm not talking about the PLAY I'm talking about the 2024 WICKED MOVIE. You admitted you haven't seen the new WICKED movie or read the book....and no my online source is not wrong, do some research you will see what I mean... and please I would suggest to watch the Wicked movie and you will see that the movie version has nothing to do the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie. I don't mean be rude but it seams you are not reading my full posts... so I will repeat it AGAIN the BROADWAY PLAY of WICKED that you saw may have been a prequel of The Wizard of Oz movie yes, BUT the new 2024 WICKED MOVIE is is a PREQUEL to the ORGINAL BOOK and it is also based on the 1995 novel WICKED. It does not follow the movie which is why the characters look nothing like the original Wizard of Oz movie. The play is different than the movie. Claire my not have been the most attentive mother but to say Peyton was a better mother is crazy! The only reason she was "caring" for the kids was to get revenge on Claire. She wanted to take over her life , I'm pretty sure that if she had ended up killing Claire and took over as the role as of the kid's mother, she would have been really abusive to the kids as well eventually. You could tell she was always a psycho....this situation just brought it out more. Payton was probably already a psycho just like her husband was... that's probably why they were married ! at least that's what I always assumed! I mean its also possible she was just in denial that her husband sexually assaulted Claire and those other women , and thought they made it up I suppose and she wanted revenge. But my guess she was always a nutcase and this situation just brought it out more and pushed her over the edge! oh I see...well I haven't seen the play so I'm not sure about that, but I can tell you the movie version of Wicked has nothing to do with the 1939 movie. They use the silver shoes from the book...not the ruby slippers from the movie , and Glinda is like 19 or 20 years old .... the one from the The wizard of Oz movie is was 54.. and they look NOTHING ALIKE! This version does not follow the movie version, but I can understand why you thought that, I also was confused as many others were, as they did not make that clear when they marketing the movie! So I did some research though online after I saw it and it was confirmed it was a prequel to the book not the movie and Elpheba is not the 1939 movie Wicked witch. First of all I'm not a man! Second of all if you read the post properly I said its not a prequel to the FILM!... but it IS a prequel to the original BOOK by L. Frank Baum. It's based on the novel "Wicked" written by Gregory Maguire . It's also adaption of the Broadway play-as you probably know. The story was written as the wicked witches' side of the story and it has nothing do to with 1939 Wizard of OZ movie. Now do you get what I was saying? it's a completely different version... That's why the actresses look nothing alike. That because its not a prequel the the 1939 The Wizard if OZ movie... she's not supposed to be the wicked witch from that movie... it's an adaption of the novel "Wicked" and and the Broadway play which is more of a prequel to the original story. This movie or post has noting do do with politics or left vs right! gosh so sad how people are so obsessed these days , and bring it into movies and things that have absolutely nothing to do with politics at all. Marlene had a bad feeling about Payton from the beginning that she was hiding something and when she saw the windchimes looked exactly the same she just decided to investigate to see what she could find. Claire believes that Solomon molested her daughter Emma because she finds Emma's underwear in his cart- that is the reason she kicks him out. Now, yes I will admit it did seam a bit obvious when Payton has asked her if Salomon had any batteries in his truck... and the underwear just happened to be there! (Payton had planted Emma's underwear in there, as Solomon had caught her in the window breastfeeding Claire's baby, and she knew he could tell on her) but Claire kicking him out had nothing to do with him being autistic or because of his race. Claire even told Payton that she must of misunderstood when she first brings it to her attention and lies saying that she thinks some of Solomon's behavior with Emma is "inappropriate". Sure she could have asked his side of the story but she freaked out when she saw her daughter's underwear there, like any parent would! and I'm sure she would have reacted the exact same way even if Salomon didn't have any mental issues. As far as her not apologizing , I think by the ending we know that she will apologize to him... she tells him at the end that she trusts him with the baby, we obviously know that he is gonna reconnect with the family:) Corrine1 was not Garland's daughter- she was his wife and Malcolm's mother. Corrine2 was Malcolm and Alicia's daughter (She was conceived out of rape) Christopher was Garland and Alicia's daughter. In the movie they found out the were half brother and sister yes, but in the books they did not. They always thought they were half uncle and niece. That's not true, bullies definitely know what they are doing is wrong. Remember one of the bully girls even said "You know were going to hell for this!!" and the other one laughed and replied " We'll be the best looking ones there!"... They knew how cruel they were and they just didn't it made them feel good about themselves to hurt others...that's how insecure they were deep down as most bullies are. In regards to the bullies not knowing who was these "outcasts" were that were torturing them at first... that just shows that they were either: A. Really stupid B. Just didn't think the "outcasts" that they bullied could ever possibly ever have it in them to do such a thing- as they saw them as harmless wimps. (Most bullies tend to go after kids who they feel are weak and can't fight back) C. Bullied so many kids (Maybe other ones that they never showed on screen?) and just couldn't narrow it down to who it was. That was still no excuse to become a bully bullies regardless of how they are treated at home... they still knew it was wrong what they were doing. Especially Bradley he was the worse IMO he even admitted he did it because "nobody can stop him" Well the so called "freaks" wanted to make sure he was stopped! I'm not saying I agree with what they did but I defiantly understand these kids pain. I was bullied in school and I never fully recovered. I really does hurt and effect your life. This movie was supposed to be a wake up call to bullies. Which part do they mention the hotel? There was no Ebay back in 1990! Paul wasn't drunk, remember it is mentioned he only has one glass of wine and one cigarette after he finishes a novel. He got in an accident because of the bad snow storm. I don't think Annie caused the accident , I mean she admitted to following him but it doesn't really imply that she caused it. I assume when Paul was knocked out from the accident or was asleep she went to the store and had everything prepared or she probably used some of her old equipment she had when she was a nurse. I read Misery, Carrie and The Shining I did hear rumors' that they were remaking it . Considering they are reamaking a lot of the 90s movies I'm pretty sure they will eventually The girl that played Cathy was ok , but ya not nearly as pretty as they make her sound in the book! She's also supposed to have like extra long hair in the book as well. The rest of the children were actually pretty close to the book though. The Remake was definitely closer to the book. The 1987 version was ok and fun to watch but was an insult to the book really. They left out the main part of the story and did not develop the relationship between the kids at all. Also, Chis and Cathy are way older then thy are supposed to be in the book. If your looking for a film version close to the book go with the TV 2014 remake :)