MovieChat Forums > Goodgirl1980 > Replies
Goodgirl1980's Replies
But in the book, they are all supposed to be very beautiful children like dolls. The remake was a lot closer to how they were supposed to look.
They looked creepy in the 1st one, well mainly Cory the boy . not like a beautiful doll at all !
I have to disagree....Lousie Fletcher was defiantly creepy and terrifying ...but Ellen Burstyn was actually very imitating and more violet as well in the remake than the first one! Remember how much she kept threating the children and had a very cruel abusive vibe.
I thought they both did well , in different ways .
There seemed to be a lot of incest in the family's background....however I don't think Cathy and Chris would have done it if they're father hadn't died and they didn't end up in that attic. Remember it was really because of the insolation and going through puberty and all being trapped together that made them get feelings for each other. I do think however that the truth about their parents being related would have come out another way though possibly and the mother would have eventually shown her true colors.
Not saying Bernadette was right to do what she did of course , but to say the other girl wasn't mean is crazy! She was a bully who picked others all the time and was very verbally abusive.
They suspected Monica because she kind of did threaten Stacy and say " I could kill you" when she caught her reading her diary out loud at the ski trip . She didn't mean it literally of course, but that fact that she said it in front of the girls, and was always talking back to Stacy angrily ..whenever she was being bullied, was mainly why they suspected her.
Nobody suspected Angela at first since she always came off as so sweet and innocent.
However, I agree the school defiantly did owe Monica an apology, especially since she had a alibi as Jamie pointed out, but they just kept pushing and pushing.
Not sure exactly about the real story but in the movie , Angela didn't actually plan out kill Stacy. I mean yes, she was jealous of her popularity but she actually made the plan and lied about the larks having a dinner event as a way to ty to get Stacy to go to a party with her, so she would be her friend and stop intimating her.
There was no violence planned out, she mainly killed Stacy because she accused Angela of just using her for the party and then accused Angela of being in love with her and obsessed! Remember, she was imagining Stacy telling everyone that she was a lesbian and was worried about the girls all making fun and bullying her like they did before. The knife was in the car from her sister peeling an an apple from another day, and she snapped and used it to kill her.
I know it was still wrong for Angela to kill Stacy of course, but just saying it wasn't planned. Was second degree murder.
Dawn did show empathy though , she helped that kid who was being picked on in the beginning , and he had the nerve to call her a Weiner dog!
Nobody ever really showed Dawn any sympathy or empathy though so she was just fed up . I don't think she should have taken it out on Ralphie, but I think she didn't feel like talking to him because she figured he was an outcast too and was only gonna bring her down more...especially after that guy Steve who she crushed on told her that her "Special People" club house was for "retards"
As far as her being a becoming a psychopath killer , I suppose it's possible, she was considering killing her sister that night with a hammer...but she did stop so hard to say.
However, the sequel Palindromes as mentioned, she ended up killing herself instead. Then later on they made another sequel called Weiner dog -which completely ignored Palindromes and she seemed to turn out ok and ended up working at a vet clinic.