MovieChat Forums > Halloween (1978) Discussion > Anybody catch the network television deb...

Anybody catch the network television debut in 1981?

Was it as scary on tv as it was in the theater?


I didn't, however I doubt it was. The televison cut was aired on 30th October 1981 at 8pm on NBC. Additional footage was shot during production of Halloween II to beef up the runtime for the two hour slot on television, the kills were all shortened and the nudity was removed. Along with some dialogue like 'shit' being cut, plus the marijuana is instead presented as a simple cigarette.

The addition of filler material and the kills being cut short make the movie slower and less graphic. Also worth mentioning that the typical television circa 1981 is absolutely no match for the 'big screen' experience.

Judith's death scene is intact but less is shown as they made the eye holes in the mask much smaller so her breasts wouldn't be seen.

Annie's death scene only showed the beginning of the strangling. It done away completely with the knife being drawn, the subsequent slashing and Annie falling onto the car horn as she dies.

Bob's death scene doesn't show the stabbing and doesn't have the scene of Michael admiring his work as Bob is pinned to the wall.

Lynda's death scene was cut down removing all shots that show her breasts. They also used an alternate shot of her when Lauries discovers her body.


I saw it where it was meant to be seen. In a neighborhood theater when it was released.
It amuses me when some young people watch horror movies on television and say that they weren't scary. Of course they weren't scary on TV. Commercials take you out of the intended suspense and, for me anyway, ruin the atmosphere the director intended.
I don't mind watching horror movies on television, if it's on cable or digital media, where commercials won't ruin them.


I find commercials so beneficial when watching TV because it shows me what new products and services are available in our community
