MovieChat Forums > Magicdave > Replies
Magicdave's Replies
I saw it where it was meant to be seen. In a neighborhood theater when it was released.
It amuses me when some young people watch horror movies on television and say that they weren't scary. Of course they weren't scary on TV. Commercials take you out of the intended suspense and, for me anyway, ruin the atmosphere the director intended.
I don't mind watching horror movies on television, if it's on cable or digital media, where commercials won't ruin them.
Ah wait a minute! Superman could have turned Zod and his minions over to the human authorities. He had removed their powers so they were just like us.
The Walking Dead is the best, period. All the others were just greedy cash grabs. And even after the seventh season, the original became formulaic and repetitive.
Personally, I think that Hugh will only be in Deadpool 3 as a favor to Reynolds, as they are good friends.
Should have stopped at number two. The original was clever and shocking, especially at the end. I stopped watching after number three.
When the kid got twisted in that machine, that's when I said enough is enough.
I'm sure she is relieved.
Watch the scene closer. His clothing and shoe don't disintegrate they just slip off his leg as he falls apart.
My pick - All Of Me
My favorite Steve Martin movie is "All Of Me". The whole cast was perfect in their respective roles, but Steve and Lily shone the brightest.
Well, we now know that is not true ... (<cough> Deadpool 3 <cough><cough>)
Your opinion. Not everyone's.
I was moved by the story of Forrest's life. We ALL deal with just about everything that Forrest dealt with, but his was a unique perspective. We could all learn from Forrest. Of course, I was saddened by Jenny's death, but heartened by the child she had with Forrest. And, though it certainly seemed that Jenny had AIDS, I heard that in the book it was Hep C that she contracted.
And the "AIDS baby" as you called him, was his child.
Forrest and his son did not contract AIDS.
Shawshank should have won. I enjoyed Forrest Gump, but Shawshank moved me more than Gump did.
I've always loved that poem. That and "The Road Less Travelled"
Zorro may be an "old" hero, but he still counts!
Really? That is all you can come up with for Black superheroes? How about Sam Wilson/Falcon? Ororo Munroe/Storm? Bishop?
For further edification:
Suicide is one theory ... murder is another. The cast of Superman (i.e., Jack Larson, Noel Neill) always thought that George was murdered by a jealous boyfriend.
Not the 1982 "The Thing". You never knew what was going to happen to the crew in that one. In the 2011 version, it shows what happens to the Norwegian team that the crew encounters at the beginning of the 1982 version.
So, it was like beating a dead horse.